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Tyler's POV
"It's beautiful isn't it?" I said as i came around the corner catching Bonnie looking at my body, my real body not Tyler's lame body that i hitched a ride on or in however you put it.
"What is it doing here Klaus?" Bonnie asked.
"The deal we made with Tyler was that you'd leave his body and jump into someone else's the first chance you got" Bonnie said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yes when i assumed I'd be a pile of ash. But apparently my lovely niece did more than you and I both know and there I am." I said as i walked over to Bonnie and my body.
"Put me back" i said.
"I cant right now. I have to help Elena and I have no clue where your niece is to help me with that spell" she said.
"You're history teacher outed Tyler and Caroline to the Council. They're on a war path and this body is vulnerable." I said.
"I have to help Elena before she has to feed" Bonnie said.
"Elena's dead and no longer my concern" i said.
"You're Forgetting who just saved your life" Bonnie said.
I reached over and grabbed Bonnie's neck.
"And you're forgetting i can rip your tongue out. Now... put... me... back" i said.
"If i can keep Elena human you'll still have an endless blood supply to make your hybrids. Isn't that what you really want?" Bonnie asked.
I let go of her neck and she stepped back.
She turned and started to walk away and i vamp speed in front of her.
"Same rules apply. Nobody knows. No one. Do you understand Bonnie?" I asked.
She nodded.
"And for god sake find my niece! Next time you come back i want you both to put me back!" I yelled as she walked away.
Maddie's POV
"Dad we have to go back to mystic falls." I said.
"No we can't" he said as he continued to drive.
"But Rebecca is there we need to get her" i said.
"The council knows about us all of us kid we have to get far away and Rebecca will leave to" he said.
"No dad she won't not right now she's connected to all of Nik's stuff. She doesn't know Alaric is dead and she doesn't know the council is hot on everyone's trail and Caroline she needs to leave mystic falls too! Dad let me be the hero." I said.
"Maddie i cant lose you too. I already lost two brothers this month and i absolutely refuse to let you die with them" he said.
"Dad what about Rebecca! Forever and always!" I yelled.
He looked at me and pulled over.
"I'm heading south go to mystic falls get Rebecca and then get far away from mystic falls and call me and I'll tell you where  i am" he said.
I could tell he was regretting it but he knew it was right.
"I will" i said as i kissed his check and jumped out of the car and headed for Mystic falls. I ran with my vampire speed all the way there and ran into the house where i found Rebecca going through Uncle Klaus stuff, throwing it actually.
"I miss him too Becca" i said.
She turned around and walked to me and wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm so sorry Maddie i left you to die" she cried.
"No you didn't I'm fine I'm safe. Right now we need to leave. Dads heading south and he wants us to meet him" i said.
Suddenly we both heard foot steps.
"You should know better then to sneak up on a lady" Rebecca said without turning around.
I looked over and seen Damon Salvatore and he looked pretty pissed.
"Good advice. Have you see one?" He asked as he looked around.
Rebecca wasn't in a good mood either.
"Tragic about Elena." Rebecca said as she turned around.
"Not to make the gray cloud grayer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?" Rebecca asked.
I was confused as to what they were talking about.
Rebecca turned around and Damon came at her with a stake and i jumped in front of my aunt and grabbed Damon's arm. And she spun around quickly and pushed me aside and grabbed him and made him drop the stake. Suddenly she was shot through the window and Damon ran out of the house and i ran over to Rebecca as she was shot again causing me to get shot as well. We both fell to the ground.
Next thing i knew i was waking up in the back of a moving van with my aunt and Caroline the two people i came to save. Caroline was already awake when Rebecca and i came to. Rebecca tried to get lose but i didnt move.
"Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed is all to the council" Caroline said.
"The council... what exactly do they think they can do to me? To Maddie?" Rebecca asked.
Suddenly there was a crash and the van was on its side. All three of us groaned in pain.
"What the hell happened?" Rebecca asked.
Suddenly the back doors of the van got ripped off and in came Tyler.
"Tyler?" Caroline questioned.
"I'm harder to kill than you think" Tyler said as he untied Caroline.
"You're alive?" She cried.
He continued to brake the restraints off Caroline.
"How are you alive?" She asked.
"No time. Come on we have to go" Tyler said as he helped Caroline up.
I looked out the door there were vehicles flipped over and a small fire.
"Wait! What about us?" Rebecca asked.
"Keep them busy little sister" he said as he winked at me and then he left.
"That's not possible!" She said.
"It's possible. Especially when you have a witch for a niece" i said. She stopped fighting the ropes and looked at me.
"Elijahs going to kill me" she said and she leaned back.

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