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"Your fathers dead" i heard stefan said into the phone from the living room
I walked in and seen my grandpa on the floor with a dagger.
"Oh, my mistake, not your actual father, not dead, Mikeal, daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?" Stefan said into the phone.
"Klaus?" I half whispered as i made myself noticeable.
Stefan looked up at me but didn't say anything.
And then assuming Klaus on the other line asked what happened and Stefan told him the story of how my grandpa got daggered which reminded me that he was laying on the ground. I looked down at him i hadnt seen him since 1919 when he burned down New Orleans looking for us. He found me and put a finger up to his lips and disappeared just as my father appeared.
"Well he's here" Stefan said after telling the story as Elena and Damon walked in. Damon vamped to me to make sure i wouldnt pull the dagger out or try anything funny.
"Come by when ever" Stefan said stepping over the body that laid on the ground.
"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes" Stefan said.
"That's not a problem one of them is right here" Stefan said looking at me.
"Hello Uncle Klaus" i said slowly.
"Maddie, love what's this i hear about Mikeal tragic run in with a dagger?" Klaus asked.
I looked up at Elena and she nodded and then Rebecca can into the room and walked over to me and mouthed it's okay.
"It's true. Uncle Klaus. He's finally out of or lives for good" i said looking at the body on the floor.
"I miss you. It's terrible here, Rebecca abandoned me for a couple days last week" i said
"I'll been home soon" he said.
"Good" i said slowly "I'll see you then Uncle Klaus"
I hung up the phone and handed it back to Stefan.
"Well?" Elena said.
"He's coming home" i said.
"He bought it" Rebecca said.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Nothing little Elijah" Damon said.
Rebecca took a deep breath and walked out and i followed her.
She walked into her room and grabbed a bottle of something in and walked back to the living and i followed and we sat down. Mikeal no longer had the dagger in his chest and Elena and Stefan and Damon were gone.
"What are you?" I asked sitting next to her.
"Painting my nails" she said as she started painting her toe nail.
"Why?" I asked.
"Homecoming Maddie. Do you want to come?" She asked.
"Yeah!" I said with a smile. She smiled with a nod.
"When I'm finished we will go get you a dress." She said as she went back to painting.
Suddenly there was a gasp for air and Rebecca stopped painting and Grandpa sat up.
"Finally" Rebecca said. "Took you long enough"
He looked at us and said nothing at first.
"Rebecca... Maddison" he said slowly
"Whatever fatherly rubbish you're  thinking, save it" she said. "Nothing you say matters to me"
"I see" he said sadly
I wanted to get up and hug him the way i use to before all this craziness happened but nothing was actually the same anymore. We were original vampires and he was an original vampire hunter.
He stood up from the floor where he was lying.
"Where's my dagger?" He asked.
"Elena has it" i said.
"So you can forget your plans to use it on me" Rebecca said coldly
"You were never the one i was after. Either of you" he said looking at us.
"Nik was our family. If you were after him you were after us" she said.
"He blinded you Rebecca. He killed your mother" he said.
I swallowed the lump in my throat that appeared. Hoping praying that he wouldn't bring up the fact that i indeed knew all along that he wasn't the one that killed Grandma and that Klaus made me promise not so tell a soul not even my father and for 1000 I've kept that promise and i dont need my only aunt and my father to hate me for not telling the truth.
I woke up to Grandmas scream and watched Uncle Klaus rip her heart out and toss it to the ground and he realized i was awoken and made me promise never to tell a sole.
"I know what he did. And he will pay for it with his life" she said getting up.
I looked at her.
"What...what do you mean?" I asked standing up as well.
Neither of them said a word to me just looked at each other.
"Tell me you don't plan to kill Uncle Klaus!" I yelled rattling the house.
"Now Maddie clam down" Rebecca said looking at me.
"Not until you tell me what's going on" i said bringing both of them to there knees.
"Maddie please!" Rebecca cried.
"He's done nothing but put you through pain. He's taken you from your father countless times" Grandpa said holding his head.
I released the power and they both stood up.
"Nik was not born a killer! None of us were! You did this when you turned us into vampires!" Rebecca said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"You destroyed our family. Not him" Rebecca said as she walked away leaving me in the room with grandpa.
"Rebecca.." he said.
"Don't bother" i said as i followed her out.
"Can i wear one of your dresses?" I asked as Rebecca did my make up.
"Sure" She said with a smile.
"Who's your date?" I asked.
"How did you know i had a date?" She asked with a smile.
"I figured someone hit like you had one" i said
"Matt Donovan" She said as she stood back and looked at me.
"Perfect. Your father would be so proud" she said again.
"Or he'd kill me for wearing make up and a short dress. If uncle Klaus doesn't kill me first" i said with a small smile as Rebecca handed me the black dress from her closet.
"Don't worry about Nik or Elijah for one night Niece have a good time. Now go get dressed" she said.
I nodded and headed to my room with the dress.
Don't worry she says. Uncle Klaus was coming home and i missed him and he will wake up my father soon who i miss even more. I was excited.

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