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It's the next morning now and my father has been in pain all night. He is currently laying on a bed in this cabin sweating.
"Here drink this." Hayley said as she came over to us with a cup.
I sat by my fathers side whipping his sweat away.
He drank it and vomited on the ground on mine and Hayleys shoes.
"Forgive me. Please" he said as he laid back down.
"It's okay." She said as she put the cup on the counter.
"Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy." Hayley said as she took her sweater off.
"Yes. Remind me to remind you to get in line." My father said through his pain.
"You both are in line after me." I said.
"You will do nothing of the sort Maddie as you will end up in a box" my father said.
"I'm not scared of uncle Klaus" i said as i whipped my dads head.
"Doesn't help that we decided to shack up in the middle of a swamp, either." Hayley said as she opened the door.
My father started coughing again and he put his hands on his head.
"Are you okay?" Hayley asked as she came back in.
"He's fine" i said as I got up and pulled my phone out.
"Who are you calling?" Hayley asked.
"My uncle" i said as i put the phone to my ear.
"Maddie what do i owe the pleasure?" My uncle said.
"Come back here and fix this!" I yelled.
"No. He's going to suffer" Klaus said.
"Niklaus! Fix this, please" i said.
"No i wont. He took Hayleys side inside of his own brother" he said.
"So did I whats my punishment?" I asked.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"Where you left us" i said.
"That's your punishment to watch your father suffer. Have fun" he said as he hung up.
"Klaus!" I screamed as i through my phone across the room.
"I'll be fine Maddie" i heard my father say.
"No!" I screamed as the cabin shook.
"Maddie please," my father said weakly.
I took a deep breath and returned to my seat by my father.
"Hayley please just return to your reading." My father said.
"Well, i went through the whole thing. It's just a regular bible with an entry in the family tree that may or may not be me, but you know I've been a little busy worrying about you." Hayley said as she picked up the book and walked over to us.
"Hayley please this fever will make me unstable. Now, once these hallucinations begin, I'll start seeing things. I will start to say things. You must leave me, both of you." He said looking at the two of us.
"No we aren't leaving you" i said.
"Not like this" Hayley said.
He coughed again.
"If things go south i can protect Hayley dad" i said as i whipped his head.
"I know you can but i dont want either of you to get hurt" he said as he reached up and moved a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Besides if I leave I'm going straight for Klaus, you betraying him will be the least of his worries" i said.
"You spent way to much time with him over the years" my father laughed before he got into a coughing fit.
He finally fell asleep and Hayley and i sat outside on the porch.
"So where's you're mother?" She asked.
"Dead. Died during child birth, I never met her" i said as I looked at her.
"I'm sorry to hear that," she said.
"It's fine. I've come to terms with it i mean after 1000 years you have too. So who do you think left you that book?" I asked.
"Not sure, possibly the girl i seen in the woods when Tyler first brought me out here" she said.
"Ah!" We heard my father yell.
We both jumped up and ran to his aid as he kicked over a lamp breaking it.
"It's okay. It's okay." Hayley said as she sat on the bed placing his head in her lap.
I grabbed his hand and Hayleys hand and focused so we could see what ever he seen.
"Celeste" i heard
I looked around and i seen Celeste in the bath tub.
"Oh, Celeste" my father said.
I looked at Hayley.
"It's a hallucination" i said
She slowly nodded.
"Hayley, I'm sorry." He said as he looked up at her.
"I thought you were someone else." He said slowly.
"Celeste?" Hayley asked.
I could hear a hint of jealousy in her voice, she did like my dad.
"Yes." My father said.
"Whoever she was, she was smoking hot." Hayley said.
"How... did i let you into my thoughts?" My father asked.
"You didn't... i got into them" i said.
"I'm not well. I should go." He said as he sat up and started coughing again.
"No dad you need to stay here" i said trying not to let him up.
"This is..." he started.
"This is fine. Elijah, you're sick. Maddie and I are taking care of you." Hayley said.
"You take care of us all the time it's our turn dad" i said.
He looked outside.
"We are being watched" he said as he looked at me and Hayley
"No we aren't dad, you're just hallucinating again" i said.
Hayley got up and looked out the window.
"Hey!" She yelled as she opened the door.
I jumped up and ran to the door just in time to see someone running away.
"Hey!" Hayley yelled again before looking back at me and then back at the woods.
Hayley came back inside and we sat down by my father again and she placed the wet rag on his head and I place my hand on hers and his arm and got ready for the next hallucinations wave.
"Assistance, please, good sir." Celeste said after she tossed her sponge at my fully clothed father.
"No. I'm much happier taking in such a wondrous view. It's perfection." My father said.
I was feeling like i was going to barf watching this unfold but Hayley and I needed to know what he was seeing incase things turned violent
"Your brother is again up to no good. He's challenging the gentry to duels as though they have any chance of a fair fight." Celeste said.
"I do grow weary of sacrificing my joy and my daughters joy to temper my brother's mischief." My father said as he walked over to the bathtub.
"Surely, you and Maddison could cast a spell, put him in his place." My father continued as he rubbed the sponge on her leg.
"It would take a lot more witches then just me and Maddison to put him in his place even if Maddison is very powerful. Besides, he only ever listens to you," Celeste said.
"Yes. He certainly needs a little discipline. Perhaps a spanking if some kind is in order. I think i shall need some rehearsal. Come." My father said as she leaned up and they kissed.
I opened my eyes just has he ripped his head away from the rag.
Hayley dipped the rag in the water again and didn't say anything
"Hayley, please. This fever. My mind is flooded. With these torturous memories. You have to leave, both of you" he said.
"What is your deal? You don't like people taking care of you?" Hayley asked.
"He's grown up taking care of everyone, nobody takes care of him except him" i said as i looked down.
"There are consequences for those that care. I will not have you pay that price." My father said looking at Hayley.
He wasn't lying every time he got close to someone Klaus killed her except that one time that I did... my mother, i killed her.
"So you're having weird retro sex dreams. Get over it. I'm staying and so is Maddie." Hayley said as she placed the rag on his head again.
Blek.... that's i have to say
"What about our visitor?" My father asked as Hayley got up to change the water.
"What does she want?" He asked.
"I'm guessing she's the one that left the mystery bible on the doorstep last night" Hayley said looking out the window.
"Would be nice if she stuck around long enough for you to talk to her" i said looking at Hayley as she walked back over to my father and I .
"Hayley you came here to gather information about your family, not to play nursemaid to a vampire with a temperature." My father said.
"He's right Hayley. I can take care of him he's my father after all and this is just as much my punishment as it is his" i said.
"Please... find her. Learn what you can." My father said.
"No. I'm staying with you guys." She said shaking her head.
I liked her, she was good for my dad. He normally had a good taste in women. None of them lasted long as my uncle usually killed them same for Rebecca. I never let anyone know i likes someone not until Jeremy but look where that got me. A broken heart because Jeremy was human and got killed by Silas. Even if Jeremy had lived my uncle would have killed him to get to me eventually just like he had done with my father and my aunt many times before.
The night went on and the darkness took over the light and the three of us sat in the cabin.
My father was breathing heavy, panting really and Hayley sat with his head in her lap and a rag on his head and i sat by his side like he had many times when we were humans and I had fallen ill.
"Daddy don't go," i cried as grandma dipped the rag in water.
"Sweetheart you know I have to go hunt with grandpa and Uncle Finn and Uncle Klaus," my father said as he took my small hand in his
"Daddy please," i cried.
"Alright darling. Kol!" My father yelled.
"Yes brother," Kol said as he walked into the room.
"Will you go out and hunt for me? Maddison is ill and I'd like to stay with her," my father said.
"Of course brother," Kol said as he left the room.
"I'll go get some herbs to make her feel better. It's only a cold with a slight fever she will be okay," grandma said handing my father the rag.
"Hear that sweetheart your going to be okay" my dad said as he put the rag on my head.
"She was talking to you daddy," i laughed
"Yeah perhaps she was," he said as he gave my hand a squeeze.

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