Chapter 3

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It was now combat class and Jaune was fighting against his cousin Axel.......but, Jaune couldn't keep out with Axel's Jaune was injured and Axel was looking down on him...with a an evil grin on his face.....

Jaune then charge at Axel and swing his sword at him, only for the Pendragon to avoid the hit......with his incredible he went behind Jaune and smack him away with his blade ,Excalibur VI.....Jaune then got back up and charge at Axel he swing again his sword only to be parry by Axel.......

Axel:"This the part were you always lose....."

Jaune:"Oh, you wish......" he said as his eyes glow, bright golden.....not before getting kneel in the stomach by Jaune fell down on the floor holding his stomach......Axel then start kicking Jaune...until his aura drop to red......

Axel then kneel down as Jaune was croutching in pain...

Axel*whisper*:"What was that? Did you say 'Oh, you wish....', as if you had a chance with, listen to very well can try any trick you want to pull.....but, I swear to our grandfather's grave....that you'll never surpass me or defeat me......not even in Hell......"Axel then got up and walked away from Jaune.

Glynda:" you can see, Mr.Arc's aura has now dropped into the a tournemment styel duel...this will indicate that Mr.Arc is no longer capable to battle.....Mr.Arc it has been weeks now.....please try to use your best during combat..........but, atleast you've gotten atleast better....

Yang:"Heh, atleast.....we're talking about Vomit Boy, so...what can you expect from him.." then all of the students start laughing, as Jaune looked at Y/n, feeling dissapointed in himself....

Glynda:"SILENCE!!! Miss.Xiao Long do you wish to get another detention? That'll be your second one this week.......and if you get a third one......well, we might aswell communicate that to your family...and they wouldn't be quite happy to hear that...would they?"

Yang then decided to keep her mouth shut, as the rest of the class....

Glynda:"Now, remember that Vytal Festival is only three months won't be long that student from the other Kingdoms start riding in Vale, so keep training....those who chooses to compete  the combat tournement will be rappresenting..all of Vale......"





Jaune and Y/n were now in the lunchroom eating sandwiches as they were talking about what happened to comabt class.....

Y/n:"Don't worry Jaune, you're getting better......I promise this is only the start......humiliation make someone'll eventually get just need to not focus on what you want to achieve.....your thoughts have to be pure......not vengefoul......that's not what magic is for....."

Jaune:"Yeah, you're right...but, is just that.......I can't stand them, alright........I can't stand all of them....well...except you....because you're being nice to me and just that......why out of all people Axel has to come to Beacon......."

???:"Don't tell me about it....."the person said as Jaune turn his back to see it was.........Cardin Winchester.

Jaune:"C-Cardin...w-what do you want? Y-You've already ruined my relationships with my......well...not anyone friends...can't you leave alone?"

Cardin:"Listen, Jauney Boy...before you get any hostile feelings for me....atleast let me tell you what exactly should've happened..."

Jaune:"Should've happened?........What do you mean, should've happened?"

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