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After Klaus left Sophie left and Hayley and I followed her of course all the way to the grave yard where we watched her gather things to do the concentration.
"Hey what the hell" Sophie said as she turned around and seen the two of us.
"Your going out there anyway aren't you? I want to go with you. We both do" Hayley said looking at me and then back at Sophie.
"No, thanks. Already got assaulted by Klaus this morning, dont need a repeat." Sophie said as she attempted to walk past us.
"What if whatever is responsible for all those dead witches is still out there?" Hayley asked.
"We've already established that it likes Hayley and hates witches" I said shrugging.
"So you would be safer with me and Maddie" Hayley said.
"Well then Maddie's not safe either seeing as she's a witch" Sophie said.
"Ah I'm only half witch" i said with a smirk.
"Your one of the strongest witches in the world don't let anyone foul you" Sophie said.
"Either way. It had a chance to kill me and it didn't" i said.
"Sorry if I'm not buying your guys sudden concern for my safety." Sophie said as she tried to pass us again and again Hayley stopped her.
"Think about it this way. I'm protecting Hayley which means i have to protect you because if you die so does Hayley and then so does that baby" I said looking over at Hayley.
"Listen. The whole reason i came to this stupid town In the first place was to learn more about my family. Your sister is the one that told me Marcel ran the werewolves out of the quarter into the bayou, and last night, pretty sure that some guardian angel wolf saved my life. So I'm coming with you and so is Maddie." Hayley said.
"Could you three be anymore Idiotic?" We heard Rebecca say as we all turned around and seen her.
"What? Two can play the follow game, you know. You all heard Klaus. He and Marcel are heading right where you're going." Rebecca said looking at mainly Hayley and I .
"So distract them because unless you want to lock a hormonal pregnant werewolf in a tomb, I'm coming with you, and wouldn't Elijah be mad if he hears that the baby and I died of Asphyxiation?" Hayley said.
"Well played" i said as Sophie rolled her eyes and Rebecca took a very annoyed deep breath.
We headed out to the bayou and Rebecca called Klaus.
"What's the matter, Rebecca? You cross that I'm out with your ex?" Klaus asked through the phone
"What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background?" Rebecca asked as we walked through the woods me and Rebecca following behind Sophie and Hayley.
"According to the dreadful signage, it's big auggies bayou bar." Klaus said.
I laughed i could year the pain in his voice the disgust really.
"Well, order up a few rounds of moonshine and stay clear of the dead witches for a few. The witch is on a burial mission, your baby mama is on a spirit quest, and Maddie and I are keeping the promise to keep her safe. So stall, please." Rebecca said as she hung up.

Elijahs POV
"So enlighten me, what did you mean when you said you had to die?" I asked.
"That's what the harvest was. They said they'd put us 4 girls in a state of, like, peaceful limbo as part of the offering, and then later at the reaping, we'd awaken and be reborn. I never got as far as the limbo part, which means the harvest isn't complete. That's why the witches are so freaked out. The reaping is just around the corner, and if they don't finish it before then, it's over. All i have to do is wait it out." Davina said as she packed her stuff up.
"And then what?" I asked.
"They're punished, and I'm free." She said as she looked at me before going over to her art stuff.
"From Marcel?" I asked.
"Of magic. All our power will drain away. I'll be normal." Davina said slowly.
"Is that what you want, to be normal?" I asked.
I wonder this when it came to my daughter. Did she wish to be normal and what was normal according to Maddie? A regular witch or a regular vampire? I never wanted this life for her neither life in fact but i cant stop who she is and that's a Mikealson witch a first born Mikealson witch to make matters worse. Mother never said why that was so bad only that it was dangerous and made Maddie a ring that she wears that suppresses her full potential at least it did until we turned to vampires after that the ring did nothing. Mother said she was safe now but never said from who but i guess that doesn't matter now.
"I just don't want to be what I am. I cant control it sometimes, magic. I ... hurt people, even when i dont mean to." Davina said with tears in her eyes.
I knew that look all too well, Maddie looks like that after she's lost control over her magic and one of us gets hurt but lucky for her we can't die.
"Why don't you tell me about your friends? You must miss them." I said changing the subject.
"There's Tim. He doesn't know about any of this witch stuff. He's normal. My best friend Monique... she was a part of the harvest, too. She's lucky. No one ever fought for me, but someone fought for her. The only one who ever spoke out against the harvest was Moniques aunt." Davina said as she turned away.
"And who is that?" I asked.
"Sophie Deveraux." Davina said as she looked out her window.

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