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"Ah grandpa, I  wondered when you were going to pay me a visit," I  said as Mikeal sat down next to me on the bench near the house.

He didn't say anything to me. I  looked over at him.

"Kind of unfair that you would visit Uncle Klaus, my dad, and even a dying Hayley before your own granddaughter," I  said.

"I  mean you no harm Maddison. Although you knew you could block me from your dreams and you choose to stay open, why?" He asked.

"Why are you here?" I  asked.

"The other side is going down," He said.

"I  know. Why are you here in New Orleans and where is Uncle Kol?" I  asked.

"To answer your first question, dear I  am looking for a witch to save me before I  disappear by bringing me back to life. As for your second question, I  have no idea where your uncle is but I  assume causing trouble before he disappears for good," He said.

I  rolled my eyes.

"Find a witch? Let me guess you haven't found one so you've come to me for help?" I  asked.

"Oh no. I  found a witch to help me, my dear," He said with a smirk.

"Yeah right. Who would be stupid enough to help and powerful enough to help you?" I  asked as he stood up.

"That doesn't matter Maddison. Just know soon enough I'll be alive again, until then your left with a whose doing this oh so awful thing," He said with a laugh as he walked away.

I  sat there for a moment trying to figure out what witch he could have possibly gotten to do this. Who would be both so dumb and so powerful? More importantly who wanted our family gone so bad that they would make a deal with Mikeal. That when it hit me... A harvest girl and there were three of them within the quarter and anyone of them would have said yes.

I  woke up angry and determined to find out which witch was going to die by the end of the day as I  slammed myself down into my set next to my father who was sitting next to Hayley.

"Problem?" He asked.

I  looked at him debating upon telling him about the visit I  had in my dreams along with any information I  knew or if I  wanted to do this mission alone.

"Well?"  He asked.

"No everything is fine," I  said as I  looked away and ate my food and drank my glass of blood.

"Maddison your coming with me," Klaus said as he walked down the stairs.

"Um ask nicely?" I  said looking up at him.

He rolled his eyes.

"Maddison will you come with me?" he asked.

"To?" Hayley asked taking on the mother role which I  didn't mind.

"None of your business little wolf," My uncle said.

"Don't you think you should talk to Elijah before you drag his 13 year old daughter into whatever it is you are doing?" Hayley asked.

"Hayley I  must say your taking on this mother role rather nicely, practicing with Maddie which would make you a pro with our daughter. However, Elijah knows already because he suggested it, but if you need to know we will be meeting Geneviea and because I  will be bringing a spell from my mothers spellbook Maddie has to come because all my mothers witch stuff belongs to Maddie now," My uncle said.

"Does that mean we have to go to the cemitary?" I  asked pushing my now empty plate away.

"Another reason I  need Maddie, I  need a witch with me in order to be safe in that cemitary," Klaus said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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