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When i woke up both Alaric and Esther or Rebecca whoever you wanted to call her where gone. I jumped up and ran home and found my Uncle Klaus painting.
"Uncle Klaus! I'm sorry!" I cried.
"About what?" He asked as he turned and looked at me.
"I lost them. I tried to stop them but she knew what i was going to do and she snapped my neck" i said.
"Who? Who snapped your neck?" Klaus asked as he can over to me and grabbed my arms and held me still.
"Rebecca. Or Esther rather" i said in a panic.
"Okay calm down. What are you talking about? Esther is dead" he said.
"No. She's in Rebecca she tricked us" i said.
"Okay alright go and look at the spells see if you can reverse it and put Rebecca back" he said.
I nodded and walked into the study.
I sat in the study and Klaus went back to painting waiting i think for Rebecca to return. I studied the spells when i heard someone come in. I focused my hearing so i could hear Uncle Klaus.
"What took you so long?" My uncle asked.
"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily I'm quiet the charmer." Rebecca said.
I got up and ran into the room and seen Rebecca holding the stake.
I stood by my Uncle and kept quiet he was playing along.
"That's it?" He asked.
"Last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honors, or shall I?" Rebecca asked.
Klaus looked at me and then took the stake from her and tossed it in the fire and turned back to his painting.
"Well, that's that, then." She said with a smile as she turned away.
"Pack your bags, both of you. We are leaving." Klaus said.
"Today?" Rebecca asked.
"Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset." Klaus said as he continued to paint.
"But tonight's the decade dance." Rebecca said.
"So?" Klaus asked.
"So I'm head of the committee. We have to go" Rebecca said.
I glared at her but said nothing.
"I'm not going to any dance." Klaus said turning around.
"Caroline will be there." Rebecca said trying. To bait him into coming with us.
"That means nothing to me." Klaus said.
"Please? I have big plans for the night. Just go for me and Maddie. She needs a date and what a better date than her Uncle?" She asked.
He looked over at me then at Rebecca.
"Okay, fine. One last hurrah." My uncle said as he hugged me.
"One last hurrah, Nik" she said with a smile as she turned and walked out of the room.
"Uncle Klaus!" I yelled.
"Shh Shh. She will hear you. Play along" he said.
"But.." i started.
"No listen to me. Play along" he said giving me a warning look before returning to his painting.
I went back into the study and continued to look over the spells.
"I think i have it!" I said as i ran into the room i left my uncle in.
He wasn't there of course.
"Klaus? Uncle Klaus?" I yelled as i started pacing the house.
"Right here" he said from behind me.
I ran over to him. "I thought you were gone"
"And leave you here? I made a promise to your dad. Now go get ready for the dance. I'm assuming Rebecca is meeting us there" he said.
I nodded and went to my room and got dressed. The twenties, that was a fun time if I'm being honest with myself. I was missing my father that was no lie but i was with Uncle Klaus and Aunt Rebecca.
I folded the spell and put it in my shoe and went and met Klaus in the living room.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Absolutely" i said.
He nodded and we walked to the car.
We arrived at the dance and walked in. I started looking for my aunt but i couldnt find her anywhere. I spotted Elena with Stefan and Caroline with Tyler and Bonnie with some dude and my uncle also noticed Caroline. I felt like i was back in the twenties with the way everyone looked and the music.
My uncle and i kept out distance from a little while and i watched Damon, Stefan, and Elena walk out and Jeremy follow. I so badly wanted to follow to find out what was going on and to just say hi to Jeremy but my Uncle, i didnt know what to do.
"Where have you been mate?" Klaus asked Tyler as we walked up to them.
"I just got back to town" Tyler said.
"That's funny i dont recall giving you permission to leave in the first place. You don't mind if i cut in, do you?" my uncle asked.
"Yes actually we do." Caroline said.
My uncle looked at Tyler.
"No. It's fine" Tyler said as he stepped away.
"Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?" Caroline asked.
"I dint have to prove anything love. I am the alpha male." Klaus said.
Caroline rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Come on one dance. I wont bite" my uncle said.
Caroline looked at Tyler and he slightly nodded and Caroline took my uncle hand.
"Be a dear Tyler and dance with my niece" Klaus said as he backed away with Caroline.
"You don't have to" i said as Tyler took my hand.
"It's fine" he said as he watched Caroline.
"I'm sorry. What my uncle does isn't always right" i said.
"Well that's Klaus for you" he said as we dance.
"I know you aren't still sired to him" i said.
"How do you know that?" He asked.
"Tyler I'm a witch a powerful one in fact not that i can show it. By i am and i can tell that you are pretending to be sired to my uncle" i said.
"Don't tell him. Surely you can give me your word like your father" he said.
"I wont tell my uncle you have my word" i said with a smile as i looked at my uncle and listens to them.
"You would have loved the 1920s Caroline. Girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally use to dance until the dropped." Klaus said.
I looked at Tyler.
"Your staring and it's creepy" i said.
"I know I'm sorry. It's just.." Tyler started.
"I know you like her. Don't worry we are leaving in the morning" i said as i continued to listen to my uncle and Caroline.
"I dont suppose that ever happened to their dance partners" Caroline said.
"You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow. I'd invite you to come with me, but we both know you aren't ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year or even a century, you will turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer. Mark my words Caroline, small town boy, small town life, it won't be enough for you." My uncle said as he walked away from her.
She watched him leave and Tyler let go of me and went to Caroline. I looked at the two and ran after my uncle.
"Rebecca call me back immediately. I onky can To this dance because you and Maddie insisted on it now only one of you is here" he said into the phone as i followed him out of the school.
My uncle stopped walking as he hung up the phone.
"What?" I asked.
"Look down" he said.
I looked down and see a salt trail.
"Esther" i said.
"It seems this was a trick after all" he said looking at me.
"I'm a witch i can go over the salt right?" I asked.
"I'm not sure" he said looking out past the salt.
"We have Bonnie doing a spell" Stefan said as he walked over.
My uncle and i followed stefan to a classroom where Bonnie was doing a spell.
"What's taking so long? Ever boundary spell has a loop hole" My uncle said.
She stopped the spell and looked at my uncle.
"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier" Matt said as she walked in.
"Well if Matt and i can leave we can go stop Esther ourselves" Jermey said.
I looked over i hadnt even noticed Jeremy was back.
"We just have to find out where she is" Jeremy continued.
"Suicide Jeremy" Stefan said.
My uncle ran up and grabbed the guy that was Bonnie's date.
"Suicide would be disappointing me. Now work you magic witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy" my uncle said.
"Uncle Klaus! Stop let him go!" I yelled.
He only looked over at me then back at Bonnie.
"Let him go" Bonnie said.
"Not until you get us out of here." My uncle said.
"Ah, don't be stupid Klaus. Bonnie doesn't have a damn about us. The only reason she's helping right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. If you start killing the people she cares about, she'll tell us all to go to hell" Stefan said as he walked up to my uncle.
My uncle looked at the guy and let him go.
"I'll help Bonnie" i said as i walked over to her.
She looked at me and i nodded and she took my hand and we started the spell again but it wasn't working.
"Okay get me Jeremy's blood and a map we will find Elena" i said.
Bonnie grabbed the map and Damon got the blood and we went to another room to which my uncle followed along with Damon.
"We have to do this with you two lurking over us?" Bonnie asked.
"You're still mad at me for what a happened to Abby. Let my apologies. I'm sorry Elijah forced us to turn ur mother into a vampire to save Elena's life. Didn't exactly have a choice." Damon said.
I just looked down at the floor.
"Theres always a choice. Whenever you make one, someone else suffers." Bonnie said.
"Let's cut the dramatics and begin, shall we?" My uncle asked as he walked over to us
I looked up at him and then at Bonnie. Bonnie poured the blood onto the map and we started the spell. The blood wouldn't move.
"Esther is fighting us" i said as i looked up.
"Esther couldn't possibly have this much power." My uncle said.
"Unless she channeling something" i said.
"A hotspot" Bonnie said.
"Get the humans ready i know where she is." Klaus said looking up.
"The cemetery" i said looking at my uncle
He nodded and Damon went to tell Stefan to tell Matt and Jeremy.
Klaus, Stefan and I stood outside by the salt.
"You know this is your fault. You set us on this path when you released my mother. I wonder If revenge will prove worth the cost?" Klaus asked Stefan.
"Oh I'm done with revenge. As far as Esther, we've stopped her before. We'll stop he again" Stefan said.
"We are strange bedfellows, you and I. You know all of this reminds me of our time together in the twenties." My uncle said.
"You say that like I'm supposed to have happy memories about it." Stefan said.
"Well there were moments, real friendship, brotherhood" my uncle said.
"Oh, he already has a brother. Not to be you know territorial or anything" Damon said as he walked up.
"Oh no of course. The Salvatore's and their unshakable bond. I wonder what will happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?" Klaus asked as he turned away from the brothers.
The Salvatore's were quite and Bonnie came out. She told me to go away that she didn't want my help so i did as she pleased.
"It's done. Esthers not fighting me anymore. The boundary spell is broken" Bonnie said.
My uncle put his hand out to test it and then looked at me and nodded and we both vamped off to the cemetery.
"We aren't staying only collecting my mother." My uncle said to Matt and Jeremy.
"She tried to make a weapon and failed" Jeremy said.
I nodded and my uncle and i left again.
We got home and we found Rebecca and he pulled the dagger from her chest.
"You failed mother. I live and i will go on living. Let your beloved spirits try to preserve you again. I dare you to come after me again! I will build an army so big, no one will ever touch me. My survival will haunt you through eternity. You will never destroy me!" My uncle yelled at my grandmas body.
I walked over to him and gently turned him away.
"It's over Uncle Klaus, she dead." I said as i closed her coffin.

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