Chapter 66

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Sun was now glaring at Adam Taurus, who glare at him back.

Adam:"In Haven, you knew you couldn't win against me. What makes you think it will be different now?" he asked at Sun arrogantly.

Sun:"I don't have a choice. If I die, know that there are people here who will come looking for you and teach you a lesson, and I promise you that I will never leave Blake Belladonna. So think about it Adam Taurus. Before you make a big mistake." he said threating Adam who just smirk.

Adam:"Heh, You know, once, I made her a promise too. That I will always be by her side. She and I, we wanted to grow old together surrounded by our children, with the Faunus population cheering us, happy to all together to have destroyed all forms of discrimination and human being on Remnant. And we can still make this dream come true, Blake, the two of us will be the beginning of the new era of the Faunas and our strength and love will be a motivation for future generations. We could be like the first man and woman created by the Gods of Remnant, to reign over Remnant. Our children will be as strong and powerful as the two of us, my love !! Think about our future !!! All I know is that you Sun Wukong are on our way on the journey to the eternal light. And I want you to get out of the way, traitor to your race."he then pointed his blade at Sun Wukong.

Sun eyes widen as he looked at Adam Taurus in disgust and fear.

Sun:"Dude....You're one those type of crazy aren't you?" he said in a fearful tone.

Sun then start spinning nunchakus in the air, before then charging at Adam.

Adam then went to slash Sun, who did a front flip and jumped past him.

Sun then start shooting at Adam who deflected his bullets with his blade.

Adam then charge back at Sun, who then start multiplying himself as Sun and his copies start attacking Adam, who was holding his own quite well.

Before Sun then extended his stick making it longer as he then hit Adam in the stomach, sending him flying.

Adam then start doing back flips in the air, before landing back on his feet as copy of Sun then appeared behind his back, however Adam was quick enought to slash it in half.

Sun then jump at Adam , who then did  aback flip hitting Sun in the chin sending him far away and crash on the floor.

Adam then jump and Sun trying to stab him, only for a copy of Sun to parry the blow of Adam as the real Sun then moved out.

Adam then cut throught the copy of Sun as he turn to his right to see Sun glaring at him as Adam glare back.

Adam then charge at Sun at full spped as Sun reacted quicker by jumping over Adam and parry with his stick the incoming attack from Adam.

Adam then pushed back Sun, sending him flying as Adam then charge back at him.

Sun then start doing a couple of backflips while shooting at Adam who was blocking all of his bullets with his sword.

Sun then landed on the ground on his feet as he barely avoided a slash from Adam, before being kick in the stomach and sent crashing in the floor.

Sun then rolled to the side as Adam tried to stab.

Sun then manage to hit Adam in the face with his stick, causing Adam to be sent flying as Adam then did a couple of back flips and landed back on his feet.

Adam:"We are at the moment of truth, Sun Wukong. Do you think you are faster than you were in Beacon?" he asked with a smirk as he watched Sun started panting, meaning he was slowly getting tired.

Adam then whipped the blood from his nose as he started laughing, before he charge at Sun trowing a couple of slashes at him as Sun was barely dodging and parry most of them, before getting over powered by Adam who then kneel him the stomach so hard to send him flying far away as Sun the crash into a masive rock.

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