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There were four stalls. And vervain was being blown in to keep us all weak. Elena was brought in about 20 to 30 minutes ago and she was finally starting to wake up. Rebecca and i sat in stalls across from Stefan and Elena all in different stalls of course. Elena slowly sat up in her stall.
"I thought I killed you" Rebecca said.
"Where am I ?" Elena asked as she sat up.
"They think your a vampire so they stuck you in here with us" i said as i coughed.
"Where's Stefan?" She asked as she stood up.
"Elena? I'm right here. Are you okay?" He asked in a panic.
"Stefan.. i need to feed" Elena said as she slowly sat down next to the wall separating her and Stefan.
"Ah. I see what's going on here. You died with vampire blood in your system and you didn't feed. And now you're locked up in here. With out a drop of human blood in sight. That is a problem." Rebecca said.
"Just ignore her" Stefan said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Oh you don't know. I ran her and Matt off the bridge hoping to kill her in the order to kill Alaric since he killed Klaus." Rebecca said. " now has anyone done the math, or shall I ?" Rebecca asked.
Neither said anything just glared at Rebecca.
"Alright. I'd say you've got less than three hours to feed before my little niece and I get to watch you die all over again." Rebecca said.
Elena grabbed the door to her cell and tried to get out but to nobodies surprise it didn't work.
"Well my day just got a lot better." Rebecca said.
After Elena tried a few more times she gave up and sat down and shut her eyes. She was dying with out human blood. I sat and shut my eyes as well.
"Stefan? Stefan, something's happening." Elena said.
I looked over and seem Bonnie she was taking Elena's soul back to her body. She used a spell to kill herself to bring Elena back but something stopped her and she let go of Elena and Elena stumbles back into the previous sitting position.
I couldn't hear Bonnie but i could seen her and her grandma talking to each other.
"Stefan?" Elena said.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I'm out of time. I need blood. I'm dying" Elena said.
"Hey!" Stefan yelled as he pulled himself up.
"Anyone? Hey!" Stefan yelled.
"Will you shut up?" Rebecca said.
"You think we're afraid of you?" Stefan yelled.
Just then a guard came into the place we were being held.
"You want more vervain?" The man asked Stefan as he walked up to his cell.
"Keep it down" he demanded as he stood in front of Stefan.
"Listen to me. Elena's going to die if you don't let her out of here." Stefan said.
He looked over at Elena and then back at Stefan.
"Sorry not my problem." He said.
"She innocent let her out" Stefan said.
The man looked at Elena again and walked away.
"Let her out!" Stefan yelled.
He came back and shot Stefan and he landed on the ground but he bounced back up.
"Stop!" Elena yelled.
"I said. Let her out!" Stefan yelled again.
He shot stefan again and walked out.
I sat and watched and i assumed Rebecca too was just sitting and watching. Stefan laid on the ground and groaned.
"Oh Stefan how dramatic" i said slowly.
"You try being shot" he said from the ground.
"I've been daggered and left in a box for years i dont need to be shot to feel pain" i said.
"Maddison be quite" Rebecca barked.
Klaus POV
"She said she's not strong enough" Jeremy said from beside Bonnie.
""You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely your strong enough to get me out." I said.
"I upset the spirts trying time save Elena. And i didnt do that spell on my own i had Maddie to help me and i still don't know where she's located. I did see her however when i tried to save Elena. But i can't use that kind of magic again. It's too dangerous especially without Maddie" Bonnie said.
"Bonnie, do the bloody spell!" I yelled.
"She said she can't, ok?" Caroline said from behind me.
I turned and looked at her.
"We'll just wait a couple days until you are strong enough to do it with traditional magic. Right, Bonnie?" Caroline said.
I looked at Jeremy, Caroline, and Bonnie and made my hand become a werewolf hand and put my hand into Tyler's chest which was currently my chest.
"What are you doing?" Caroline asked.
"Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else." I said looking at Caroline.
"Maybe you" i said as i turned and looked at Jeremy.
"Oh my god" Bonnie said.
"Oh my god. Stop! Stop!" Caroline said.
"He's bluffing. He needs a witch to do that." Jeremy said.
"What makes you think i dont have one? Or ten? Pick Bonnie. You or Tyler" I said.
"Stop please stop! Your killing him!" Caroline cried.
"Fine I'll do it. Just stop" Bonnie said.
I stopped and took my hand out of the chest.
"Good. Let's begin" i said.
Maddie's POV
I watched Stefan drag himself to the back of his cell and start pulling out the bullets.
"Oh for the love of god" i said as i plugged my ears.
I was beginning to wish i had stayed with my father I'd be safe far way from here had i just stayed with him. And now I'll probably never see him again.
"Elena? You still with me?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm here" Elena said.
"Becca? Is Klaus going to come save us or are we left here to die?" I asked taking my bad ass guard down.
"I doubt he's Coming Maddie. And I'm sorry your father is going to be so pissed at me. You were with him though why did you come back? You were safe away from all of this and finally with your father alone for the first time" she said.
"I had to come back and save you Rebecca. Forever and always" i said as i whipped a tear away.
"Forever and always" Rebecca repeated.
"I'm okay" Elena said.
She wasn't okay she was far from okay and if we didn't figure out away to get her human blood she was going to die and as much as i hated her i didnt want to see her die.
"She not Stefan. She not okay" i said slowly as i pulled my self to the front of my cell.
"I can hear you breathing Elena. We all can" Stefan said.
"Damon was right. You should have fed this morning. I'm so sorry" Stefan said.
"Don't be. You had hope. That's all i ever wanted you to have. And you had it." Elena said.
"I love you so much" Stefan said.
"Do you know why i was even on that bridge? I was coming back for you stefan. I had to choose, and i picked you. Because i love you. No matter what happens... it's the best choice i ever made. And it sucks that i cant see you right now." Elena said.
"I'm smiling." Stefan said.
"Me too" Elena said.
A little while later two guards can in and we all agreed to help each other to get out but also to save Elena.
"I got this. Bring the other one in" the one guy said to the other.
Other one? I started to freak out, did they find Caroline or Klaus? Did my dad come back and get caught. My mind started racing and i could focus but Stefan could see me and he noticed.
"Maddison claim down. Focus" he whispered.
I nodded and refocused.
"Excuse me? Hello, sir?" Rebecca said with a slight cough.
He walked in and stood in front of Rebecca's cell.
"I though i told you to shut up" he said.
"Here's the thing... my family, we have money, castles, apartments, jewelry. Just name your price and let my niece and I out" Rebecca said.
She started coughing and he walked closer to her cell.
"I'd much rather watch you die. Both out you." he said as he looked over at me.
Suddenly i heard Rebecca fly to the rails of the cell and scared him to the point where he stumbled backwards and Stefan grabbed him and bashed his head on the cell bars until he started bleeding and then Stefan tossed him aside to Elena's cell.
"Elena, Elena!" I said.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Blood. Drink it" i said.
She slowly reached out of her cell and reached for it but she could reach.
"Come on Elena. You have to try harder, you can do it" i said.
She nodded and kept trying to reach the blood that was rushing out on the floor. She finally reached it and stuck her hand into the blood and brought her hand back to her mouth and licked off the blood.
I nodded to Stefan and he nodded back and i used my magic to open the cells and Elena ran out first and in stumbled Matt who Stefan saved with his blood. I ran over to Rebecca and she grabbed me and we ran to the house and walked in just in time to see Klaus in his body packing away blood.
"How dare you save Caroline over me over Maddie!" Rebecca yelled.
"Hello brother, i thought you were dead. So pleased you're not." Klaus said.
I stood beside Rebecca. We both could have died tonight and he was planning to run away and leave us behind just like Rebecca said he would.
"You left us." Rebecca yelled.
"I only has time to save one of you three. And two of you can't be killed. Rest assured, i had a worse day than you too" Klaus said turning to look at us.
I felt warm tears flow from my eyes and travel down my checks. My uncle, my second father left my aunt and I to die. I though he love me, i thought he loved us.
"I think it's time for us to move on, find some more werewolves." Klaus said.
"So you can create your hybrid family?" Rebecca cried.
I could tell at this point too she was crying. I looked up at my aunt and uncle and he looked down at me and his eyes softened for a second before looking away.
"You don't know anything about family!" Rebecca yelled.
"Well, i know how easily they can be silenced with a dagger." Klaus said as he turned away from Rebecca and i.
Rebecca picked up one of the blood bags and threw it against the wall causing it to break.
"No!" Klaus yelled.
I jumped back and walked away from them i didnt want to be in the middle of a Rebecca and Klaus fight.
I watched Klaus spin around and look at Rebecca who was holding two blood bags now.
"Drop them" Klaus said.
"I mourned you! My heart broke thinking i would never see you again!" Rebecca yelled.
"Put the blood down, Rebecca, there's a good girl" Klaus said
"It's always been me and Maddie. Not Finn, Not Elijah, Not Kol, me and Maddie! We loved you through everything and you don't even care!" Rebecca yelled.
"Drop it!" Klaus yelled again causing me to jump and stumble over something and land on the floor.
"You want your family? Here's your family!" Rebecca cried as she squeezed the blood from the bags.
Klaus was pissed and i swallowed hard not moving from the floor.
She dropped the now empty blood bags on the floor and Klaus ran over to Rebecca and put his hand around her neck.
"You know something Rebecca, you were right. I dont care. From this moment on you're not my family, you're not my sister. You are nothing." Klaus said as he let go of her and pushed her aside.
He walked over to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me up.
"Let her go Klaus" Rebecca yelled.
"No. I dont think i will" he said as he walked out with me dragging behind him.
"Uncle Klaus please!" I cried as he shoved me into the car.
He ignored me and i looked for my phone but it was gone the council took it.
"Please uncle Klaus" i said.
"Hush child everything is going to be fine" he said as he moved a piece of my hair away from my face.
"It's time to go surprise daddy" he said as he sped off.

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