Chapter 112

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In the Kingdom of Andros, North booms up out of a chimney, dashing along the rooftops.

North:" Quickly! Quickly!" he yelled.

North booms down another chimney as Ostara races into view a rooftop away.

Ostara:" Here we go, here we go..." she said.

Weiss zips into view, calling out to the Easter Bunny.

Weiss:" Hop to it rabbit, I'm five teeth ahead!" she yelled.

Ostara:" Yeah right, look, I'd tell you to stay outta my way, but really what's the point because you won't be able to keep up anyway." she said with arrogance.

Weiss:" Is that a challenge, cottontail?" she asked with a smirk.

Ostara:" Oh, you don't wanna race a rabbit, mate." she said.

North bursts up out of a nearby chimney.

North:" A race? Is it a race?? This is going to be... EPIC!! " he asked in excitment.

North jumps into one chimney, then shoots out of another across the way.

North disappears down yet another chimney only to emerge with a bang out the top of another.

As North leaps out of frame,  Cadmus darts into view, in hummingbird overdrive, dazzled by the lights and traffic. The Baby Fairy Tooth Apollonia struggles to keep up.

Cadmus:" Four bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're EVERYWHERE!" she yelled.




Inside of a little boy room, the dool of a white knight rests on the little boy's bedside table. The boy sound asleep in bed. A smile across his face reveals the recently formed gap between his teeth.

Weiss smiled as she looks at drawing of the boy during a snowball fight  on the wall. He's midair, blasting his friends with snowballs. Cadmus noticed Weiss smiling before she spoke up.

Cadmus:" Children. This was always the part I liked most seeing the kids." she said as she put a present under his pillow.

Weiss:" It's a little different up close, huh?" she asked with a smile.

Cadmus:" Thanks for being here, Weiss. I wish you'd known about yourself from the past, I could've helped you." she said with a sad smile across her face.

Weiss:" Yeah, well, look let's just get you taken care of. Then it's Hypno's turn." she said with a smile on her face as Cadmus nodded in approval.






A young boy, holding a stuffed animal and a sippy cup to his mouth, looks out his bedroom window. The Guardians, cast in moonlight, bound across the adjacent rooftops. The young boy, dumbfounded, drops his juice.

The Guardians fly across the night sky only to disappear through a snowglobe portal. Nearby, a Nightmare observes as the sleigh vanishes. It leaps off the roof, through a drain, and down into the sewers.






In the realm of Darkness..

In the realm of Darkness

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