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"Stefan" i said.
"What are you doing?" Damon said.
Stefan has Damon pinned to the ground.
Klaus looked over and grabbed the steak that grandpa brought for him and grandpa looked at him and Klaus ran outside pushed me out of Grandpas hands and stabbed him. He caught on fire and screamed.
"Klaus" i said as i walked over to him.
He rapped an arm around me and we watched grandpa burn in horror. Klaus whipped his tears and then looked at me and whipped away the tears i didnt even know i had.
"Everything's going to be okay now" he said.
"What the hell did you do!" I heard Damon say.
I looked back and Stefan was still on top of his brother.
"He's earned his freedom" Klaus said as we walked back into the house.
Stefan walked over to Klaus and I.
"Thank you, my friend" Klaus said to Stefan.
"You no longer have to do as i say. You're free" Klaus compelled.
Stefan turned and looked around and Damon was gone and it was just us three standing in the house.
Stefan walked away leaving Klaus and I alone.
"Let's go to the car. We will call Rebecca on the way" he said.
"Rebecca isn't coming. She's been daggered by Elena" i said slowly.
"Where is she?" He asked
"I dont know they probably moved her by now" i said looking down.
"Okay go get in the car we will figure it out" he said.
I nodded and the two of use headed to the car.
We drove to the place where Klaus was keeping all the bodies when he got a call from Stefan.
"It's time for a family reunion" Klaus said as he picked up the phone.
"Stefan! Miss me already?" My uncle said into the phone.
"i like to like to believe I'm a man of my word. More or less" Klaus said.
"Let bygones be bygones. Trust me, resentment gets old." Klaus said as we walked through the storage units.
Klaus got to where our family was being held and opened it. It was empty.
"No!" Klaus said turning away.
"What are you doing?" He asked angrily.
"I will kill you and everyone you've ever met." My uncle said into the phone.
He was silent for a second and then hung up.
"What happened? Where's my dad?" I asked.
"Stefan took them" he said looking at me.
"What? But" i said looking at the empty storage locker.
"Don't worry love we will get him and Kol and Finn back. I promise" he said.
I just nodded and headed to the car. I was that close to having my dad back and because my uncle pissed Stefan off he took my father away from me. I'm going to make him pay one way or another because I'm ready to explode.
"Hey don't mind us" my uncle said as we walked up to Elena and Damon.
"Klaus" Elena said full of fear.
"You going to do this in the grill, in front of everyone?" Damon asked.
"Do what? Can't we have a drink or two?" I asked with a smile.
"Just like your uncle are you sure Klaus isn't your father?" Elena asked.
"Positive. You can ask my dad he watched me be born. On wait.." i said.
"That's enough Maddie" Klaus said with a smile.
"I dont know what you're talking about. I just brought my niece down to the local pub to grab a drink" Klaus said with a smile.
"Get a round would you tony?" Klaus asked the hybrid.
"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour" Damon said.
"My Aunt is missing" i said looking at Elena.
"We need to sort that out" Klaus said.
"Cute, blonde bombshell? Psycho? Shouldn't be to hard to find" Damon said.
"Truth is, Ive grown to like your little town. Think i might fancy a home here" he said as he walked past Damon.
"I imagine you're wondering how does this affect you. The answer is, not in the slightest. As long as i get what i want, and everyone behaves themselves. You can go on living your little lives how ever you choose. You have my word" he said walking up to Elena.
"What more could you possibly want?" Elena asked.
I laughed.
"Well for starters, you can tell me where i might find Stefan" he said to Elena.
"Stefan slipped town the moment he save your ass" Damon said cutting in.
"Well you see that is a shame." Klaus said as he threw a dart at the dart board and then turning around again.
"Your brother stole from me. I need him found so i can get back what's mine" Klaus said.
"That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem" Elena said.
I charged at her but Damon stepped in front of her and Klaus grabbed me.
"You see my Niece is going off the rails if i dont find Stefan then I'm afraid the only person who can truly stop her is gone" Klaus said with a smirk.
"This is me broadening the scope, sweetheart" he said looking at Elena.
Nobody said anything and Klaus grabbed my arm and walked away from them.
"I feel so angry all the time" i said as i sat down.
"We will find your father i promise" he said as he took a drink from his cup.
I looked back and seen Damon and Elena still standing there.

I looked back and seen Damon and Elena still standing there

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