Chapter 87

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In the City of Atlas Chaos was still happening as the Grimm kept going with their attacks as Winter, Harriett, Marrow, Vine and Elm were getting closer to the 60 meters Dragon Grimm.





In the Realm of Darkness, Jaune, Nora, Ren and Pyrrha were still running in search of Oscar before Nora, Ren and Pyrrha then stopped and started panting.

Pyrrha:"A delightful experience, seriously."she said as she kept panting

Ren:"Let's not let our guard down. We still have to search this ..... world and find Oscar. Before the portals of this place close and we will stay here and let Salem and the Grimms tear us apart."

Nora:"And how do we find Oscar? it's like looking for a needle in a ... huge .... snake. Seriously this seemed like a good idea?!?!" she asked.

Jaune:"Keep running !!! We are heading in the right way !!! I feel it is near here !!! I am able to perceive people's aura peaks !!! It has happened to me since I awakened my Semblance !!! By concentrating enough, I can do it for longer !!!" he said as he used his aura to boost his speed and kept running super fast.

Nora, Pyrrha and Ren eyes widen.

Pyrrha:"Ok, this is new. Maybe you could feel Oscar !!!"

Jaune:"I can more or less understand where they are, but there is too much negativity in this place. My powers here are limited to a certain level. They are all in roughly the same area. They are on the inside, follow me!!!!" he yelled.

Nora:"You heard the boss, let's move on in our quest for Oscar."she said as she ran after Jaune.

Pyrrha:"Right, Great idea, let's follow Jaune. He will lead the way."






Meanwhile with Oscar, he was now laying on the floor beaten up to a pulp as he was looking at the ceiling.

Oscar:"But she did not care about the blows and blows, because nothing hurt more than the loneliness that gripped her chest."

Ozpin:(I've heard it before. 'The Girl Who Fell Across the World?')

Oscar then sighed.

Oscar:"In fact, I shouldn't be surprised that you know fairy tales well."

Ozpin:(I have experienced many personally. How do you feel?)

Oscar:"The idea of falling through Remnant and plunging into another world has always struck me as fantastic. I never could understand why she was so sad when she got home. But now ..... it makes a lot more sense."

Ozpin:(She was no longer the same person.)


Ozpin:(I ... I think the plan to divide their forces is shelving by now. it's time to start thinking about a way to escape. Without our cane, our options are greatly reduced, so ....)

Oscar:"No. I know what happens when I use magic, and I don't like it. Every time I use it, I can feel that our union accelerates. I'm not ... I'm not ready."

Ozpin:(And I don't blame you. I sincerely believe that you are doing just fine on your own.)

Then Hazel entered the room as he proceed to grab Oscar by his shirt and drag him out the room by force.

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