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My uncle convinced me to try again today because yesterday i was apparently to depressed. Meaning i was to actually interact with people and eat and drink.
"You are going with Rebecca to collect more information about that tree" my uncle said as i sat at the kitchen table with food just sitting in front of me.
"Alright i heard you the first time" i said looking at him.
"Eat and drink the entire glass of blood." He said sitting down next to me.
"I dont need a babysitter uncle Klaus" i said.
"Yeah you do. Based on how you acted yesterday" he said.
"Well excuse me for being depressed" i said as i took a bite of food.
"Happy?" I asked.
"I'd be happier if you finished your food instead of being all suicidal" he said.
"My father abandoned me! Left me in Mystic Falls after we finally got each other back just because he threatened Elena who by the way is not innocent by any means." I said.
"I know what he did Maddie and it's not right but you have to understand that your father is no good to you if he's dragging you down with him on his guilt path. So you are going to accept what he's done and not hold a grudge and then you are going to eat and drink and interact with people and help your aunt get information on that tree" my uncle said.
"I cant be compelled" i said looking at my cup of blood.
"Rebecca! It's your turn!" My uncle yelled.
"Can't handle me then dagger me Uncle Klaus" i said.
"No. You need to learn how to get through things like this. This is a normal thing" he said.
"Abandonment? That's normal? Maybe for you because both your parents did it to you but at least you had siblings to turn to" i said throwing my cup across the room.
"That was good blood. And you don't need siblings you have Rebecca and I until your father comes back. Deal with it" he said as he bit his wrist and shoved it in my mouth.
I wiggled out of his hold and whipped my face.
"Really?" I said.
"You won't drink human blood so my blood will have to do" he said walking away.
"Ever think that maybe just maybe i didnt want blood" i asked following him.
"Thought of it but then i thought about how we need to feed on blood to survive and well you weren't drinking any blood so vampire blood it was" he said
"Vampire blood? That's hybrid blood" i laughed
"go and get ready to leave with Rebecca. And interact with people i mean it Maddie" he said as he went into his study.
"Ugh!" I screamed as i ran up the stairs.
This was worst than my father dying because i knew he was out there somewhere hurting and i was pretty much orphaned with out really being orphaned. I looked in my closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a sweater and a scarf and put them on and went down to the living room to wait for Rebecca who was already waiting on me.
"Ready?" She asked.
"No. But do i have a choice?" I asked.
"Nope" She said as we headed out to the construction site of the new bridge.
When we got there we seen Damon talking to Sage. Looking at her face i remembered her. She and Finn had a thing or something never really paid attention to her i was always busy with Rebecca and Kol and Klaus of course.
"Look what the cat dragged in" Rebecca said as we walked over.
"Easy there Rebecca. You know she use to beat men for sport" Damon said.
"She always was quite common" Rebecca remarked.
"Rebecca. What a happy surprise. And littlest Mikealson, hello" Sage said.
"What are you doing here Sage?" Rebecca asked.
"Well i heard Finn was finally free from that casket that your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in." Sage said.
I laughed. Sage looked over at me.
"Sorry my apologies, you see you just missed Finn. He left town and didn't tell anyone where he was off too." I said
"Probably went looking for me" she said.
"Don't bet on it. He just tried to kill everyone in the family" i said.
"Besides he probably forgot all about you" Rebecca said.
"I doubt that" sage said looking at Rebecca.
"He didn't seem to mention you. Sorry you came all this way for nothing" Rebecca said with a smile.
"Have a nice life" i said as Rebecca and i walked away.
"God i hate those ugly elitist original bitches" i heard Sage said vaguely.
I knew Rebecca heard it too but she was ignoring it so i guess i was too.
"There i did my interaction for the day" i said.
"Not nearly enough Niece" she said shacking her head.
I crossed my arms and looked at all the people around us.
Rebecca and i walked around and the food.
"Eat Maddie you know you want a cookie" she said.
"Anyone ever tell you that your sexy when your bitchy" Damon said as he came up behind her.
I reluctantly grabbed a cookie and took a bite and watched my aunt.
"We're talking now are we?" Rebecca said.
"He wants something" i said
"You hush it little Elijah. I liked it better when you were mute" Damon said.
"Klaus told me i cant be pouty Maddie today so here we are" i said with a smile.
"You were quite rude yesterday. Using me to help Stefan and then shooing is away like stray dog" she said.
"It was brother business. You can't hold that against me" Damon said.
"She can And she will" i said
"You zip it" Damon said to me.
"She's in a mood today" Rebecca said.
"Because Klaus won't leave me alone" i said.
"He isn't here so" Rebecca said.
"No but you will tell him so" i said taking a cup for lemonade.
"I really did appreciate the help" Damon said.
"You were mean" she said.
"You like mean" Damon said.
"No i dont" she said.
"No? You didn't get the thrill of pushing Sage down back there?" Damon asked. "Crushing her dreams of true love"
"Maybe a little" Rebecca said.
"See? Mean" Damon said.
"Can sage and i interest you in a drink back at the house? Little Elijah can come too" Damon said.
"Not a chance in hell" Rebecca said.
"Okay fine. Enjoy the rest of your day lady's" Damon said with a smile.
"It's time to get you back to Nik" Rebecca said as she watched Damon walk away.
"No don't go" i said.
"I want to have fun" she said as we headed home.
"Nik! It's your turn!" Rebecca yelled as she grabbed a bottle of alcohol.
"Don't tell" she said as she walked out.
"Great" i said as i walked to my room.
I sat on the bed and dialed my dads number and it rang and rang.
"Maddie? Is everything okay?" I heard the voice say.
"Dad please come home" i said.
"I love you Maddie i do and that's why i cant be with you right now. I'm depressed and i dont want to drag you with me. Niklaus told me how you have been acting and i want you to stop being depressed. I'm coming back when i feel better i promise. Now listen to your uncle and your aunt" he said.
"I love you dad" i said
"I love you so sweetheart" he said as he hung up.
I laid back on my bed and cried again because i wanted to be with him where ever he was.

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