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The sun filled my room as i woke up. I rolled out of bed and headed for the kitchen for a glass of blood or a blood bag I would decide on the way.
"Modesty is for the weak" i heard my uncle say as i walked past his room.
I being nosy wanted to see who he was talking too. Low and be hold i seen Genevieve in a sheet.
"Gross" i said to myself.
I watched my uncle move the painting her had painted.
"Well, are you gonna show me?" She asked.
"The painting is a gift. A token to honor our pact." My uncle said.
"Our pact?" She said looking very offended.
"We had such a lovely night and now i see it was all a means to an end." She continued.
"A rather delicious means to a mutually beneficial end." My uncle said as he walked over to her.
"Tell me. Beyond the pleasures of last night and the promise of what I'm sure is an exquisite painting, what exactly would a French quarter witch gain from aligning with you?" She said as she turned away from him.
"Oh joy here we go" i said softly.
"Well, the treaty my dear brother negotiated between the warring factions of this city, the one that you yourself signed. No doubt everyone means well, but this is after all..." my uncle began.
"still the French quarter?" I questioned as i walked in.
"Good morning Maddison" my uncle said as i joined him.
"Morning Uncle Klaus" i said as i glared at Genevieve.
"As i was saying. A borough rife with natural enemies. What you and your witches including my dear niece need is the protection only I can provide. No one... not vampires, not werewolves, not even my brother will dear trifle with you if I'm on your side." My uncle said.
"And in exchange... i am to offer you what, exactly?" She asked.
"All i ask is for the promise of your allegiance. One never knows when a powerful witch might come in handy" My uncle said.
"I'm a powerful witch! More powerful than she is! She's not even supposed to be alive" i said feeling casted a side by my uncle.
"Yes niece you are powerful but i dont want to use you because you are family and a child and you don't belong in the fights" he said.
"You're pathetic" i said as i turned and left.
"A blood bag it is" i said as i ran down the steps and to the kitchen.
I grabbed a blood bag and went to my room and went through spells and i was trying to concentrate when a bunch of drilling came from down stairs.
"Enough with all the racket!" I heard my uncle yell.
I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room and to the balcony and seen a bunch of men and my father.
"Is there a problem brother?" My father asked as he looked up at my uncle with a smirk on his face.
"Gentlemen, please." My father said.
"I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody 3-ring circus." My uncle said as he went down the steps with a fully dressed Genevieve following behind him.
I rolled my eyes and headed to the stairs as well.
"Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not and nor is my daughter going to live in squalor." My father said as he held open his arms for me.
I walked over and he placed his arms around me and I buried my head in his chest as he kissed my head. Im short so i only go to about his chest, i didnt have the chance to grow into an adult obviously.
"I agree with your brother. It's a new era in the French quarter. This place could us a make over." Genevieve said.
"Careful, Elijah. When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something" my uncle said as he walked over to my father and I .
I pulled myself from a much needed hug from my father and looked at my uncle and the witch bitch.
"Actually, i do have a request." She said.
"Of course you do" i said as i stood beside my father.
"Now Maddison let's hear her out" my father said.
I rolled my eyes and she smirked and continued.
"I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change." She said.
"Am i to assume you have a certain feast day in mind?" My father asked.
"The fete des benedictions." She said.
My uncle laughed.
"Feast of the blessings. In the past, members of the community offered the witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young harvest girls to society. Young Maddie here can take part in it as well" Genevieve said.
"So your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my aunt and uncle in unspeakable torment." I said as i looked at my father.
"And you would like a party for the witches." My father said.
My uncle laughed again from the scotch table.
We all looked at him.
"I made my amends with your brother. Why don't you think it over?" She said as she left.
"Oh, don't be such a stiff, Elijah. You're teaching your daughter bad habits. Beside the tourist love a good festival. Besides, what a better way to cement the solidarity than a show of faith towards a onetime enemy?" Klaus said.
"A onetime enemy with whom you've grown rather nauseatingly intimate." My father said.
"Who said maintaining alliances can't be fun?" My uncle said.
"Me! I'd like for her not to be my aunt" i said as i imitated puking.
My uncle laughed.
"Glad you find that amusing" i said.
"One would think you'd be a little more interested in attending to the needs of the mother of your child." My father said.
"Because you did so well with yours?" My uncle asked.
"I did the best i could with Cassandra but we were 16!" My father said.
"So Hayley's the reason behind all this oh-so- thoughtful renovation. Elijah, the truth is the mother of my child is werewolf royalty. She's far safer in the bayou with her pack than she would ever be here with us. Don't worry. I'll bring her home before the birth." My uncle said as he walked away.
"No child of mine with be born in a swamp." He said as he left the room.
"What did he mean you did so will with the mother of yours? My mother?" I said.
"Nothing i could have done would have saved her Maddie" he said.
"Because she died during childbirth" i said.
"Yes, but i didn't... i wasnt there for her when she needed me. Maddie you were born early we didn't even think you would live" he said as he looked at me.
"Why did he say what he said" i asked.
"To get this very reaction you know your uncle and you know he will say anything to get one of us going. Just dismiss what he said please" he said.
I nodded. But i wasnt going to let it go.
What made my father not be there for my mother and what did Klaus mean he did so well with his? Maybe it was nothing like my father said but he never has talked to me about my mother in the 1000 years I've been alive.

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