Chapter 46

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It was a raining day at Mistral as Qrow was now walking inside of a shop in Mistral wanting for some answers.

Qrow then sit down to a table as the owner was sharpening his kitchen knife, with a another guy taking a nap in another table.

Owner:"Normal plate? Or do we make it special?"

Qrow:"I'm actually looking for a person. He calls himself Shiro Wan. Does the name mean anything to you? I've heard you see it often around here."

???:"Who is asking for him?"

Qrow then smiled.

Qrow:"Hey, look I'm not a cop, if that's what you think. I need Shiro for a job. We've known each other for a long time."

The owner then raised an eyebrow.

Owner:"A long time, huh? So you are old friends."

Qrow:"Hmmm.....yes, I would say yes. He's a cool guy."

Owner:"Well, if that's the case. Tell that bastard to keep his crappy snout from my shop until he pays me all the Liens he owes me!"he said while pointing the knife at Qrow, who start backing away.

Qrow:"Erm....did I say friend? I-I w-wanted w-well ..... let's say more an acquaintance, here." the owner of the shop then stabbed his knife on a table as Qrow gulped.

Qrow:"S-Seriously, we're just colleagues! A-Anyway, thanks a lot for your help, man. I-I'll take off, NOW!!" he then ran outside of the shop and close the door as he then sighed and took a sip from his flask.

Qrow then look over to his scroll with all the names of the people who could help him as he sighed.

Qrow:"Great start." he said with sarcasm, before the owner trew the knife on the door as it went through almost hitting Qrow, whowas caught by surprise





The day went one and Qrow, researches didn't go as smootly as ever, he kept asking everyone about the names he got in his scroll, but each of them would just say they did not know about them, which made Qrow's day worse and worse.

However there was still a place that wasn't checked yet it was an abandoned shop, but Qrow still went for it as he look over to his scrolll seeing the remaing last name.

Qrow:"Heather Shields." he then knock at the door, the first time nothing happened.

Qrow then knocked at the door a second time, harder, but still nothing.

Qrow then was about to knock at third time, until the door finally opened.

Qrow:"Oh, hello. I'm looking for Heather."

Then the man at the door just blinked at the Huntsman and remained quiet.

Qrow:"Look, dude. I had a hell of a day, do you know where she is or not?"

Then the sound of a little girl was heard.

???:"Dad?" then a little girl stepped out the house as Qrow eyes widen.

???:"Does the gentleman know where mom is?"

Qrow:"I ... shouldn't have bothered you, sorry."he said looking down ashamed.

The little girl then look at her father, before walking back inside as the father close the door on Qrow's face.

Qrow then sighed, before he started to walk away in shame.

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