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As we got upstairs his phone began to ring and he pulled it out and looked at it.
"Are you going to answer it?" I asked.
He nodded and answered the phone.
"Damon's fine. I locked him up with the creature comforts he deserves" Stefan said.
"That's not why I called. Kol just tried to kill Bonnie." Elena said through the phone as Stefan and i walked out of his house.
"What? Is she okay?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah. Just shaken up. She managed to hold him off, but Kol seems pretty intent on murdering anyone who's looking for that cure." Elena said.
"Yeah, Klaus has me trying to convince Rebecca to give up her dagger so we can take care of Kol." Stefan said.
"I dont want to just dagger Kol. I want Jeremy to kill him." Elena said.
"No!" I screamed as i ran for the house but Stefan caught me and snapped my neck.
I woke up and nobody was around so i ran to the Gilbert house just as Kol walked up to the door.
"You want a truce? Open the door and invite me in" i heard Kol say.
"Kol! Don't it's a trap!" I yelled.
He looked at me and told me to be quiet with the simple finger to the mouth.
"I'm waiting! Let me in, let's talk truce... Hello?" Kol said.
"Wouldn't it be kind of stupid to invite you in?" Elena asked.
"On the contrary. I cant kill your brother with my own two hands, or I'll suffer the hunters curse and spend the next twenty years trying to off myself in gruesome ways. And I've heard the vervain is back in town, so i cant compel you to do it either. So i think it's fair to say you're semi-safe, for now." Kol said.
"I'm the only one that can invite him in" i heard Jeremy said.
"Jeremy please don't do this!" I said.
"He's right obviously." Kol said.
The door suddenly opened.
"Please Uncle Kol listen to me" i cried.
But he despite my cries ignored me. He had a agenda just like they had there's.
"You'd think being alive for over 1000 years would teach me some manners, but i could resist stopping by." Kol said as he rapped his earbuds around his phone and put it in his pocket.
"If i let you two in my brother goes. Your not getting near him" Elena said.
"Don't flatter yourself Elena I've already been invited in. Guess that's two Originals that have access to your home" i said as i pushed past both Elena and Kol.
Jeremy looked at me but held the crossbow at Kol.
"Fair enough" Kol said.
Elena turned and looked at Jeremy and nodded.
"You can come in" Jeremy said and then he turned and walked out the back door.
"No gold metals for bravery i see. Another think i love about the modern age is music anytime you like" he said as he walked in.
"So... this is the part where you offer me a drink so we can have a proper chat" Kol said and i watched Elena looking at the white oak.
I had to get it before she did.
Kol walked to the kitchen as Elena closed the door.
Elena went to the cellar to find alcohol and Kol picked up the game that i assue Jeremy was playing before Kol got here.
"Come on Kol we have time to get out of her let's go" i said.
"No" he said as he continued to look at the screen.
"Please Kol! Why wont you listen to me?" I asked.
"Because! I know Klaus plans to dagger me and you are helping him. You don't have a brain of your own sometimes little niece perhaps that's because Elijah is so afraid of Klaus that he just lets you be Klaus minion so you don't get a chance to develop a brain like everyone else" Kol said.
"Your not listening to me! I dont give a damn about Klaus plans in fact at least his plan keeps you alive! These guys plan to kill you!" I yelled.
"Sorry. I had to dig up the old people alcohol" Elena said as she entered the living room.
Kol pauses the game and walked into the kitchen.
"That's the problem with people today. They have no drink imagination. Turn-of-the-century New Orleans.. now they knew how to make a drink" Kol said.
"You lived in New Orleans?" Elena asked.
"We all did, until Niklaus shoved a dagger in my heart." Kol said
"Why? What did you do?" Elena asked.
"What makes you think i did anything? Has your alliance with my brother soften you to his horrors?" Kol asked.
"I dont have an alliance with Klaus. We had a mutual interest in finding the cure. That's all." Elena said.
"Had?" Kol questioned.
"Yes. And I'm willing to give up looking for it if you promise to leave my brother alone" Elena said.
He just looked at Elena and she grabbed the bottles.
"Now can you teach me how to make this?" She asked as she handed him the bottles.
"I'll go get some ice" she said as she walked over to the freezer.
Kol poured the drinks and then walked over and stood behind the opened freezer door waiting for Elena to close it and he scared her.
"Here you go" she said handing him the ice.
"Would you like one?" He asked her
"Sure, why not" she said.
He finished pouring the drinks.
"Your really good at that game, especially considering you've been locked up in a coffin for a hundred years." Elena said.
"I'm a quick learner. Speedy reflexes. It's not much like the real thing, though, is it?" Kol asked as Elena took a drink.
"You've killed, haven't you? Or are you one of those Mary Sue vampires?" Kol asked.
"I've killed once. I'm guessing your number is a lot higher than mine" she said.
"You lose track over the years" Kol said
"So are we going to talk about Silas or just jibber jabber?" Kol asked.
"No one else seems to think Silas exists. So why do you?" Elena asks
"I use to run with some witches... tried to get Elijah to let Maddie come with me so she could be with so witches but he said no... in Africa in the 14th century, Haiti in the 17th century, New Orleans in the 1900s. They all knew about Silias and that he needed to stay buried. I actually hold witches in high esteem" Kol said.
"Yeah. It why Silas? Why are you so afraid of him?" Elena asked.
"They said if Silas rises, he'll unleash hell on earth. I happen to like earth just the way it is." Kol said.
"It's pretty biblical." Elena said.
"Well that's the other problem with people today. They've lost faith, and in that loss, they know longer know who to fear." Kol said.
"I'm so we are out of gin but i think this is a good year" Elena said.
"What if i said i dont believe you" Kol said.
"Okay you got me. I know nothing about wine" she said.
"Just seems odd that you'd be so willing to give up something you want so much." Kol said.
"I would do anything for my brother, and if what your saying about Silas is true, what does it matter what i want if it puts everyone else in danger?" Elena said.
"Well this had been enlightening. Thanks for the drinks." Kol said as he headed for the door.
I followed behind him and Elena followed to.
"I'll take your request for a truce under advisement." Kol said as he stepped outside.
"Is there any chance that you could be wrong about Silas?" Elena asked.
"Trust me Elena. Somethings are Berger left buried." Kol said over his shoulder as we shut the door behind us.
We walked down the street.
"See Maddie nothing to worry about" Kol said.
"No you don't understand. Kol i had a dream last night they killed you and i herd Elena on the phone with Stefan before he snapped my neck and abandoned me." I said.
"Maddie. Everything is going to be okay. Nobody is going to kill me" he said as he hugged me.

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