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"There i seen her" i said as i watched Hayley hide behind a tree.
My father and I walked up and she turned and went to stab my father and he caught her arm.
"Forgive me. Thought you were in danger. It appears i was mistaken" my father said as he lowered Hayleys arm.
She dropped the knife and hugged my father.
"You guys will not believe the crap day that i am having." Hayley said looking at me who was standing behind my dad.
"Let us take you home." My father said as Hayley stepped away from him.
"Elijah... there's something you guys need to know about the baby." Hayley said.
"What? Is it okay?" I asked.
"Yeah she's fine" Hayley said as she placed her hand on her small bump.
"The baby's blood creates hybrids. Klaus must have known that's the only explanation." Hayley said.
"You think he knew?" I said as i looked at my father.
"He could care less about the baby. He just wants her to be born so he can use her to make more sired hybrids" Hayley said.
My father looked at me and then back at Hayley.
"Although the way that Dwayne was acting, it was more like he was sired to me." Hayley said.
"That would make since..." i started.
"I should take you home." My father said.
"Are you serious? Home to what?" Hayley asked.
"Regardless of my brothers intentions, mine remain the same. I said that i would protect you, that we would protect you, even, if need be, from Klaus himself." My father said glancing at me then back at Hayley.
"I can take care of myself. I've done it for a long time." Hayley said as she got up from the log and walked away.
We followed Hayley back to the camp.
"There you are. I see the two of you found our wandering stray. Perhaps she could shed some light on the situation. This... would appear to be the body of a hybrid." Klaus said kicking the body off the porch of the little cabin.
"His name was Dwayne." Hayley said.
"Well, whoever he was, I didnt sire him. Any idea how that's possible?" Klaus asked.
"As if you didn't know." Hayley said as she was about to march up to him but she was stopped by my father.
"Ah, aren't you two fast friends? How's Maddie feel about Hayley becoming her new mommy? Well, come on, then. What horrible accusation have you conspired to levy against me?" My uncle asked.
"Tyler Lockwood brought Hayley here to test a theory, that the blood of her child could be used to sire hybrids. He claims you knew that. Furthermore, you intended to use this knowledge to build an army." My father said.
"And, of course, you assume it's true. I mean, why else would i show any interest in my own flesh and blood? A heartbroken, little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother and niece falls in line eager to believe it. How quickly you assume the worst, especially when it comes from her." Klaus said.
"Oh, spare me you indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Hayley or her child? Beyond your own selfish pursuits, and what was it you once said to me? Every king needs an heir." My father said.
"My big brother and my little niece, you guys doubt my intentions. Well, i cant say I'm surprised. Standing beside the noble Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother... a liar, a manipulator, a bastard? That's all I am to you, isn't it, and to Rebecca, and Maddie, and judging by the way Hayley hangs on your every word, it's clear she feels the same way. No doubt, my child will, as well." Klaus said as he stepped down and came face to face with my father.
"Brother, if I ..." my father started.
"We've said all that needs to be said, brother." My uncle said as he backed up from my dad.
"I'll play the role I've been given." My uncle said as he ran over and bit my father on the neck.
"Klaus!" I screamed as Hayley and i ran to my father as he fell to the ground.
"You three enjoy each other's company. You'll have much to bond over once the hallucinations and dementia set in. Consider that bite my parting gift to the three of you." My uncle said as he ran off.
The three of us went inside the cabin and Hayley looked around for information about her family.
"You guys don't have to help" she said.
"I can dig through the werewolf antique show on my own." She continued.
My father just turned and looked at her.
"Besides, shouldn't you put some kind of ointment or something on that?" Hayley asked.
"The bite won't kill him" i said as i sat on the floor under the window.
"Like Niklaus himself, it's more of a nuisance than anything really." My father said as he continued to look around the cabin.
"Good, because I'm eventually gonna need a ride home... and thanks, by the way, for staying out here... both of you" she said looking at my father then at me.
"Neither of you had to" she said with a small smile.
"I know, but you said the people of this village are all of the family you have left. I can relate." My father said as he looked at me and then back at Hayley.
"You're thinking about Klaus." Hayley said.
"Perhaps we were too willing to condemn him." I said.
"I'm the 1000 years that we've been together, my brother has committed numerous unspeakable acts, but, then again, so has Rebecca and Maddie. And so have I." My father said.
"So did I the last time i was in Cabo. We all do bad things. It's just, most people die before the list gets embarrassing, but don't for a second compare yourselves to Klaus." Hayley said as her and my father met in the middle of the room.
She looked around after she noticed how close they were.
"It's like a freaking hotbox in here. I'm gonna get some air." Hayley said as she turned and walked outside.
I got up and my dad and I followed her out.
"Someone left this here" she said showing my father and I a book.
"What is it?" My father asked.
"A bible with a family tree that goes back generations." Hayley said flipping through the pages.
"What are these names? Who is Andrea?" My father asked.
"I think I am" Hayley said as she looked up from the book.
"That's the day that I was born." Hayley said as she looked at my father and I.

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