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Maddie Grace,
                 Please understand that the state i am in is no good for you. I've gone for a while to collect myself. Here is a phone already programmed with my number if you need anything I'm a phone call way. Behave for your Uncle Niklaus.
                              Love always and forever
                                    Your father
"No!" I screamed as i threw things off the wall with magic. I was breaking things and screaming when my uncle came running in.
"Maddie? Maddie what's wrong?" He asked grabbing me.
"He's gone! He abandoned me" i cried looking over at my bed which laid the note and a cellphone.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"My Dad is gone! He left with out me! He abandoned me!" I cried.
My uncle hugged me and rubbed my back.
"One thing i know about my brother is he doesn't abandon family. Especially his daughter. He will be back Niece" he said as he continued to hug me.
I cried into his shirt just sobbed.
"I finally got him back" i cried.
"I know love i know" he said in a hushed tone.
"I know sweetheart"
"Rebecca!" My uncle yelled.
Rebecca was right upstairs in an instant.
"What?" She asked. "Maddie? What's wrong?"
"Elijah left her here. He's upset about what he did to protect this family" my uncle said as he walked me to my bed.
Rebecca moved the note and the phone and i laid down and rolled over and continued to cry.
"Why would he leave her here" Rebecca asked.
"Read the note" my uncle said.
I assume they both did just that because it was quiet for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry Maddie. He will be back he just doesn't want to bring you down with him" Rebecca said sitting on my bed.
"Go away. Both of you" i finally said.
"Maddie" my uncle said.
"Go away!" I said sitting up.
"Please" i said again wiping my tears away.
They both nodded and walked out leaving me alone in my room.
I let out a scream before laying back down and crying myself to sleep.
"Thank you for meeting with us Mayor." Rebecca said.
She dragged me with her to hunt down a tree that could kill us all. At this moment i wasnt against being killed but maybe that was the feeling of abandonment speaking.
"I figured as head of the preservation society, you'd be a good person to ask about the oldest trees in the community." Rebecca said.
I looked at the phone in my hand that was opened to a contact, my fathers to be exact but i couldnt actually bring myself to call him because i was afraid he wouldn't answer me and if he did he would just tell me that he needs time.
"A long line of Lockwood women used to keep those records back before any of them had actual jobs." The mayor said.
"We've been in the founders archive, but i cant seem to find any records of the tree I'm looking for" Rebecca said.
"It probably got cut down. Big old trees built half this town in the 1900" the mayor said.
"Ho, She-devil and her minion 9 o clock" i heard Damon said.
I looked up and seen the Salvatore brothers walk past us.
"Do you happen to know who kept the milling ledgers during that time period?" Rebecca asked.
"Back then, all the logging mills were owned by the Salvatore's." The mayor said sipping her coffee.
Rebecca looked up at the Salvatore brothers and i followed her gaze.
"Thank you Mayor Lockwood" Rebecca said as she got up from her seat.
I followed her and smiled at the mayor as the two of us walked over to the Salvatore's.
"At least in 1912 they killed a Salvatore" Damon said as Rebecca and i walked up.
"And which Salvatore would that be?" Rebecca asked.
Both Salvatore's turned around and faced us and Rebecca smiled.
"Zachariah Salvatore" Damon said.
Rebecca and i sat down with them.
"So Zachariah Salvatore was your nephew?" Rebecca asked.
"Well our father knocked up one of the maids during the civil war. She had a son. But as far as everyone else knew, Stefan and I were dead. Family name had to go somewhere" Damon said.
"And uh your family owed the logging mills back then." Rebecca asked.
"You're full of a lot of questions." Damon said looking at her.
"We are just researching the town history. We grew up here after all" Rebecca said.
"You know you don't have to disguise your true motives blondie Bex. If you want more sex, just ask for it." Damon said.
I rolled my eyes and looked away.
"Why's she being so quiet today she had quite the mouth yesterday" damon said.
"She's going there a rough time. And there isn't enough liquor in the world." my aunt said.
"Oh come on. It was too good for you to be this hostile" Damon said.
Stefan got up and took the bottle of alcohol with him.
"You'll have to excuse my little brother. He's jonesing some O-positive" Damon said with a smirk.
"I'm not jonesing." Stefan said.
"So did they ever catch the killer?" Rebecca asked.
"Nope. Wrote it all off on vampires." Damon said.
"Maybe it was a vampire" Rebecca said.
"Yeah. Yeah maybe it was a vampire Damon" Stefan said.
"Don't think for a second you didn't cross my mind, too, brother. But these murders weren't your style, were they? Plus there were no other vampires circulating then" Damon said looking at his brother then back at Rebecca.
"Well, there was one other vampire. Remember Sage?" Stefan said.
"Oh, right. Sage. Speaking of great sex." Damon said as he took a drink of alcohol.
"Maybe you've had enough" Stefan said.
"Hit a mans when he's down" Damon said.
"I knew a Sage once. A trashy little thing." Rebecca said.
"You really think it was Sage? Killing all those founders back then?" Damon asked Stefan.
"Town questioned every grown man in mystic falls. Probably never occurred to them that a women could have done it." Stefan said.
"So tell us more about your old relatives" Rebecca said as she poured herself a drink.
"Heard they tore down half the woods to make this town." Rebecca said pouring me a drink.
I pushed it away and shook my head.
"Easy there lushly pants. It's been a hoot and a half. But it's boys night, and neither of you were invited." Damon said as they got up.
"Come on Maddie" Rebecca said as she got up and we followed the boys.
"Well it's not that Dr. Fell She's a women. There's no way she could stab 3 grown men" Damon said as he threw a dart.
Rebecca caught it.
"That's a bit sexist. A women can easily kill a man with the right motives." Rebecca said handing the dart back to Damon.
"You just don't give up do you?" Stefan asked
"She doesn't" i said slowly.
"Why are you so grumpy?" Rebecca asked him.
"He's on a master cleanse. Trying to be a better man and all" Damon said.
"You know you were a lot more fun in the twenties." Rebecca said.
"You'll role him up... he's testy when he's being self-righteous" Damon said
"I'm not being self-righteous, Damon. I'm just not interested in slaughtering innocent human beings anymore" Stefan said.
"Oh, okay, fair enough. My mistake. You use to be self-righteous."Damon said as he picked up a book and opened it.
"Dear diary, Damon has lost his way. Though i have pulled my own life together, he continues to waste his." Damon said reading from the book.
"Ouch." Rebecca said ripping the book from Damon's hands.
"His bitterness consumes him. He is nothing but blackness and bile" Rebecca continued to read.
"Judgy" i said sitting down.
"Oh, this is fun" Stefan said as Rebecca gave him his book.
"You know if I'm being honest. You don't seem like fun either, Damon" Rebecca said looking at Damon.
"I wasnt. The women i loved was stuck in a tomb. She wasn't getting out for 100 years i wasn't having fun at all" Damon said.
"How did you know Sage?" Damon asked.
"She was obsessed with my brother Finn over 900 years ago." Rebecca said.
"What? Creepy suicidal guy?" Damon asked.
Stefan started tapping his ring on the table.
"Your doing it again" Damon said looking at his brother.
"Alright! You know what, i need to, uh... i got to get out of here" Stefan said as he jumped up and grabbed his jacket.
"Sure. But first admit you jonesing" Damon said.
"Damon, I'm not gonna.." Stefan started but Damon jumped at him and grabbed him.
"Admit it!" Damon said.
"Okay, Fine, I'm freaking out. I'm ready to eat the entire wait staff. Why do you need to hear me say it?" Stefan asked.
"Because I'm feeling a little self-righteous too." Damon said.
Stefan pushed Damon away and walked out the door.
Damon, Rebecca and i followed him out.
"So he doesn't want to drink human blood?" Rebecca asked.
"He has an eternally guilty consciences" Damon said.
"Funny when we knew him in the twenties, he didn't have a conscience at all. It's one of the things i liked most about him. He can't possibly think he can survive without feeding." Rebecca said.
"On the contrary." Damon said.
"He eats animal blood" i said.
"Yes well" Damon said as he ran to a girl who was walking the streets.
He feed on her and Stefan stopped him.
"Feed... or I'll let Rebecca have her way with her" Damon said.
"You know she'll kill her" Damon continued.
"Oh you know i will" Rebecca said.
"Then her blood will be on your hands. Or you can take a little drink, and save her life Stefan" Damon said.
Stefan and Damon fought about it for a few while Rebecca held the girl in her hands.
"This is rubbish!" Rebecca said as she went to bite her but Stefan stopped her and pushed her out of the way.
Stefan did feed.
"I can take it from here. Go" Damon said.
"The night was just getting started" Rebecca said.
"Scram! No one like a lurker" Damon said.
"You're a real ass you know" Rebecca said.
"So I'm told" Damon said.
"Come on Maddie let's go home" Rebecca said as she turned away.
We went home and i passed my uncle and headed to my room.
"She okay?" I heard him ask Rebecca.
"No. And she hasn't eaten anything or drank anything all day" Rebecca said
"I'm handle her" he said as i went into my room and shut the door.

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