Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 5

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Mercury was now seen in his cell reading a book, fully clothed as Zowaa Djinn paid him a visit again.

Mercury:" Has the Night Fallen Already?" he asked with a bored look on his face.

Zowaa Djinn then entered the room as Mercury as Mercury felt her scent.

Mercury:" You have a scent. Like..... Jasmine and Wine......" he said as Zowaa sat next to Mercury.

Zowaa Djinn:" Good book?" she asked.

Mercury then took noticed Ring that Zowaa Djinn was wearing on her index finger.

Mercury:" I didn't notice that ring before." he said.

Zowaa Djinn:" Really? We all wear them." she said with a teasing tone.

Mercury:" All?" he asked.

Zowaa Djinn:" The Four of us........ Ifrit Djinn, Boshul Djinn, Abbesh Djinn and I. Look. The black and the Red. The Night and Blood. These are the things tht bind us together. The rings are a sign of loyalty to each other." she said showcasing the ring to Mercury as those colors reminded him of Salem.

Mercury:" T-That's actually..... Well, ' nice' seems like the wrong word." he said as he chuckled akwardly.

Zowaa Djinn:" It is nice." she said with a calm smile.

Mercury:" It's a different facet of you all. I suppose. Like this book." he said.

Zowaa Djinn:" Oh?" she asked.

Mercury:" Yes. It's a magical work, but it's also..... how to describe it? Demon Philosophy. It's fascinating." he said with a calm smile.

Zowaa Djinn:" So now we're not all monsters?" she asked with a teasing tone.

Mercury:" Oh, I didn't say that." he said with a deadpanned expression on his face.

Zowaa Djinn:" Go on, Admit it." she said as she leaned closer.

Mercury:" I admit there seems to be more ...... Depth to......What would you call it? The culture? Than I thought. There are ideas in here about physical presence in worlds, the importance of soil and landscapes and......... Being. I mean, actual philosophy. I was always a man of comic books. But this is also amazing." he said with a calm smile.

Zowaa Djinn:" Well, good. Then I have a philosophical question for you. It's hard to do diplomacy when the other person is in a cage." she said.

Mercury:" I can't disagree." he said.

Zowaa Djinn:" Diplomacy is compromise. I get something, you get something. Neither of us get everything we want, but we both leave happy." she said.

Mercury:" You have my attention." he said.

Zowaa Djinn:" But you..... you don't even get to leave! You haven't got anything! I have all the power, and you're a pretty cripple in a box." she said.

Mercury:" I-I'm pretty?" he asked.

Zowaa Djinn:" It just doesn't seem fair." she said looking down.

Mercury:" What's going on?" he asked her.

Zowaa Djinn:" I've been awake all day thinking about it. You. Down here." she said.

Mercury:" What's the question, Genie?" he asked to her.

Zowaa Djinn:" What do you want?" she asked.

Mercury:" I want to be let out. " he said with a frown appearing on his face.

Zowaa Djinn:" I know. That's all I can think of. It's the only thing I can do for you." she said.

Mercury:" But you're not just gonna let me out." he said with sarcasm.

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