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We followed at a distances behind Sabine and she stopped and turned around.
"Maddie. Elijah. To what do i owe the pleasure?" Sabine asked.
"My family needs an ally among the witches, and you've helped us in the past. Perhaps together we can avoid an unnecessary conflict." My father said.
"They May be willing to make a deal if it were with the noble Elijah and his daughter. But there will never be any peace as long as it involves Klaus" Sabine said.
"Is that what all this is about? You want my brother out of town?" My father asked.
"I'm just telling you how they feel. My people are scared. They're desperate, but they're not dumb." She said.
"That's debatable" i said.
"You have a niece on the way." She said ignoring me.
"It stands to reason you'd be willing to discuss how to run him out of the city." Sabine said.
"Let us three walk together" my father said with a smile.
I rolled my eyes.
"You can take us on one of your famous tours." My father said as he and I started walking.
I followed behind Sabine and my father texting Rebecca but she wasn't being very responsive and neither was Hayley in all honesty. I felt like we had been on this tour of town for hours and it was boring if you ask me, why do people pay money to do this.
"This next part of town is one of the few areas where any of the original French architecture remains. Most of the buildings were destroyed in the 1700s, when the city burned for the first time." Sabine said as we stopped to look at the buildings.
My father looked down at the ground.
"Am i putting you to sleep, Maddie?" She asked me.
"A little, yeah" i said
"I always liked a kids honesty. And what about you Elijah am i putting you to sleep?" She asked.
"As surprising as you might find this, it's not everyday that someone asks you to betray your own brother... Celeste" my father said as he looked at Sabine.
That caught my attention and i was on full alert now as i joined by my father. She looked at my father absolutely mortified.
"How did you know?" She asked with a smile.
"As Davina was drawing your likeness.... i dared to imagine that your presence was near. And when Sophie discovered there was no magic in your remains, i wondered... could you have possibly cheated death by using your power to place your essence into the body of another? And if so, then who? And then I recalled the lovely Sabine. You're visions of my brothers child precipitated the death of the last elder within your coven... ensuring that the harvest ritual could not be completed... unless you were to control it. You have been playing a very long game indeed.... to what end?" My father said as he circled her before stoping in front of her.
She smiled and walked over and kissed him.
"Oh, Elijah... my lost love... after all this time... don't you understand?" She said as she backed away.
My father looked uneasy and i ran over to him.
"I died because of Klaus. And even after all his vindictive lies about witches led to my death, and Maddie being put in danger because she's a witch, which led to her being put into a box, you stood by him all because of your vow, always and forever" she said.
"What did you do to him!" I asked.
"It's a simple enchantment. You needn't worry. I'm not here to kill your father Maddie, I'm only here to tech him of the errors of his ways. Always and forever was the greatest mistake of his life, both of your lives actually." She said as my father fell to the ground.
"You've poisoned me with a kiss." My father said as he looked up at her.
I kneeled down next to him.
"Uh! At least you haven't lost your sense of irony." My father said.
"Fix it!" I demanded.
"You've becomes quite different since i last actually saw you Maddison" he said as she placed a hand on my cheek.
"I've become stronger." I said as the wind picked up.
"But still not in control i see" she said as she looked at my father.
"We May have time for more. But first, I'm going to cure you of your greatest flaw... this absurd devotion to your lunatic family." She said
"Your anger is with me. Now, if you have come here seeking revenge... leave Maddie out of it" he said.
"Oh, I'll have my revenge, starting with Klaus. He is going to know pain and torment like he's never felt before... unless you choose to save him, either of you of course." She said.
My father looked at me and shook his head.
"But then that leaves Rebecca, your tragic sister. She's about to find herself in quite the predicament. Either of you could save her could save her but then that leaves Hayley in jeopardy." Celeste said.
"No. No, no..." my father said.
"ah, this poor girl. She has no idea how dangerous it is to be loved by you. Oh, well. And then lastly Elijah there's little Maddison, you could save her too" She said as she looked at me.
"No! Leave me alone I've done nothing to you" i said.
"While that's true, you are a perfect game piece for my revenge. Maddison my dear, you have so much you don't even know about" she said with a flick of her wrist I was experiencing a supernatural headache like the one i give to annoying vampires.
I am going to kill her or at the very least knock her ass out after i over came this silly spell.
"With your body weakened by my spell Elijah, you won't be able to save them all. You'll recover with just enough time to choose one. Who will it be?" She asked.
My father looked at me and i shook my head slightly. He needed to save Klaus I could get to the plantation and save Rebecca and Hayley.
"I cant wait to find out" she said as she grabbed me and walked away leaving my father lay on the ground.
"Huh weird how that spell didn't last on me" i said as I pushed her away.
"Your smarter than I thought" she said.
"And your dumber than I thought, if you think with my father and I we can't save them all." I said.
"Oh I'll let you go save whomever you want darling but then even with the two of you saving Rebecca, Klaus, and or Hayley it leaves you open for grabs because face it darling you can't save yourself" she said with a laugh.
I vamp speed to the plantation were Hayley and Rebecca were and there was a party for some kind going on.
I walked into the house because i had been invited in when we were all out her last after we put the house in Hayleys name.
"I know it's a lot to take in." I heard someone say from the room with the piano.
"You think?" I heard Hayley say.
I walked in and seen a guy at the piano and Hayley standing by the door.
"I just wanted to meet my family. I never imagined I'd meet my husband from some weird-ass arranged marriage." Hayley said.
"Someone's here" he said.
Hayley looked over and seen me.
"Hi" i said as i looked down.
"Maddie" she said.
"I'm sorry i didnt mean to ease drop" i said.
"Your fine. I thought you were with your dad" she said.
"I was Celeste attacked him I came to protect you and Rebecca" i said.
"We are fine" she said.
"I can see that. Hi, I'm Maddie Mikealson" i said as i walked over to the guy.
"Jackson" he said as he shook my hand.
I smiled and back away.
"I guess you don't know about any of this because there was never anyone around to teach you. The crescents aren't a just any pack of wolves. Ok? The bloodline goes back to the very beginning... two families... yours and mine. I guess that makes us kind of like royalty." He laughed.
He was cute that was no lie.
"This is a joke, right? I mean, if you're royalty, where's the throne?" Hayley asked.
He sighed.
"New Orleans used to be our town. And we lost it all because of some infighting. The vampires came after us. And if our families were united, we could have taken them. So our parents decided to bring to bring the two lines back together. And you and I were betrothed." Jackson said.
"I'm sorry. This is ridiculous." Hayley said.
I for one was very curious by all of this.
"Look, obviously things didn't work out the way anyone thought they would. Our pack made a huge misstep with the vampires when we refused to back down. And Marcel had us cursed by a witch. You are the last one of your bloodline, Andrea.  Or Hayley, whatever you call yourself.  These people will follow you. You can help them... you and what you represent." Jackson said.
I was also working on that spell to reverse the curse on the werewolves but i paused on it after the harvest ritual thing.
"And what is that exactly?" She asked.
"A time when things were different, when our people fought back. And after everything you went through to find us... you're the one who's gonna break our curse." He said.
"Actually that's going to be me breaking the curse and all but we get your point" i said.
Hayley looked at me with a small smile.
"No, no. A different witch told Eve she was coming here tonight to lift the curse" jackson said.
"Whoa hold on. Maddie is the only witch i fully trust. So what witch?" Hayley asked.
"Where's Rebecca?" I asked.
"She was in the back yard with a werewolf, dancing and stuff" Hayley said.
I turned and headed for the back door and Rebecca was nowhere to be found. Then i heard growls of wolves in the woods. I didnt know what to do, go save Rebecca or stay and watch Hayley. What would my dad want me to do? Help my aunt or Hayley who is pregnant with our families hope.
I ran inside to Hayley who was on the phone.
"Elijah, something is going on with the witches" Hayley said into the phone.
"Dad" i whispered.
"Listen to me. You were right. Celeste is back. Niklaus, Rebecca, Maddie. You're all in danger." I heard my dad say.
Hayley looked at me with pity in her eyes and a look of defeat, before she went to open the door which blew shut.
"What's going on?" Jackson asked.
"It's a trap. I didn't make a deal with any witches, Maddie came up on her own to help me" Hayley said.
"What? Hayley you have to find Rebecca and Maddie. Stay with them until I get there" My father said.
"Maddie's right here with me but i dont know where Rebecca is" she said as she grabbed the door handle.
The door bursted into flames.
"Elijah, it's a spell. They're trapping us inside." Hayley said.
"i can hold it off" i said as i started the reverse spell.
Hayley and Jackson looked for a way out but everywhere they went more fire came about.
"We have to get out of here" I heard Hayley day.
"What's she doing" Jackson asked.
"Trying to counter the spells which is helping the fires not grow but they aren't going away." Hayley said.
I walked into the next room and Jackson tried to throw the piano bench through the window causing the fire to burst. Hayley started coughing.
"Maddie hurry" Hayley said.
"Here. Breathe through this." Jackson said handing her cloth.
I nodded and chanted the spell louder and the fire started to die down. And i broke a window with the flick of my wrist which was kind of cool and grabbed Hayley and jumped through the window meeting my dad in the drive way. I laid Hayley down and my dad ran over to make sure she was okay.
"Where's Rebecca?" My dad asked us.
"I dont know." Hayley said.
He looked at me.
"I think in the woods somewhere." I said.
"She went off with one of the werewolves. But Elijah my friend he's still in there" Hayley coughed.
My dad looked at me and in ran into the house.
"Jackson?!" I yelled as I put my hand out to make a force field around me.
He said nothing but i could hear him breathing then i seen him on the ground.
"Jackson!" I yelled as i ran over to him.
"Come on, up we go" i said helping him back up.
I vamp speed him out to my dad and Hayley.
"I need to find Rebecca" i said as i helped Jackson sit down.
"Come on Maddie lets get to the woods" my dad said.
"Rebecca?!?" I screamed as we walked through the woods near the house.
There was nothing to be seen but i smelled blood.
I looked over and seen a werewolf and something next to it.
"Dad" i said pointing.
We walked over and he picked it up.
"She was here. That's hers" i said.
"Missing something?" We heard Celeste say.
My dad turned around quickly.
"You won't hurt me. I'm the only one alive who can break the curse on hayleys family" Celeste said.
"Funny you should say that. I've been working on it Celeste and I've almost got it figured out" i said.
"You know Maddison, I liked the version of you when you were very obedient" Celeste said.
"That's okay. I liked you better when you were my role model teaching me to control my magic, not trying to kill my family" i said.
She smirked and looked back at my father.
"Don't even think about killing Genevieve she's the only one who knows where Rebecca is" Celeste said as Genevieve walked up.
"Bastia makes has Klaus tucked away someplace safe. He's suffering horribly, i might add, and little Maddison Mikealson the true odd ball of the group. You see earlier i did a little spell on you, every time you use your magic you grow weaker and only I can fix that. Let me guess how much power you used to save Hayley. Who did you decide to save Elijah? Oh wait you chose to save the little wolf instead of your own blood, one of whom is your daughter." She said as I felt weaker.
"Once she's lost all her strength she will fall into a magical coma that only I can wake her from." She continued
"The spell will wear of if i kill you" i said as my father grabbed me.
"Maybe so but are you willing to risk that?" She asked.
"Yes," i said.
"No. Maddie i will not let you put yourself in danger to protect this family it isn't your job and Celeste is right ive failed as a father" he said.
"No, you haven't dad" i said as i looked up at him.
He looked away and focused on Celeste again.
Celeste brought my father to his knees and he screamed and I watched the other two witches. All i had to do was kill them all right and everything would be fine we would find my aunt and my uncle with out them and then the spell placed on my by Celeste would be gone and I could use my magic again without the fear of slipping into a coma like state.
"What a horrific ending... to your pathetic diseased family. I really am sorry Maddison got caught in the middle of it all. I guess always isn't forever after all." Celeste said as she continued.
My father held his head and i glared at Celeste planing my moves they had to be quick because as soon as she's out the other two will come after me and while i cant die doesn't mean they won't try.
I watched as Bastina disappeared with a smirk on her face leaving only Genevieve and Celeste and it's easier to take two on rather than three but the question is how much magic can i use before slipping away or how face can i kill Celeste. I didnt want to kill her she was my mentor but he threatened my family and she had to die for real this time.
Just as quickly as they appeared they disappeared and i helped my father up and we went back to Hayley and drove to the compound.

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