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Night fell and Rebecca and Klaus were doing whatever they do best and that's cook up insanity plans.
"Ready Hayley?" Agnes called.
"I guess" she said as she joined Agnes by the door.
"I'll come too you know for protection purposes" i said as i joined them.
"Um. Why?" Agnes asked.
"Because while my fathers away or kidnapped rather or whatever you want to call it, i am his step in and I'm protecting Hayley and that baby" i said.
"Alright. Fine" Agnes said as Hayley and I followed her out to her car.
I sat in the back and looked out the window while we drove out to the bayou.
"This is the doctors office?" Hayley questioned as we pulled up to a house in the middle of the woods.
"Doctor Paige is only this far out because Marcels men kept terrorizing her patients." Agnes said as she looked over at Hayley.
Hayley looked back at me and then back at Agnes before looking at the house again.
"Go. She won't bite" Agnes said.
Hayley got out and i slowly nodded and she walked towards the house and Agnes picked up her phone.
"Send them in now and tell them to do it quickly" Agnes said as she hung up.
"Do what quickly?" I asked as i grabbed the door handle.
"Oh.. the check up of course" Agnes said turning and looking at me.
"Bull shit Agnes" I said as i went to open the door but she locked it.
"Fat luck that will do! I'm a witch remember and I'm not scared of Marcel" i said as i unlocked the door and jumped out and ran to the door.
"Not so fast little witch" Agnes said as she locked the house door with magic.
"Oh not so scared of Marcel after all. What a shame" i said as I knocked her out with a spell.
As i worked on the spell I was snuck up on and my neck was broken. I woke up on the floor of the clinic as i watched Hayley look at me and then jump out the window and run. The men broke through the door and ran to the window and I ran out the door running after Hayley.
I watched as Hayley ducked behind a tree and i seen the guys hot on my trail so I continued running leaving them away from her. I heard her attack the first guy and that was my Q to attack as well. She broke the guys neck and I had a snack with the next gaining my strength, I didnt like killing people but these guys threatened Hayley and her unborn baby. The third guy came stalking back towards Hayley and I and I looked at her and nodded and just as we were about to charge at the guy Rebecca came up and broke his neck.
"I have to say I'm impressed." Rebecca said as she looked at the two of us.
Hayleys eyes had been yellow just like I had seen my uncles eyes turn when he was in fight mode.
"How did you find us?" I asked.
"Hayleys text got me halfway, and vamp hearing did the rest. Who are they?" Rebecca asked.
"Witches or Warlocks or whatever" Hayley said.
"Agnes called them" i said rolling my eyes at Hayleys lack of witch knowledge.
Suddenly i heard more people and Rebecca heard them too.
"There are more of them" Rebecca said looking around.
Rebecca's eyes landed on me.
"Listen carefully. I talked to your father he wants us to protect Hayley and the baby just as you already have been in his absence. So go both of you run!" Rebecca said.
I looked at Hayley and then back at Rebecca.
"Now" she said.
I nodded and Hayley and I ran the opposite direction.
"If I had a dollar for every mess my family's gotten me into." I heard Rebecca say.
I then heard my aunt groan and I turned and seen her hit the ground.
"Rebecca!" I yelled as I stopped running.
Hayley also stopped and looked at me.
"Go!" I yelled as i ran to save my aunt as I too got shot and then watched Hayley get shot as well.
Suddenly I took a deep breath pulling the arrow out of my stomach and my heart just as Rebecca was doing the same.
"What the hell happened?" I asked as i looked around.
"I'm not sure." Rebecca said as she got up.
I too got up and looked around.
"Hayley!" I yelled.
"Where's Hayley?" Rebecca asked.
"I dont know" i said as i started to freak out.
"Okay calm down we will find her" Rebecca said as she pulled her phone out to call someone.
I wasnt in the mood to listen into her conversation on both ends to find out who she was calling but I had an idea.
"Hayley?!?" I yelled as I navigated the dead bodies.
"What do you think I mean? There's blood and bodies everywhere, someone's ripped this lot to shreds, and there's no smart-aleck pregnant girl. Maddie and I just woke up" Rebecca said i to the phone.
Rebecca was quite for a second.
"Alright Maddie and I will keep looking in the woods see you soon" Rebecca said as she hung up.
We wandered back to the doctors office to see if there were any clues there.

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