Chapter 103

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In the Village of Himawari, something was seen moving around its sea until it turned into a vortex absorbing all of the boats.

Something then bursted out of the water and crashed into the village making a huge crater.

The people went to check what it was before a Tsunami bursted out of it as it started to cover the entire village.

???:" I'm so sick of sea food, but it's good to change things up." he said with a twisted smile on his face.

Then a blast of energy pierced through his entire body, revealing it was Blake who sent the attack towards the creature.

However it appeared as if the creature was intagible, so the attack went through his body and reformed in an instant.

???:" Oh, my. Looks like I'm going to have quite the feast today..... You get to be the main dish....." he said with arrogance.

- Tian Wang Xing, Divine Dragon of the Sea -

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- Tian Wang Xing, Divine Dragon of the Sea -

Blake: " You're one of the Dragon King's children. I'll send you back to your father in ashes..." she said as Tian Wang Xing just laughed.

Tian Wang Xing:" HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Demon Cat you're out of your league!!!!" he yelled as he manipulated the sea and trew a wave towards Blake.

Blake however jumped towards the water wave open her mouth and froze it in an instant.

Blake then started sliding on the frozen water wave and trew an energy slash attack at Tian Wang Xing.

Tian Wang Xing scoffed as he raised his index finger.

Tian Wang Xing:" Shōmei gijutsu: Kami no sabaki." he yelled as a large cluster of electricity gather above Blake and then crash down as a massive column destroying the frozen ice wave and creating a massive explosion.

[ A/n: Lighting technique: God's Judgment.]

However blue flames bursted bursted out the sky as a frown appeared on Tian Wang Xing face.

Blake was now in her Two Tails Beast Mode as she trew a claw energy slash towards Tian Wang Xing who created a force field to protect himself from the attempt.

Blake:" Kaihō-jutsu: Fūinwotoku." she said causing all the villagers to be rescued out of the water and cancelling Tian Wang Xing seal causing the Sea to be free.

[ A/n: Liberation technique: Removed Seal.]

Tian Wang Xing felt frustrated because Blake just took away his meal.

Tian Wang Xing:" Kaminari-waza: Raitoningufurasshu hōden." he said as he unleash 20,000,000 eletric discharges coming from the sky to strike down Blake Belladonna.

Blake eyes widen as the attack seemingly striked her down.

[ A/n: Lightning Technique: Lightning Flash Electric Discharge.]

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