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"What is she Klaus?" The man with my uncle asked.
"Hybrid" Klaus said with a smile.
"Like you?" He asked
"Different than me Stefan. She's a witch hybrid the only one in our family who didn't lose the magic of being a witch. She's special" my uncle said. As we arrived in Florida.
"So you killed the Doppelgänger?" I asked confused as to how since Katherine was a vampire.
"Indeed i did little witch" Klaus said looking at me.
"How did one exist Katherine is a vampire" i said.
"Yeah no thanks to you and your father who fell in love with that psychopath" he said.
He was right my father did fall for her and she was the closest thing i had to a mother but with that being said nobody actually knows how she became a vampire who her sire line was.
Florida was fun and Tennessee well Tennessee was interesting and hot.
"I dont want to help you i want my dad!" I complained as my uncle dragged me to a house in the middle of nowhere.
"Help me make hybrids and I'll reunite you with your father" my uncle said.
"You mean like you reunited my father with me and Aunt Becca and Uncle Kol?" I asked ripping my arm away.
"No little witch I've punished you enough dear" he said with a smile.
I rolled my eyes.
"Stop being difficult and follow my lead" he said walking towards the house. Stefan and i followed behind.
Stefan went around back and i stayed with my uncle.
"Excuse me sorry i didnt mean to scare you but my car ran out of gas a few miles back and well I'm trying to get my niece back to my brother and well you see your house was the first i came by mind if i use your phone?" Klaus said smoothly.
If i was a dumb girl I'd believe him.
"You don't have a cell phone?" She asked.
"Ah yes it's dead and her fathers much to proper for her to have a cell phone" Klaus said.
Proper or haven't seen me since phones came out?
"Look i promise I'm not a serial killer i just want to use your phone to get my niece back to her father" Klaus said.
I giggled which earned me a warning look from my uncle.
"Sure" she said.
"So.. we can come in?" Klaus asked.
"No... I'll get the phone and bring it out to you" she said.
"Thought you country folk was supposed to be more trusting" Klaus remarked getting impatient.
"I'm from Florida" she stated.
"Well that explains it" he said as he grabbed her by the throat and compelled her to let us into the house.
Here i thought i was the child but here's my uncle throwing what i like to call a Klaus temper tantrum. Told you he was getting impatient.
There was another woman inside the house making food.
"I'm told Ray lives here" Klaus said as we walked into the kitchen.
"He's almost never here on the road mostly" the other girl said.
"I assume he makes it home once a month"Klaus said slowly.
The girl looked at us and ran for the back door.
"I wouldn't do that" i called Klaus nodded and i ran after her meeting Stefan at the back door.
"I love it when they run" Klaus laughed still having a hold of the other girl.
"He's in Tully it's near the border" the girl said spilling her secret of Rays where abouts.
They both were going to have to die Klaus didn't want to have them calling Ray and giving him a heads up that would be a waste to time and Klaus needed Ray and his pack to make Hybrids.
"A bar called southern comfort it's off highway 41" she said with tears falling down her face.
I pitied her, both of them actually. Despite being a Vampire i hated killing people and Klaus knew this but it was how Klaus worked and well i have to get use to it because my father being a noble man also killed people and uncle Kol couldn't control himself that's why he's laying in a box with my father and aunt Becca and even uncle Finn who hates what he is what we all are.
"Thank you love" Klaus said. "Now can my friend come in?"
"Yes" the girl Klaus had cried and Stefan walked in.
"Kill this one quickly" Klaus said handing the girl over to Stefan "make that one suffer"
"Klaus please" i whispered
"Come on little niece" Klaus said as he walked out the door.
"I'm sorry" i said as i followed Klaus.
I heard both women scream as we reached the car and i just shook my head as i took my set in the back seat waiting for Stefan to finish my uncles dirty work. Then we wouldn't be heading to Ray in Tully.

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