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"What did you do?" I demanded as i walked into the house that was being renovated.
"What are you talking about?" My uncle asked
"Jermeys gone! He wasn't at school i was alone" i said.
"I didnt do anything i made a deal you were there her brother is safe" he said looking at me.
"Then why was i alone? It was terrible no Rebecca in history or lunch and no Jermey for any other class" i said slowly.
"First of all little niece Jeremy is just a human life..." my uncle started
"I know what you are going to save I've heard it all my vampire life please spare me" i said as i sat down on the chair in the living room.
He nodded and walked over to me.
"I'm sorry you were alone. You don't have to go you know" he said.
"I know but i want to. It makes me feel normal and it helps pass time" i said looking at him.
"Okay." He said as he kissed my head and walked away.
I got up and went to the Salvatore house and knocked on the door.
"Little Elijah what do i owe the pleasure?" Damon said.
"Where's Jeremy?" I asked.
"Does someone like him?" Damon asked.
"He was my only friend at school in my classes and today he was gone" i said.
"Sorry kid i cant tell you were he is. Besides your uncle set you up?" Damon asked pinning me to the wall.
"No! I'm here alone he didn't even know i left. He'd be pissed if he found out" i said shoving Damon off me.
"I would have never thought you would go behind your uncles back" Damon said.
"Yeah well I'm feeling rebellious today. So are you going to tell me where Jeremy is or do i have to find Elena" i asked.
"I'm not telling you anything" he said
"Fine so be that way" i said and i walked out of the house and too Elena's house.
I knocked on the door and Mr. Saltzman answered.
"Maddie? Everything okay?" He said looking outside and around me.
"He's not here. He doesn't know i left" i said.
He nodded.
"Is Elena here i want to talk to her" i said.
"Um sure hang on." He said as he walked away.
"Elena, Maddie's here to see you" i heard Mr. Saltzman say to Elena with my vamp hearing.
"I'm not talking to her. I have nothing to talk about" she said.
"It doesn't seem she's here on Klaus duty she looks upset" he said.
"Fine" Elena said as she walked up to the door.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"What happened to Jeremy?" I asked.
"My brother?" She questioned.
"Yeah you're brother. I asked my uncle he hasn't got a clue and Damon knew but wouldn't tell me so that leaves you" i said.
"I'm not telling you. Your only going to tell Klaus" she said.
"I'm not going to tell him. Besides he doesn't care he spared him" i said.
"Doesn't matter he wasn't safe here anymore" she said.
"Where is here?" I asked.
"Why does it matter?" She asked.
"Because besides my aunt he was my only friend at school. I had every class with him and today was lonely because neither him nor my aunt were there Incase you didn't notice" i said.
"Yeah why wasn't she?" Elena asked.
"Information for information" i said.
"No I'm not telling you where Jeremy is" she said "I'm sorry Maddie that you lost your only friend but his location has to stay a secret it's safer for him that way you understand that right?"
I bit my lip and thought a second.
"Yeah i guess" i said as i turned around.
"Maddie I'm sorry" she said.
"It's fine not like you actually care I'm the niece of Klaus Mikealson and the daughter of Elijah Mikaelson" i said with a small smile.
"That's not true. And i never had a problem with your father" she said.
"Then help me find him please. I need him right now" i said as a tear fell from my face.
"I wish i could but i dont know where Stefan is" she said.
"Right. I forgot" i said as i walked away back home.
"Where have you been?" I was asked as soon as i walked into the house.
"Out. Don't worry about it" i said.
"I was getting worried. I was about to send my hybrids out to find you" my uncle said as i sat down.
"You weren't worried enough then" i said opening up my homework
"Excuse me?" He said bending down in front of me and looking at me.
"I said you weren't that worried if you were going to send this bloody lot out" i repeated
"And why do you say that?" He asked.
"Because if you were truly worried the Uncle i know would have went out by himself to find me" i said looking up at him.
"Why are you crying?" He asked.
"I just want my dad, Uncle Klaus" i said as i whipped a tear away.
"I know sweetheart we will get him back i promise." He said as he hugged me.
"Now where were you?" He asked.
"That's not a need to know" i said.
"Then I'm sorry about this" he said as he just his hand on my head.
"No! Stay out of my head!" I said.
But it was too late he knew what i went out and did and at that moment i was glad i had no idea where Jeremy was because if i did my uncle would know now.
"I'm sorry you were alone" he said with pity in his eyes.
"Then let me wake Rebecca. I can take care of her" i said.
"I wish i could. But she knows everything and i cant face that right now especially with you flying off the rails" he said.
"I'm not flying off the rails" i said.
"Darkness is taking over you Maddie that's why you can't get angry. That's how you burn things down" he said.
I nodded.
"I know im sorry" i said.
"It's okay" he said as he got up.
"Do your homework" he said with a smile and walked out.

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