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I walked into the compound where my father waited for me.
"How was your date?" He asked as he headed for the stairs.
"Cut short by my very rude father" i said as i followed him.
"We have a city to run and a upset pregnant wolf out in the bayou." He said as we headed for my uncles room.
"Well lucky for you it wasn't a date in fact i crashed Davina and Josh's lunch. Might go work with the harvest girls" i said.
He glanced at me before we entered my uncles room. I watched my uncle grab paint and a brush and turn around and face us and my father had his angry face on.
"Not a fan of cerulean blue?" Klaus asked.
"Not a fan of your continued indifference." My father said as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Well, it's difficult trying to unite a community that has a history of mutual loathing." Klaus said.
"Spare me the platitudes, Niklaus." My father said as he put his hands into his pockets.
"A perspective then. If you want peace, you must begin with the werewolves. And why might that be niece?" My uncle asked.
"100 years ago they had a run at ruling the city. But lately, all they've had is time to watch their enemies destroy that legacy that they carried." I said.
"Exactly niece" my uncle said.
"All the more reason why their enemies are reluctant to bring them to the table." My father said.
I rolled my eyes. And my uncle placed his hand on my fathers shoulder.
"Take a page from Bienville, brother. If the tables the obstacle, remove it." My uncle said as he turned away from my father.
"Do you recall in 1720 the governors desperation to secure our help to build the cities first levees? We sat with him and refused his offer, and so he plied us with wine, with corseted women, and with raucous camaraderie until he had his yes." My uncle said as he poured both my father and I a drink.
"Are you suggesting that i throw a party?" My father asked.
I looked up from my drink and looked at the faces of my uncle and my father, they were smiling.
"Yes i support that" i said with a smile.
My father looked at me with a smile and then back at Klaus who just sipped his drink.

That's what we did of course.
"Laidsez Les Bon Temps Roulez!" A women said.
The music was loud and fire lite up the fountain. I watched as the witches walked in more specifically Davina, Monique, and one of the other Harvest girls and Genevieve led them. After them came the wolves led by Hayleys friend Jackson. I stood beside my father on the stairs as my uncle joined holding a glass of champagne.
"I'm impressed, brother." Klaus said.
"Yes. Now if i can just keep them from tearing one another to shreds." My father.
"Well, then for your sake, here's to a spectacularly boring evening." My uncle said as they both smiled and clinked glasses.
My uncle walked away and my father and i stood and supervised. I watched Diego shoulder check Jackson and keep walking and then a blonde wolf stepped in front of Jackson. I listened to them it was hard with all the other noises.
"What's up, little man?" Diego said.
"He's not even worth it." Jackson said as he led the wolves away.
I looked at my dad and he nodded and we headed down the stairs and after Jackson.
"Since you're preoccupied I'll intuit your flattering compliment." A lady said.
We both looked at her.
"Thank you. i think I look stunning, too." She said.
"I trust you've spent as much time fortifying alliances as you clearly have selecting that dress." My father said.
"Who is she?" I whispered.
"Not now Maddison" he said.
"So you do notice me. And, yes, I've already settled the dispute over the docks, I pacified the witches with an increased share in the cemetery tours, and I've give. The crescents a welcome back to humanity gift in the form of $100 chips to my casino. So i think i deserve some champagne, don't you?" She asked.
"You deserve a big knock on the head" I said rolling my eyes.
Just then a guy with champagne came by and i grabbed two glasses and handed one to my father.
"You know, in light of Kieran's deteriorating condition, the others have acquiesced to your proposal. You will represent the human faction until he's ready to resume." My father said handing her his glass.
"Then i suggest we make the most of our limited time together." She said as she stepped closer to my dad.
I rolled my eyes and looked at the door and seen Hayley walk in.
"Come Maddie we have rounds" my father said as we walked away from the human.
"Diego" I said as we walked up to him.
He turned and looked at us.
"You will be polite and welcoming." My father said.
"Yeah. See, his people killed my whole family. My sister bled out on the floor right next to me. The only reason I'm standing here is because Marcel came along and turned me before i bled out, too. So I'm telling you right now i cannot be polite and welcoming to that." He said.
"Diego, i understand your anger. However, there are certain overtures that need to be made if we are to find a degree of peace." My father said as he walked away.
I followed begins my father as we walked over to Jackson.
"Welcome to our home." I said as my father and I shook his hand.
"I wouldnt be here if Hayley hadn't forced the issue." Jackson said.
"Yes. It's rather unlikely that you'll experience an outpouring of kind sentiment here. The vampires in particular view you as... well, barbaric." My father said.
"Dad" i said looking at him.
He's not a fan of werewolves, he was taught to hate them by his father.
"Hayley tells me that this peace treaty is important to you." Jackson said.
"Yes, it certainly is. So much so, in fact, that if anyone threatened to dismantle what I'm building here, I'd destroy everything they hold dear." My father said with a smile.
"Have a lovely evening" i said as i grabbed my dads arm and pulled him away.
"What is your problem?" I asked him.
"I dont particularly like wolves" he said.
"You like Hayley" i pointed out.
"She's different" he said as we walked towards her.
She stood alone.
"Would you care to dance?" My father asked Hayley.
She took his hand and they went to the dance floor and i stood where we stood and watched them and listened.
"You out did yourself." Hayley said.
"Maddie helped make this party happen" my father said.
"She did good as well, You guys even got Klaus to come out and play." Hayley said.
"Yes. It seems that only a sizeable soiree is enough to tear my brother away for his efforts at the easel." My father said.
"That's never a good sign. Klaus once told me that his painting was a metaphor for control, for achieving his vision through sheer force of will." Hayley said.
"Well, trustfully, I'd be shocked if he didn't have at least a dozen or so of those visions swarming around in that insidious skull of his. I do hope your daughter inherits her mother's... everything" my father said as he twirled Hayley.
"And Maddie did she inherit her mother's... everything?" Hayley asked.
My father looked at me and looked back at Hayley.
"Everything about Maddie is her mother" my father said.
I smiled as i took a sip of my drink.
"It is weird being back here." Hayley said.
"Not unpleasant i hope." My father said.
"Not entirely." She said as she looked into my fathers eyes.
"You you entirely sure you shouldn't be here with us?" My father asked.
"Why, Elijah? Because you don't think it's safe in big, bad wolf country?" Hayley asked.
My father didn't say anything.
"I'm not gonna sit in a rocking chair and knit booties, or haven't you figured that out yet?" Hayley said.
Before my dad could respond Jackson showed up so i walked over.
"Can i have a minute, Hayley?" Jackson asked.
"You can have it later" my father said.
"Actually, he can have this dance." Hayley said as she let got of my dads hands and took Jackson's instead.
My dad walked away and i followed but we stopped and listened to Jackson and Hayley talk for a few before. We didn't even make it back to the steps before we seen the wolf and Diego start fighting. We both vamped over i grabbed Diego and he grabbed the wolf.
"This ends now. I wont ask again." My father said.
"Oh, we'll end it all right." Jackson said as he shoved me aside and held a stake over Diego's heart.
I landed on the ground and my father looked at jackson.
"What's stopping you? Kill him" Hayley said from the steps.
"Go ahead, Elijah. Do it." Hayley said as she walked over to me holding her bump.
"I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die." Hayley said as she helped me up.
I looked over and seen the human standing by my uncle.
"I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebecca over to the witches so they could torture her, but then again. Wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? And the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen, so when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die." Hayley said.
"Are you approaching a point?" My father asked.
"My point, Elijah, is this. If we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then What's the point? Kill each other and get it all over with." Hayley said.
My father let Oliver go and Jackson let Diego go.
The party ended and people began to leave after that, leaving one person from each fraction standing in the compound around the fire, my father, Diego, Genevieve, the human and Hayley. I stood and watched as each one cut their hand and let their blood run into the bowl in front of them. After that they all signed a treaty with the blood. After it was done i went up and changed and i walked past my uncles room as seen the painting he did of the city and he was looking at it.
"Hello Maddie" he said with out turning around.
"I came to say good night" i said as i walked in and stood next to him.
He put his arm around me and kissed my head before reaching over and taking his brush and beginning to paint again.
I stood and watched as my dad walked in with the treaty in his hand. He opened the bottle with the blood in it.
"Sign it" he said to my uncle.
"Why? You've already done so on our behalf." Klaus said.
"Brother, I'm not a fool. It's clear to me you're not as disinterested as you'd like me to believe. So sign please." He said holding the ink pen.
They both looked at each other.
"If there is no peace between us, then how can't you expect others to follow suit?" My father asked.
"Fine" my uncle said as he put his brush down.
"If it will make you happy... but i assure you this city's inhabitants will not adhere to this agreement." My uncle said as he signed the treaty.
"Well, you are welcome to wager against me. But you will lose." He said as he took the treaty and left with me following after him.

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