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"Maddison!" I heard my uncle yell as he busted into my room.
"What is it that you need at 2 in the morning" i asked.
"You need a new phone! This is ridiculous" he said tossing me his phone and walking out.
"Hello? Who is this?" I asked.
"It's Jeremy. Can you come over?" He asked.
"Um, yeah" i said
"Thank you" he said as he hung up.
I brought Klaus phone back to him and went to my room and tossed on sweatpants and jumped out my window.
"What did you want me to come over for?" I asked as i walked up in the porch where Jeremy was sitting.
"I had a dream that i was trying to kill my sister because she's a vampire" Jeremy said.
"Okay well um." I said as i looked at him with fear in my eyes
"I'm not going to hurt you Maddie" he said.
"I know it's just the whole hunter thing it kind of makes all vampires targets me and your sister included. But why did you call me and not Damon or tell Elena?" I asked.
"I dont know you're just the first one i thought of. But there's something else" he said as he headed back inside.
"Um i cant follow you" i said.
"Oh yeah right. Um Maddie come in" he said.
I stepped inside and walked up to his room with him.
"Are those?" I asked.
"Yeah stakes but i dont remember making them" he said.
"Alright no reason to freak out." I said as i picked one up.
"Good news is. If you went all vampire hunter right now I'd be safe your sister how ever would not be. So um how did you kill your sister in her dream?" I asked.
"Um her necklace. I was helping her put it on and i started choking her." He said.
Jeremy and i sat in his bed and we talked until the sun came up.
"Oh my god. I have to go. My uncle has no idea i left" i said as i got up.
Jeremy followed suit.
"Thanks for coming Maddie it means a lot" he said as he hugged me.
"Anytime" i said with a smile.
He then gently kissed me. I broke the kiss and stepped back.
"I really have to go" i said.
"Right. I'll see you later?" He said.
I nodded and jumped out the window and ran home a climb in my window.


"Hey dad" i said as Klaus handed me his phone.
It was 1 in the afternoon and he was getting ready for the pageant or his date with Caroline rather.
I was ready i wasnt sure i wanted to go but i also didn't want my uncle to think anything was wrong i mean he already sensed something was wrong but he didn't push.
"Maddison you've been avoiding my calls" he said.
"I've been busy" i said as i sat in the couch.
"I heard you almost got hurt the other day" he said.
"Only a little i was protecting Jeremy" i said.
"Yes and where were you supposed to be" he asked.
"You want to know the real answer or the hypothetical one?" I asked.
"Don't be an ass Maddison" he said.
"In Italy with Uncle Klaus. But really i wasnt supposed to be there either. I'm supposed to be with you in Florida" i said.
"I'm not in Florida anymore I'm in Pennsylvania" he said.
"And you didn't stop in Virginia and say hello?" I asked.
"Maddison listen to me very carefully" he said.
"I'm listening" i said.
"I want you to do everything your uncle tells you to do. The more you listen to him and not fight him the faster he will release you so you can come back to me" he said.
"But father i dont want to be here any longer without you. Can't you just come back here?" I asked.
"No darling i don't like mystic falls much I'm not one for small towns" he said.
"Okay father I'll listen to Uncle Klaus" i said.
"Good and stop putting yourself in harms way i dont know what i would do if something happened to you" he said.
"Yes sir" i said.
"Good. I love you Maddison. Have fun" he said.
"I love you too father" i said as he hung up.
"Don't cry love you will mess up your make up" my uncle said as i handed him his phone back.
I nodded and walked back to my room and sat on my bed until it was time to leave.


"Will you guys pick up the tempo? This is a pageant not a funeral" Caroline said to the Orchestra. She turned around and my uncle and I were standing there.
"And how am i doing?" Klaus asked.
"Your... perfect." She said with a smile.
"Just so beyond annoying i cant even look at you." She continued trying not to look at him.
I seen him smile and her finally look at him and smile again.
"They didn't waste anytime did they?" Klaus asked looking up.
I followed his gaze and Caroline turned and seen Tyler and Hayley together.
"Let's just get today over with" Caroline said as she walked away my uncle followed and i stayed put and watched Hayley and Tyler.
I could hear them talking.
"I cant believe i won" Hayley said as she picked up the crown.
"I just want to thank the judges for seeing past the fact that I'm a raging bitch" Hayley continued as she put the crown on her head.
I rolled my eyes.
"You don't want to do that. Those girls will cut you. They have nails" Tyler said.
"I have claws." Hayley said as she put the crown back.
The microphone made a sound and i turned and looked to where Caroline was.
"Hi, everyone. I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this years Miss Mystic court!" Caroline said.
I pushed through the crowd and found my uncle and stood next to him. Everyone clapped.
"We begin the procession with Valerie Fell, accompanied by Dylan Clark." She said.
Everyone clapped.
"Next we have Amber Wolverton, accompanied by Hector Linsey." She continued.
Again everyone clapped.
"And here's Michelle Cunningham..." Caroline continued but i zoned her out and focused on Matt and Elena.
"Have you seen Jeremy?" Matt asked Elena.
"He's probably with the escorts." Elena said.
"Caroline told me to wrangle up the escorts hes not here" Matt said.
"Brianna Johnson, accompanied by..." Caroline continued.
"Did he tell you about his nightmare?" Matt asked Elena.
"What nightmare?" Elena asked.
He must have told Matt about the nightmare too.
"The one where he killed you" Matt said.
"Katherine Wilson, accompanied by Eric Hanson" Caroline said.
I looked up and seen April the last girl standing there she was next with no escort.
"I'll find him... but April's about to get abandoned." Elena said.
"I got this" Matt said as he headed up to be April's escort.
"And finally we have a last minute entry... April Young accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert." Caroline said as she looked around.
That's when Matt made it up to the front and escorted April.
I watched the contestants dance.
My focus went to Caroline who was going towards Elena. I left my uncles side and joined them.
"Hey what's with the last minute escort change? Where is Jeremy?" Caroline asked Elena.
"I'm calling him right now. But he's not picking up" Elena said as Damon walked over.
"Do the math. Emo teen. Open bar. It's fine" Damon said.
"Matt said Jeremy's been having nightmares about killing vampires and he's been hiding it from me" Elena said.
"Maybe he doesn't want to tell you everything" i said.
"Did you know about them Maddie?" Elena asked.
"Yes. But can you keep your voice down? I dont need blabby here to tell my uncle on me again" i said looking at her.
"I'm sorry i shouldn't have told him you had helped us" Elena said.
"Yeah whatever. Anyways he called me last night and told me about them" i said.
"And you didn't think to tell anyone little Elijah" Damon said.
"I thought about it but then i didnt want to lose his trust so i kept my mouth shut" i said.
"Well I'm sure he's fine" Damon said shrugging.
"I dont know i have a bad feeling" Elena said.
"If I'm not worried you shouldn't be worried. Let it go. I'll go look for him" Damon said.
"I'll go with him." I said.
"What? No you're staying here" Damon said.
"Oh let her go Damon" Caroline said.
"Fine whatever" he said.
"Thanks Car" i said with a smile.
Damon walked off and i followed him as he picked up his phone.
"Please dont tell me you've roped Jeremy into a world of crazy." Damon said.
"I had no choice. Elena needs a cure" Stefan said through the phone.
"Oh, right so you can turn her back into the girl who's still in love with you" Damon said.
"You know, i get why you wouldn't want to believe it, Damon, but she isnt herself anymore." Stefan said.
"Of course you would think that. Leave it alone Stefan." Damon said.
Then there was a beep meaning Stefan hung up.
"What now? Do you know where they are?" I asked.
"I have an idea. But that doesn't matter right now. You and I are going back to the party and watch people" Damon said.
"Why do i have to do anything with you?" I asked.
"Do you want to help Jeremy or not?" He asked.
"Yes" i said.
"Alright then" he said as he walked away.
I followed and we took a seat at a table and i seen my uncle with Caroline they looked to be having a good time. I smiled i liked then together but Caroline would never actually go for my uncle because in her eyes he's the big bad wolf. I mean he was sometimes but he had his moments where he was nice, protective, and not a complete psychopath.
Tyler must have also seen them because he was walking away pretty quickly.
"Oh hey. How do those two know each other?" Damon asked Tyler pointing to some guy and Hayley.
"They don't. Paranoid much?" Tyler asked.
"The council just got burned to a crisp. Some mysterious hunter blew through town, and this guy just happens to know everything about everything. Yes, paranoid." Damon said.
Both boys looked over at Hayley and the guy and said nothing almost like they were thinking about something.
I looked up and seen Jeremy walking out of the house like her was on a mission.
I watched April walk up to him and i focused so i could hear what they were saying.
"Hey where have you been?" April asked.
"Hey, Sorry, i got stuck at work." Jeremy said.
"Jeremy if you were to chicken to do the dance thingy, then you should have just told me." April said.
"No, no i knew the dance. I watched some lesson online, like 100 times." Jeremy said.
"You did?" April asked.
"Hey what's that Shane guy doing here?" Jeremy asked as he looked over at the guy who was talking to Hayley.
"He's a judge. I talked to him about my dad. I mean he said that he never seemed depressed or suicidal, or anything, so..." April said.
"Your dad?" Jeremy asked.
"Yeah. You know i figured I'd explore every possibly even the bleak ones" April said as i watched Jeremy stare down his sister.
"What are you looking at?" She asked as she followed his gaze to Elena.
"Your dad was doing the right thing for this town. The whole council was. They died hero's." Jeremy said as he walked away.
"Let's go little Elijah we have work to do" Damon said as he followed the guy into the house me hot on his trail.
"Oh, you again. And you brought a friend. I must be the least intimidating mass murderer ever." The guy said.
"Well, you still never gave me a name, and it's kind of urgent" Damon said.
"Listen there is no other name. Look. At any given moment, there are 5 hunters in existence, all right? Most of them have no idea who they are or what their purpose is means finding more than one in a lifetime is next to impossible." The guy said as he walked around Damon.
Damon vamp speed to stop him.
"Subtle." He said.
"Like you didn't already know" Damon said.
"Oh i know. I also know your friend here is an original but a special original, a hybrid" the guy said.
"You have 5 seconds to give me another name, or you die" Damon said.
"You know since it's generally unwise for a vampire to seek out a hunter. It means your interested in the mark. That's probably because of where it leads, but here's the thing. Even if you complete the mark and get the map, the thing that you are looking for is sealed with a spell that only a certain kind of witch preform." The guy said.
"What kind of witch?" Damon asked.
"Come on Damon." The guy started.
Damon grabbed his hand and pressed on his pressure point.
"I love pressure points. What kind of witch?" Damon asked.
"Come on. Your a big boy. You can figure this one out" The guy said.
"A Bennett witch" damon Said.
"And a Mikealson witch. Aren't to many of either lying around, as I'm sure you know. So. One of this matters until Bonnie is back in touch with her magic. Between the three of us who do you think she trusts more to help her get there?" The guy asked.
Damon let go of him.
"5 seconds are up. Unless you just realized you need me alive. Now if you'll excuse me, i have a scholarship to award." he said as he walked by Damon successfully this time.
Damon and i walked outside just in time to see April Young win and then i watched Elena run after Jeremy. I ditched Damon and ran after them along with Matt.
"Jeremy!" Matt and i yelled as we walked into the room where Elena had a knife in her neck.
"Get out of here Matt and Maddison or she's next" Jeremy said without looking at us.
"Jeremy you don't want to do this. That's your sister" i said as i walked into the room dropping my own fear at the door.
"It's that stupid mark on your arm" Matt said.
"Shut up! Both of you!" Jeremy yelled looking at us.
"Jeremy look at me" i said as i continued to walk into the room.
Suddenly Jeremy was up against the wall.
"Get out of here Matt!" Stefan said.
Matt and Jeremy ran out of the room and i left after them. I found Caroline and my uncle together again so i decided to leave them be and i walked home.
I was a hybrid freak, not sure which side i was supposed to be on the witches or the vampires and the guy i like May try and kill me or someone in my family because he was a hunter now. Maybe my dad left me with my uncle because i was nothing like the rest of my family i was closer to what Klaus was then my father. Why out of everyone in my bloody family did i have to keep the witch part why not Kol or Finn. I walked inside and went to my room and changed out of the dress i was wearing and then sat on my bed. I laid back and just cried and cried until i heard the door of the house open and i hurried and whipped my tears away not wanting my uncle to question me because he already would seeing as i left without him.
"Maddie?" My uncle said as he knocked on my door as he walked in.
"Hmm?" I asked sitting up.
"Are you alright? You left rather early" he said as he sat next to me.
"I was feeling a little um closed in" i said.
"Closed in? Why have you been crying?" He asked.
That just made me start crying again.
"Do you think I'm a mistake?" I asked.
"What? Of course not Maddie we all love you very much even when your being a rebellious teenager" my uncle said.
"But I'm not like everyone else. I'm different" i said.
"That changes nothing Maddie you are a powerful young witch. You kept that power because of all the power that flows through your vains." He said.
"Dad thinks I'm a freak doesn't he? That's why he just willingly leaves me with you because I'm more like you then him" i said.
"No maddie he keeps you with me because i make him. I dont want to be alone. You are not the problem Maddie remember that" he said as he kissed my head.
He got up and walked out and i cried myself to sleep wishing i was with my father because i missed him terribly.

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