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I sat weakly on the chair in my uncles room next to my father. Drifting in and out of consciousness.
"This was all you." My father said to my uncle before turning and helping me up to get me to my bed.
"Stay put, we will fix this i promise" my father said as he laid me on my bed.
I nodded as he walked out.
I slipped out of my bed and sat by my door to listen to what was going on down stairs.
"Camille." I heard my father say.
"Why did you call me here? Have you found away to help my uncle?" She asked.
"I can try, but first, i need your help." My father said.
"I dont have time for games, Elijah. The hex on my uncle is getting worse by the day." Cami said.
"My brother has a mystical torture device buried in his chest, and my daughter is fighting off a magical coma that will consume her by days end, and the mother of his child is inexplicably missing. So, i can assure you, i have no time to play any games, either." My father said.
"What do you need me to do?" Cami asked.
"Come with me and tell me about the dagger the witches gave you" he said as they walked up the steps and entered my uncles room just down the hall.
I had to use my vamp hearing to hear them that far but it was better than just laying in bed.
"The dagger the witch gave me is inside of him?" Cami asked.
"And every second it remains causes Niklaus untold suffering." My father said.
"Who stabbed him?" Cami asked.
"Maddie did, and now i intend to remove it. You might want to step back." My father said.
"Why am i here?" Cami asked.
"Because of all the people that could be here, you're probably the only one he won't immediately slaughter." My father said.
"Also he speaks of you with what is a rare degree... for him, at least of respect. I can see you challenge him to see himself and others in a new light..." My father continued.
"Ugh.." i heard my uncle yell.
And i heard Cami gasp.
"A wonderful skill that i shall be counting on very shortly. You see, Niklaus will be weak as he recovers. So watch over him and feed him if you would but slowly, please and from your wrist." My father said.
"Don't you guys have bags of blood in storage?" Cami asked.
"We do, but your blood is laced with vervain. So it will burn him. He'll ingest it slower. Perhaps you could use the time constructively, persuade him not to murder his baby sister." My father said to cami.
"Niklaus... it was not my desire or Maddie's to bring you pain, but we will not let you hurt Rebecca. Now, I fear Sabine May be making a final move against us. I intend to find her and to end this, which will fix my daughter as well." My father said.
"Elijah..." i heard very weakly.
"You will pay for this." My uncle said in a weak whisper.
I then heard my father walk out of the door and before i could move back to my bed my father was standing in front of me.
"That's not where i left you" he said.
"I wanted to know what was going on" i said.
"Well let's go find Hayley" he said as he helped me up.
"I want to be the one to end Sabine" i said.
"In good time dear" he said as we went to the car.

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