Chapter 50

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Qrow and Ozpin ,who has taken over Oscar's body, were now sitting in the couch drinking coffee, as the Branwen then sighed.

Qrow:"Things don't go well, Oz."

Ozpin:"Always optimistic, I see. Although our current situation is certainly not ... optimal ... I think we can agree that the circumstances could be much worse. Humanity knows how to be resistant."  he said before drinking his coffee.

Qrow then sighed.

Qrow:"Oz...Professional hunters like these don't play all their cards right away. Salem is powerful. And it seems that her claws reach farther in the day. What does it tell us about humanity?"

Ozpin:"Which is true, there are a handful of reckless individuals with spiteful hearts. It doesn't take armies of people to cause great harm. However, I remain convinced that there are many more people in this world who would like to avoid all this."

Ruby was now walking her way to them.

Ruby:"Erm....Excuse me?"

Ozpin:"Oh, Miss. Rose. Join us. We were just about to call everyone together to discuss the next steps."

Ruby:"O-Oh...Great." she then sit on the couch as Qrow raised an eyebrow.

Qrow:"What is it, something on your mind, kiddo?"

Ruby:"Oh, well.....if I can ask...."

Qrow:"Of course."

Ruby:"Well....We discussed the Relic in Haven. And of the Spring Maiden, but ... How do we do it with the Fall Maiden?"


Ruby:"She hasn't received the other half of her power yet. Does that mean ... Salem and neither do we own the Relic of Beacon?"

Ozpin and Qrow then look at each other and back at Ruby.

Ozpin:"A witty deduction, Miss Rose. I was wondering who was going to ask me first. No, unfortunately this is not the case. The Haven relic is in grave danger, this is true, and, at least for the moment, it should remain our primary focus. Let's put it this way, I made it so that finding the Beacon Relic is ... a little more complicated than those of the other Academies."

Ruby then sighed in relief and then smiled.

Ruby:"Oh, Ah....that's good to hear."

Ozpin:"Definitely. But it is good not to forget the challenges that still await us."he warned her.

Ruby then nodded.

Ozpin:"So, is there anything else we can help with?"he asked her.

Ruby:"Oh well, actually I have another question-" however Ozpin cut her off.

Ozpin:"No, my staff is not a relic." he said with a smile.

Ruby:"I have no more questions." she said as the three started laughing.

Ozpin:"Although it is true that this staff is extremely dear to me. It is nothing more than that. A staff that is very dear to me. I will not deny that it still hides some surprises, but not the fact that it is a Relic. Now, why not, run and get the other students together?"

Then all of the sudden Qrow got a call from the Headmaster Lionheart.

Qrow decided to answer to learn more about it as both Ozpin and Ruby look at him in confusion.

Qrow then ended up the call as Ruby raised an eyebrow.

Ruby:"What does the Headmaster need?"

Qrow:"Heh, He said he made excellent progress with the Council. He says he might be able to put together a small strike team for the bandits. He wants to meet us tomorrow night at the academy, to explain the whole thing to us."

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