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I stood on the balcony with my father looking over the dark city.
I sensed someone and apparently so did my father.
"Hello Genevieve" my father said as we turned around.
"I asked around. It's not just your father." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The purgatory where supernatural souls are trapped, is disintegrating." She said.
"Disintegrating?" I asked
"What do you mean, disintegrating?" My father asked.
"She's right, more or less. It's actually imploding. I made a call to a rather reluctant Bennett witch in Mystic Falls, who said the same thing... the dead are being torn away into nothingness. And they're not interested in going quietly." My uncle said as he joined us in the study.
"So you're saying that our father, faced with permanent extinction, has decided to spend his remaining time tormenting us. How delightful. He better stay away from Maddison." My father said.
"Well, on the plus side, we'll soon be rid of his abhorrent soul forever. And what a good riddance that will be." Klaus said.
"So am I in the clear, Elijah? Or is there a new conspiracy you two would like to threaten me over?" Genevieve asked.
"Why did you want my daughter" my father asked.
"She's powerful she would have been able to help get answer faster" she said.
My father rolled his eyes.
"Nothing springs to mind at this precise moment" he said looking at my uncle.
"Oh, gee, thanks." She said to my dad before turning around to my uncle.
"I have to get back to the girls. Perhaps tomorrow after the funeral, you and i could spend some time together... alone." She said
"I suppose we'll have to see." My uncle said.
She scoffed and walked out.
"Please tell me you've conducted a stronger method to control the witch than playing hard to get." My father said as he shut the doors on the balcony.
"Well, I've always been partial to the classics." My uncle said.
"Classic dick? Or classic play boy?" I asked.
"Now Maddie" my father said shaking his head.
"Whatever Im going to find Hayley" i said as i walked out of the study and met Hayley in the city at a house.
"Bout time thought you weren't coming" she said looking at me.
"Wouldn't miss it" i said as the leader of the humans walked up.
"Ah. Hayley and Maddie, Right?" She asked looking at Hayley and I .
"I'm guessing you're not here because you want to make a new friend." She said as she walked by us.
Hayley sat on the steps and i stood beside her.
"I dont count terrorist as friends." Hayley said.
"Wow. I've been accused of everything from grand larceny to blackmail. But terrorist, that's new." She said.
"A human pulled up to our home in the bayou on a motorcycle and blew himself up." Hayley said.
"I heard. Awful." She said as she put her hand out for her keys.
The man beside her gave her her keys.
"Good night" she said as she walked past Hayley who was now standing.
Hayley grabbed the guy and knocked him out and turned to the human.
"Word on the street is he owed 100 grand to the palace royals casino. And then after he died, the debt was erased. Just like magic." Hayley said.
"Jeff was fixture at my roulette table. Sometimes he was up. Sometimes he was down. I absolved his family of the debt he owed out of the goodness of my heart." She said.
"Goodness of your heart?" I asked.
She nodded.
"You both are more than welcome to sniff around my hands a clean. And I'd advise you both to mind your manners, it's lucky you're still alive Hayley, you're the one the wolves all whisper about, like royalty. If i was interested in hurting the wolves, you'd be my target. And when i go after someone, i don't miss" she said as she opened her door.
"That a threat?" I asked.
She smirked and walked into her house shutting the door behind her.

Hayley turned away as the door shut and I remained standing there knowing she was safe behind that door unless i burnt it down with magic.
"Maddie" i heard Hayley say.
I turned and followed her out the gate and down the street.
"Purger l'interieur, etiendre la lumiere. Dans cette f..." i heard just barely.
I went to turn around but Hayley shifted and fixed her jacket and i didnt look to see who was there.

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