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I followed my father and Uncles up the hill.
"My sons, come forward" my grandma said.
"What is your deal!" I asked.
"Ah Maddie." She said. "Sweet sweet Maddison."
"Stay beside me" Finn said.
"He can't save you" i said pushing past my father and Uncle Klaus.
"It's okay." She said to Finn.
"You snapped my neck Finn! And you! Your trying to kill my father and Uncles and my aunt and then you plan to leave me in this world alone" i said i felt the anger boil inside me.
"None of them can enter" my grandma said.
"Sure about that?" I yelled.
The two of them looked at me with uncertainty.
"Afraid of what I'm capable of Grandma?" I laughed.
"That's lovely. We're stuck out here while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn" Kol said.
"Be quiet Kol" My grandma said.
"No you be quiet Grandma. You're killing everyone! Why! Why did you create us? And why are you saving me! I'm just as evil do you want to see what i can do?" I asked.
She looked at me.
"No? To bad!" I yelled at the ground began to shake.
"Reverse the spell or you and Finn die!" I yelled.
"What happens to me happens to them" Finn said.
"Reverse the spell!" I screamed as Finn, Klaus, Kol, And my father fell to the ground screaming in pain.
I looked around. "This ain't even the best trick, I've got more" i said with a smile.
"Stop it Maddie" she said.
"Not until you Reverse the spell" i said.
"You know i cant do that" she said.
Suddenly their eyes started bleeding.
"I cam continue. I havent hit my full potential. I can let the blackness take over. I can ruin your salt circle and kill you like uncle Klaus did all those years ago" i said looking at her.
"Elijah make her stop!" My grandma yelled.
He said nothing but scream. I felt bad i didnt want to hurt my dad but i was hurting Finn and that's who i wanted to hurt for snapping my neck.
"Maddie please" my father managed.
I stopped and looked at him.
"I'm sorry" i whispered.
"Finn knows virtue you can not even imagine" my grandma said looking back at Kol.
"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children would be an atrocity." My father said standing right outside the circle.
"My only regret is that i did not let you die a thousand years ago." She said.
"A little late for regrets! I'm stuck as a 13 year old! I didn't want this none of us did but you forced us all" i cried.
"I'm sorry Maddie truly that things have to get this way" she said.
"If your sorry then stop! If you follow through with this then you are no better than Uncle Klaus taking my father away from me" i said.
"It has to be done" she said
"Enough. All this talk is boring me." Uncle Klaus said joining the rest of us at the circle.
"End this now mother or I'll send you back to hell" Klaus said looking right at my mother.
"This time you will stay dead" i said
"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you, felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you Elijah with your claim to nobility you're no better. All of you... you're a curse on this earth stretch out over generations. If you've come to plead for you life...I'm sorry. You've wasted your time." She said.
"Except you forgot one. Me!" I said looking at my father.
"You aren't ment to die dear the witches still need you. You were never ment to keep your magic yet you did." She said.
"I didn't ask for this! So if your going to kill them then you have to kill me!" I said.
"You're on the outside little niece I'm on the inside and then the moon is right she's going to stab me killing me and everyone else." Finn said.
"I'm smarter than i look Finn" i said as the circle blew in.
Finn and my grandma looked horrified.
"You said" Finn started and looked at my grandma.
I stepped into the circle.
"She shouldn't have been able to" She said.
"Oops maybe the witches are on my side and they don't think it's right for a little girl to lose her father" i said
"No the witches want this" Finn said.
"Are you sure?" I asked with a smile.
"Don't make me snap your neck again" Finn threatened.
"I'm not afraid of you. I'm a Mikealson witch!" I said.
My grandma closed her eyes and and i flew our of the circle.
"No! Sisters do not abandon me!" She yelled.
My father helped me up.
I used my magic and made the circle blow up fire rose.
"Mother!" I heard Finn yell.
My uncles all ducked and i stood still with the power flowing through me.
When i put the fire out Finn and Grandma where gone and my Uncles went into the circle.
My father called Rebecca off and we headed back to the house. My father stood him the window and i sat on the couch as Rebecca walked in.
"Where the bloody hell is everyone?" Rebecca asked.
"It's over Rebecca." My father said from the window.
He was felling guilty about what he did to Elena today i could tell.
"Where's mother?" Rebecca asked.
"We have no mother, Only Esther. And Esther was right" my father said turning around and facing her.
"What do you mean?" Rebecca asked.
"All my talk of virtue, when it fits my needs, i kill, maim, and torment. Even today i terrorized an innocent." My father said with his voice breaking up.
I stood up and looked at my father.
"Elena is hardly innocent" i said.
"And i used your hatred Rebecca, for her to get what i wanted" my father said.
"I wielded you like i would a sword... my sister" my father said.
"You did it to protect us Elijah. And rightly so. If you hadn't did what you did your daughter should be an orphan right now" Rebecca said.
"Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that ourselves." My father said as he walked away leaving me with Rebecca.
Rebecca and i wander into the next room where Uncle Klaus was burning pictures he drew.
"I thought you'd be gone by now. Both of you" my uncle said as we walked in.
"Elijah said he was leaving. Kols fled. Esther and Finn are gone, too" my uncle said.
"I hated you when i learned you killed our mother... but i released now after a thousand years together as a family, you're the only one who never left me." Rebecca said.
"Well aren't we a pair" my uncle said.
"There's something i think you need to see." Rebecca said.
"Come to brag about your skills as a torturer?" My uncle asked as she held up her phone.
Klaus and i walked towards her and looked at the pictures she had taken.
"Look at the images behind Elena on the walls" Rebecca said.
"The natives told the story of our family history." I said looking up at my aunt and uncle.
"Yes, look at the images on the far wall" Rebecca said.
"What is it?" Klaus asked.
"The natives worshipping the great white oak tree" Rebecca said.
"And? We burnt that tree to the ground." Klaus said.
"Look at the markings that precede it. That's the natives calendar." Rebecca said.
"This can't be right" Klaus said looking at the picture.
"What? What's wrong?" I asked.
"A white oak tree 300 years after we fled back to the old world. There must have been a sapling, a new tree to replace the old. That tree could kill us, Nik. It's not over." Rebecca said.
"Go to your room Maddie. Start packing so you can get far away from here with your father" my uncle said looking at me.
"What?" I questioned.
"Go now!" He yelled.
I nodded and ran to my room and there i found a box with a note sitting on my bed.

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