Chapter 26

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It was now time for Penny Polendina from Atlas against Jaune Arc from Beacon.

Jaune and Penny were now face to face as Penny smiled at Jaune.

Penny:"My regards Jaune Arc! it's an honor to finally meet you."

Jaune then looked around the crowed as he didn't saw Y/n anywhere.

Penny:"This is going to be so much fun!" she smiled at him.





Ruby Rose was now face to face with Mercury Black.

Ruby:"Mercury, what are you doing? You were going at the hospital... Why? What is happening?" she asked Mercury who just smirked.

Ruby:"Fine. If you won't tell me..." she then tried to walk past Mercury, who was still not budgin and was in her way.




Oobleck:"Fighters, are you ready?"




Penny just smiled as Jaune took his fighting stance.

Ironwood was watching after the fight.

Blake and Sun were cheering for Jaune.

Nora and Ren were cheering, until Axel glare at them, making then gulp.




Oobleck:"Three, two, one.....Begin!!"





Penny then summoned her blades and trew them at Jaune who then used his shield to protect himself and charge at Penny.





Mercury:"Show time!" he then start blocking Ruby's path.

Ruby then got mad as she then used her Semblance to boost her speed and was about to speed blitz Mercury, however Mercury jump right at her and landed two solid kicks sending her flying and crash on the ground.

Ruby then reached for her scroll, until Mercury ran up to her and kick her in the face knocking the scroll away.

Ruby then hold her face in pain, until Mercury lifted her up.

Mercury:"Let's keep this between us friends." he said arrongantly, before raising his fist at Ruby.





Jaune was now trowing slashes at Penny, who manage to parry them using her blades.




Port:"My God! What a tremendous demonstration on the part of Ms. Polendina!"





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