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It was only a matter of time that Rebecca returned with what Sophie sent her to retrieve and Hayley only got worst.
We were all outside by the pool, well everyone but my uncle of course.
"She's burning up. We need to do this now." My father said.
"Get her in the water," Sophie said from the table she was working at with Rebecca and I by her side.
I watched my father jump in the pool and slowly lowered Hayley in.
"I dont see how a midnight swim is supposed to help," Rebecca said.
"Temperature is sky high, and the water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down." Sophie said as she made the drink and ran into the pool.
"Drink this" Sophie said to Hayley.
"You need to get her heart rate down." Sophie said to my father.
"How do you suppose i do that?" My father asked.
"Hold her. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure." Sophie said.
"This is never gonna work," Rebecca said.
"Have faith," i said with a smile as i shut my eyes and began the unlinking spell.
"Maddie will break that link with the help of Davina. We just need time" i heard my father say.
"I dont need davina's help" i said.
"Focus Maddie please" my father said.
I took a deep breath and focused again starting the spell.
"Phesmatos, omnio ligata soluto." I said.
"I cant breathe" Hayley said
"Ok. Take long, deep breaths" my father said to Hayley.
"Hurry Maddie" he said.
"I'm trying!" I yelled.
"Hayley, look at me. Long deep breaths. Just focus on the sound of my voice. You'll be ok. You'll be ok." My father said to Hayley.
"Phesmatos, omnio lingata soluto. Vingulia cordit" i said as the clock struck and Hayley screamed.
I tightened my eyes and held my hands out.
The dreaming stopped.
"I just felt it lift" Sophie said.
I opened my eyes and Rebecca looked at me.
"Good job niece" she said.
"I had help. Davina with the knot" i said.
"You could have done it without her" she said.
"Yeah well" i said as i walked to the side of the pool.
"Prink yourself Sophie make sure it worked" i said.
She did as told and my father checked Hayleys hand and nothing was there.
"Come on..." my father said guiding Hayley to me and i helped her out.
"Elijah... as soon as your brother finds out that the link is broken, he'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything, but please don't let him kill her." Sophie said to my father.
My father vamp speed out of the pool and wrapped a towel around Hayley.
"Elijah, she's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him." Sophie said as i handed my dad his phone.
He dialed my uncles number.
"It's me. Where are you?" My father said.
Klaus said something but i didnt care to listen i was focused on helping Hayley dry.
"Don't hurt her. Maddie and I will be there shortly." My father said as he hung up.
"I'll make you one last promise. I wont let my brother kill Agnes." My father said as he walked inside to change clothes.
Sophie jumped out of the pool.
"I know you were just using me to save your people, but try it again, I'll kill you." Hayley said as she walked away.
Rebecca and I went to find my father.
"The unlinking worked. Maybe we can make plans..." Rebecca started as we walked into his room.
"Not now, Rebecca. Can we discuss this when maddie and I return?" He asked as he walked past her buttoning his shelve.
"I wont be here when you guys return." Rebecca said.
My father stopped in his tracks and turned around.
"That sounds like a good-bye." My father said.
There was silents between them and i slowly walked over to my fathers side.
"I guess it is. I only came to New Orleans to make sure you and Maddie were safe. You both are. I thought that i might be able to convince you to come with me, but here you are, rushing off into whatever Klaus and Marcel and the witches have cooked up, risking not just your life but Maddie's as well and i finally get it. You'll never leave this city. You'll never leave Klaus." Rebecca said with tears in her eyes.
"Then you should stay." My father said as he walked over to Rebecca.
"This thing that you and Klaus and Marcel have, I want no part of it, and if you were smart you wouldn't put Maddie in the middle of it either. I just want to be free." Rebecca cried as I walked over.
"Well, then go." My father said as he kissed her cheek.
"You are free." He said with a small smile as she turned away.
I hugged Rebecca and then ran after my father jumping head first into whatever Klaus had gotten this family into.
I got into my dads car and the two of us drove to where ever Klaus said he was.

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