Chapter 80

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In the Grimm World Cinder and Neo were now walking their way towards the castle as Neo was looking around the place, feeling creeped out about it.

Once they enter the castle they both stopped walking once they saw Adam Taurus as a Grimm servent now, sitting on one of the chairs of the table as he set his sight on the two witches and start growling.

However Salem then start tapping the table catching his attention as Adam then start to calm down.

Neo eyes widen once she saw how Adam, who was still alive and couldn't believe it, since there were infos about his death since the battle against Cordovin in Argus.

Cinder then bowed down to Salem.

Cinder:"My Queen."

 Salem then put an hand to her chin as she tilted her head, before a motherly smile appear on her face.

Salem:"Cinder......When I chose you as my Maiden receptacle, I placed my trust in you. that's why I trust you would never dare to go back empty-handed." she said as Cinder then raise her hand up as the 'Relic' of Haven Academy appeared.

Cinder:"The Relic of Knowledge. Steal under the nose of the Remnant Hunters themselves."

A frown then appear on Neo's face as she glared at Cinder Fall, because she was taking all of the credit for something she didn't do.

Adam:"Beating the Hunters in an intellect contest is not so much a boast of your skills as a shame for them. After all, you were the first to be fooled, by kids, on top of that."

Cinder:"And according to what I've heard from some news out there, you lost that same race against 'your' sweet cat and a stupid monkey. Too bad Tyrian and Klarion didn't make it, how sorry I am for them." she said with clear amusement and sarcasm in her tone.

Adam then cross his arms.

Adam:"I'm afraid those two were indispensable sacrifices. I want to hope that the midget of our 'dear' and deceased Roman Torchwick does not end up as tragic as ours ... or as his."

Neo then glared at Adam with hatred and was going to attack him, until Cinder look back at her with a glare causing Neo to scoff and look away angrily.

Salem then reached for Neo and lifted her chin up to look at her more closely.

Salem:"Who is this lovely being?"

Cinder:"Neopolitan, she is just like us, Lady Salem, one of the few survivors of our race. She possesses some very useful skills and has proven to be a very valuable asset." she said with a smirk our Neo was still pissed about how Cinder was treating her.

Salem:"Yes, it can't be said that you don't like collecting resources. But you, my dear Neopolitan, what is it that you really want? What could feed that anger in your heart?"

Before Neo could've answered, however black portal opened all of the sudden as Salem then turn to see who came out of it were Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black.

Before Neo could've answered, however black portal opened all of the sudden as Salem then turn to see who came out of it were Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black

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