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"Where's Matt?" Caroline said as she walked into the gym.
Rebecca and I were cleaning up the dance it was beginning to look like it was just Rebecca, Caroline and I that were going to be cleaning up this dance. Rebecca was mad that she didn't get to again attend a dance and now my uncle was making the two of us leave with him. He promised me that he was dropping me off with my dad which i was pretty happy about.
"He bailed" i said.
"He got called into work at the last minute" Rebecca said.
"Are you kidding me? So it's just us three?" Caroline asked.
"Seems so" i said.
"And your late. Clean up committee started at 8:00." Rebecca said as she continued to clean up.
"It's like 8:02" Caroline said.
"Exactly" Rebecca said.
"Excuse her she's in a mood today" i said with a smile.
"I managed to turn up on time and i didnt even get to attend the dance that i organized." Rebecca said as she dumped trash into the trash can.
"I'm sorry about your mom. I mean, i know you like hated her and everything but still. I'm sorry." Caroline said.
"And I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy." Rebecca said.
"Yeah. He was." Caroline said with a smile.
"I'm going to get started on the other room" Rebecca said as she walked out.
Suddenly there was a bang and Caroline and i ran into the hallway and seen Alaric and Rebecca fighting he had her pinned up against the lockers. Caroline and i ambushed him and stabbed him with his own weapon but he pulled it out with out even a second thought. The three of us backed away slowly and ran for our lives. I stayed with Rebecca and Caroline went to her car. Rebecca and i watched from a distance as Alaric snapped Caroline neck and drug her back inside the school.
"Becca we have to do something" i said.
"Yeah what we need to do is go home to Klaus and tell him what just happened" Rebecca said.
"He will kill Caroline if she don't save her" i said talking about Alaric.
"He will kill me and possibly you if we try and save her. Let's go home now" she said.
I nodded and headed back home with her looking back at the school once before vamping off.
"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me" Rebecca said as we entered the house.
"Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." Klaus said
"Well he's not. He's a vampire now thanks to mothers spell" Rebecca said.
"With a white oak stake that can't kill him" i added.
"He's stronger Nik. Too strong" Rebecca said.
"Where is he now?" Klaus asked as he packed.
"Stuck at the school. Without a day light ring. But as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now" Rebecca said.
"Fine. I'll collect Elena and we will be on our way." Klaus said as he picked up a box.
"Forget Elena! You don't need anymore stupid hybrids!" Rebecca yelled.
"What i need is protection from Ethers continued assaults against us." Klaus said.
"We'll protect each other" i said.
"Like we always have. Always and forever Nik" Rebecca said.
"I'm not leaving without her" Klaus said.
"I'm leaving now. And I'm taking our niece with me" Rebecca said.
"No she stays with me. I am bringing her to her father" he said.
"She won't make it to father if you stay in this town!" Rebecca yelled.
"She stays with me and that's final!" Klaus yelled.
"Do i get a day in any of this?" I asked looking between my uncle and my aunt.
"No" they both said at the same time.
Rebecca gave up not fighting a fight she knew she would lose leaving me with my uncle who promised he would get me back to my father after we collected Elena but i knew there was going to be a fight because Elena wouldn't be going willingly and even if she did the Salvatore's won't let her. I was trying to figure out in my mind how to save Caroline too because Alaric was sure to kill her. Alaric wasn't himself he was his alter ego self and i was also trying to figure out away to save him from who he had become as well.
"I'm leaving now! You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own and for Maddie's sake i suggest you come with me" Rebecca said.
My uncle was ignoring her of course he just looked at her.
"Fine trust your hybrids to protect yourself and our niece if she gets killed you will have not just Elijah but Kol and I to deal with too. If you want to trust your hybrids over your own family then so be it." Rebecca said.
She walked past my uncle and headed out the door not once looking back.
"Let's go. Tyler finish packing up my stuff and my nieces stuff while i go make a house call" my uncle said grabbing my head and leading me out the door.
"Where are we going" i asked as he threw me into the car.
"To collect Elena" he said.
"Why! Why can't we just leave uncle Klaus! Please" i said.
"We will after i have elena" he said as we drove to her house.
He got out and i followed his lead and went to the door of the Gilbert house. My uncle knocked and Jeremy answered.
"What the hell do you want?" Jermey said to my uncle.
"Now is that anyway to treat a guest? Especially one who might fancy you?" My uncle said looking back at me.
Of course he knew! And now Jeremy knew not like it mattered by sunset we would be gone and will never come back therefore I'd never see him again. Jeremy looked at me and then looked behind him where Stefan appeared.
"What are you doing here, Klaus?" Stefan asked.
"Well, for starters, young Jeremy here could show some manners and invite my niece and i inside." My uncle said.
"Why don't you go up to your room" Stefan said to Jeremy.
He just stood there and Damon walked up.
"Now" he said.
Jeremy looked at my uncle then at me and stayed looking at me for a couple seconds before heading to his room.
"Hmm. Poor lad. Loses one questionable father figure only to be replaced by the likes of the two of you." My uncle said.
"Yeah because Maddie has a better father figure while her father is out sulking right?" Stefan asked.
My uncle didn't say anything only gave Stefan a death glance.
"Yeah, about that. Something happened." Damon said.
"Oh, i know all about my mothers invulnerable little creation. That's why we are here. We are leaving town. I just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare tier, flashlight... doppelgänger" My uncle said looking at the brothers.
"Can't help you there." Damon said as he shut the door.
"That wasn't very nice" my uncle said looking at me.
"Just leave her here and let's go we are running out of time!" I said.
My uncle ignored me of course and paste the porch of Elena Gilbert's house looking for a way in even though he knew he can't get in unless invited. He picked up the newspaper and rolled it up and walked off the porch i followed and he stood in front of the window and threw the newspaper through the window.
"Think you're probably going to want to let me in." My uncle yelled as he looked for something else to throw through the window.
He walked over to the neighbors house and broke off parts of there fence and a soccer ball and then rejoined me in front of Elena's house.
First he threw the soccer ball breaking the door down and then he started throwing the fence parts.
"Get down!" Stefan yelled as the first fence part came flying in hitting the wall just by Damon's head.
"Missed me" Damon said as he ripped the part out of the wall throwing it back at my uncle who dodged it and it flew past my head but barely.
My uncle broke the fence piece in his hand in half and threw it at Damon again missing him again.
"Missed me again!" Damon said.
I heard a phone ring as my uncle threw the last piece and i heard Stefan say Alaric. My uncle of course went to grab a gas can and a newspaper and he marched back up on the porch with the newspaper on fire.
"Put it out" Stefan said as he can to the door.
"Why don't you come outside and make me." My uncle said.
Stefan stepped outside.
"Elena's not here. Alaric has her and Caroline. He's going to kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him" Stefan said.
He threw the gas can and the newspaper down and looked at Stefan.
"Now i know your not asking me to walk into a certain death. You said it yourself I'm Maddie's father figure while her father is sulking. I cant Let Alaric kill me in front of her" my uncle said making it sound like it was all for me but really it wasn't.
"I really wish we could. But unfortunately if Alaric kills you, there's a one in four chance that we die, too" Stefan said.
"Five. It's a one in five chance you die too. I could be the sire line as well" i said.
"I'll take those odds." Damon said as he walked out with a piece of the fence in his hand.
"And a hundred percent chance that Tyler dies" Stefan said.
"I'm good with that, too" Damon said.
"Why don't we just figure out away to put Alaric down, hmm?" Stefan asked.
"Okay. How about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric while Stefan grabs Elena and carries her to safety." My uncle said.
"Oh that's a great idea. What's to stop me from being killed instantly?" Damon asked.
"Nothing" Klaus said with a smile.
"Caroline is in there." Stefan said.
"Don't you have a thing for her? Or did she just reject you too many times?" Damon asked.
"This isn't really helping too much" Stefan said slowly.
"I might have an idea" Bonnie said as she walked outside.
"Go ahead Bonnie you have the floor" i said.
"My mom used a desiccation spell on Mikeal that immobilized him for over 15 years. If i can get it i might be able to use it on Alaric." Bonnie said.
"If and might. Your words inspire suck confidence" my uncle said.
"I'll get it. But even with the spell, we will need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down. Including yours and Maddie's." Bonnie said.
"Just so we are clear, the sunsets in about eight hours. If we don't succeed before then, Elena will be dead, Maddie and i will be gone, and the rest of you will be left to fend for yourselves." My uncle said with a smirk.

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