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Klaus and I sat at the the bar. Me a coke and him well whatever he drinks i guess. We watched Rebecca walk in and give Matt keys to a truck she bought him seeing as she is the reason he crashed the last one. He walked away however leaving her stand there.
"You're trying too hard." Klaus said.
She looked over at us.
"Last i heard you were leaving town... forever. Taking our niece with you." Rebecca said.
"Well I was. But then i thought to myself, how can i when my sister, clearly so desperate for love and affection, is left here..." Klaus said as he stood up and walked over to her.
I too got up and followed him.
"bribing the help" Klaus finished.
"What do you want Nik? I thought I was Dead to you." Rebecca said.
"Things change, Rebecca. I've stumbled upon something that might be of interest to you." Klaus said.
"Doubt that." Rebecca said.
"No? Well what if i told you the brotherhood of the five still existed?" Klaus said.
"What?!?" Rebecca and I said at the same time.
"You see and just like that bygones. Come on love the three of us have work to do." Klaus said.
"We don't have anything to do. There is no we. I dont care about the five, and i dont care about you." Rebecca said.
"As you wish. Come on darling we have work to do" Klaus said as he glanced at me before walking away.
I followed him and we went home.
"Stay in the living room" he said as he walked into a room.
I being me followed him anyways. I watched as he opened a door and i seen the hunter chained up on the wall.
"What the hell Uncle Klaus" i said.
"I thought i told you to stay put" he said.
"Yeah well i didnt listen. Surprise surprise" i said.
He of course ignored me and continued on with his business and i watched carefully.
"Looks like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail" my uncle said.
I heard foot steps and i turned around and seen Stefan.
"I was going to take him, but i figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain." Stefan said as he walked past me.
I giggled and Klaus glanced at me and then looked back at Stefan.
"It's from the inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch." Klaus said.
"What'd you get out of him?" Stefan asked.
"Not enough. He's mum about the council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil. We're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?" Klaus asked.
"Well i cant day it in front of him. As I'm sure you've figured out our friend here can't be compelled." Stefan said.
"You're full of mysteries, aren't you?" Klaus asked with his famous smirk.
"I told you I dont know anything" the guy said.
"Thankfully, I know plenty" Klaus said as he walked away from the man.
"Shall me stefan?" Klaus said as he walked towards the living room.
Stefan and I both followed him into another room where he shut the door.
"So what's with the home invasion?" Klaus asked as Stefan sat down and i remained standing next to my uncle.
"Damon said you knew something about this guy. I should have figured you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything in return." Stefan said.
"I was feeling benevolent." Klaus said with a smile.
"Cut the crap Uncle Klaus your never benevolent." I said.
"Who is this guy? What's the five?" Stefan asked.
"So many questions." Klaus said.
"Good thing i have nothing to do today except get answers out of you or Maddie i dont care which" Stefan said.
"Fine. You might actually be useful. In persuading my sister to cooperate." Klaus said as he looked at me and nodded.
We both joined Stefan in the middle of the room where the seats were.
"The brotherhood of the five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters." I said.
"We crossed paths with them in the twelfth century. Italy. My siblings, Maddison and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the south. Feeding, turning people as we went." Klaus said.
My father, Klaus and I walked into a village.
"These demons live among you. Passing as humans. So wait was with your own eyes..." a man said from a platform with vampire daggered and tied up.
My father, Klaus and I stood back at watched quietly as he opened a box with another man inside of it. He walked out and instantly began to burn. I turned and buried my head into my dads side and he held me. The man burned and i could hear him screaming.
"He's putting on quiet the show." My father said.
"He's nothing. I could eat him for sport" my uncle said.
"Still you should heed the warning between you here and Kol in the East, you have not been discreet. Stories of the originals vampires are spreading" my father said.
"I welcome such infamy. If you're worried about discretion, perhaps you should wrangle our sister." Klaus said.
I looked over and seen one of the guys gently kiss her hand and then to two walked away.

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