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I woke up and my uncle and my father were gone it was only Hayley and I .
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" i said as i rubbed my neck.
"Where's your uncle and father?" She asked.
"My uncle stabbed my father in the chest and broke my neck so i couldnt do anything about it." I said as i grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
I dialed Rebecca's number.
"Hello niece. Did your father have you call me?" She asked.
"No he's missing. Klaus stabbed him in the chest and now they are both gone. I need you to get down here and help me please" i said.
"Ugh. I told you and my brother not to go down there and you guys didn't listen. I'll be down, text me the address" she said as she hung up.
"My aunts coming she will help us find him" i said as i got up off the couch that my uncle may have put me on.
"Can't you do a location spell and find your dad?" Hayley asked.
"Yeah but chances are whatever my uncle did he probably has him cloaked somehow so i cant find him even if i wanted to" i said as i just continued to uncover things around the house.
A couple hours later Rebecca showed up. I heard her walk in the front door and i heard Hayley run down the steps and i too followed down the steps.
"Who the hell are you?" Hayley asked as she grabbed a fire poker.
"Ah. You must be the maid" Rebecca said.
"Rebecca" i said.
"My bags are in the car, get them will you?" Rebecca said as she sat her keys down.
"Rebecca" i said again as i stood next to Hayley.
"Hello not the maid" Hayley said.
"Right your that werewolf girl my brother Klaus knocked up. I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural miracle baby bump. Guess you not showing yet. It's Hayley isn't it?" Rebecca said.
"You have your brothers manners" Hayley said.
I laughed.
"And his temper too so watch it. Now is Klaus here?" Rebecca asked.
"As of a hour ago yes." I said.
"Did he tell you anything?" Rebecca asked.
"Only that he bailed. Guess that what i get for trusting a vampire" Hayley said.
"He isn't just a vampire Hayley when he makes promises he keeps them" i said.
"Klaus, get our here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!" Rebecca yelled as she walked into the living room.
"Enough with all the shouting. Little sister, i should have known Maddie would call you. I assume the six dead vampires were your doing?" Klaus asked.
"They were very rude... trying to victimize a poor innocent girl just trying to find me way to the quarter. So sorry were they friends of yours? Oh that's right. You don't have any friends" Rebecca said.
"I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, dont you? Yes of course you do. He fancies himself king of the quarter now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It will be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you." My uncle said.
"We aren't going to find out because you aren't going to say anything" i said.
"I dont care about marcels or his rules. Elijah doesn't welsh on deals and he wouldn't have left both Hayley and his daughter so what did you do with him?" Rebecca asked.
"Perhaps he's on holiday, or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. We'll go on take a look around. You remember this house just as well as Maddie and I do" my uncle said with a smile as Rebecca walked around.
"He isn't here I've checked, so quite the games! Where is my father?" I asked.
"Maddie darling don't worry about it" Klaus said.
"I remember everything." Rebecca snapped.
I nodded.
"I remember how the drunken fool of a governor hid away all our vampire sins in exchange for gold. I remember the lavish parties the governor threw as if it were to impress you. I remember finding a moment of affection with the governors son Emil... and i remember that both Maddie and Elijah were happy." Rebecca said.

New Orleans 1820
I sat in the chair in the hallway across from my uncle who was sucking the women next to him dry and as my father stood a little bit away kissing the girl he had fall in love with. I sat and read a book.
"Your brother, he's gone too far." The girl said.
I looked up and rolled my eyes at my uncle.
"Niklaus, there is no hope for you, is there?" My father asked.
He looked at my father and bit harder on the girls wrist. I heard people walking down the hall and i looked over away from my uncle and seen my aunt walking with Emil.
"Are we interrupting?" Rebecca asked as she walked up.
"Yes" my uncle said.
"No" my father and I said at the same time.
"Dearest Elijah, you've only ever wanted happiness for me. Emil and I are in love. Please let me turn him" Rebecca asked.
Klaus started laughing and we all looked at him.
"Rebecca the governor had graciously agreed to hide a lot of our... indiscretions. It would not do to turn his only son into one of us." My father said.
"Please. For me?" She begged.
"It's not going to happen, sister." Klaus said as he stood up.
"If we turned every man you dropped your knickers for, then human beings would cease to exist, and we would have no blood food." My uncle said as he walked over to Rebecca and Emil.
"Uncle Klaus." I said.
My fathers girlfriend looked at me and shook her head, telling me to stay out of it just as my father had always told me to stay out of the sibling fights.
"How dare you, sir!" Emil said stepping up to protect Rebecca.
"You will do well to..." he started again but Klaus grabbed him by the throat.
"Brother." My father said as Klaus headed for the stairs with his hand around Emils neck.
I too jumped up and ran after them.
"Niklaus." Rebecca said.
"Niklaus. Drop him!" My father said.
My uncle dropped him over the banister which killed him as he hit the ground.
"No!" Rebecca cried as my father grabbed her. My uncle patted my father on the back and went back to his seat between to too ladies he was sucking dry. I gave him a dirty look as i stood by my father and aunt.
Flashback over.

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