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I woke up the next morning and found my dad in the study.
"So what happened with my mother?" I asked as i sat across from him.
"I already told you, she died in child birth" my father said without looking at me.
"Yes that's what you've said the last 1000 years and that's what i believed right up until Uncle Klaus said what he said." I said.
"Yes, and i told you get was trying to get under our skin" he said as he looked at me.
"You and I both know that's true but you know there's more behind what he said. I saw the way you flinched after he said it. I'm no fool father" i said.
"Believe what you want Maddison, but she died in childbirth. Nothing any of us could have done" he said as he got up and walked out.
"I'm supposed to just drop it?" I asked as i ran after him down the hall.
"Yes and i thought you had" he said.
"No and i wont, you know that" i said.
"Go and get ready for the funeral please Maddie" he said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yes father" i said as i walked back to my room.
I passed my uncles room on my way to my own and he was laying in bed still which was odd to say the least.
"Are you alright?" I asked as i stood in the door way.
"I'm fine Maddison" he said no moving.
"Alright. You look as though you had a nightmare" i said.
"Perhaps i did" he said as he sat up.
"What about?" I asked.
"Mikeal" he said.
"Fear of fatherhood coming to haunt you?" I asked.
"Goodbye Maddie" i said as he laid back down.
I shook my head and headed to my room to get ready for the funeral.
My father and I walked into the bar that was holding the wake for Father Kieran and we joined my uncle at a small table.
"Seems rather uncivilized to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one." My uncle said as my father poured a drink for the three of us.
"Yes. Far better to practice your process of grief  isn't it uncle klaus?" I asked
"Denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements." My father said as Hayley joined us.
"Just to warn you, Hayley. My uncle is in a foul mood today." I said as both my father and I looked at him.
"Sod off, both of you" he said.
"What's the deal with the moonlight rings?" Hayley asked looking at Klaus and then my father and I.
"Oliver's trying to start a revolution every five seconds. People are scared, angry. And, frankly, I'm tiered of stalling." Hayley said.
"It's a day of peace, Hayley. Try and enjoy it. In the mean time with all manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us." My uncle said.
"Awesome, and then we can do that thing we're you lock me in the tower, i escape, there's drama, and then you three realize that I'm very capable of looking after myself." Hayley said.
"The rings are in progress. I will live up to my word. We will find and punish whoever launched the attack on the bayou. And you will return to the compound for your own safety.
But right now, I'm going to finish this bottle... and the next in the hopes of drowning the demon that has chosen today to haunt me. Cheers, Mikeal. Impeccable Freudian timing." My uncle said as he took a drink from the bottle.
My dad looked at him confusion filled his face.
"Elaborate." My father demanded looking at my uncle and then at me because he seen my head hang down.
"Have you dreamt of our father?" My father asked.
"Go ahead and have a good laugh." My uncle said.
"I can assure you there isn't a piece of this that i find remotely amusing, Niklaus, especially considering I've been dreaming of him, too." My father said as he looked at me.
"I ... haven't" i said slowly.
"If you began to, you better tell me" my father said as he looked at my uncle again.
"What?" Klaus said
"If you are also seeing him..." my father started as he looked up and seen Genevieve.
"Perhaps our elusive, unknown enemy is orchestrating a farther attack." My father said.
My uncle looked up and seen her as well.
"Well then what better way to punctuate a day of peace... than by killing someone." My uncle said as he waved at her.
My father, uncle and I left the wake and headed for the witches shop where we knew she would turn up. My father held a sharp object ready to stab Genevieve and i was ready to block any magic she may throw our way or just kill her in general.
She walked in and Klaus was the first to walk out of the shadows and she turned and laughed rather nervously.
"You disappeared from the party" she said to my uncle as my father and I joined my uncle.
""Would you care to explain why you would choose to torment us with visions of our father?" My father asked.
"Your father?" She asked confused.
"Mmhmm" i said.
"I didn't . I ... I wouldn't." She said.
"Of course. How foolish of me. It must have been that other witch that's been parading through our house in scraps and lace." My father said.
"You have a witch in your house. Perhaps ask your daughter." She said.
"Why would i do that? What reason would I have to place my grandfather who tried to kill us for decades into both my father and my uncles dreams? I have no reason to hurt either of them" i said.
"How dare you try and place blame on my daughter!" My father yelled.
"Dad it's okay" i said putting my hand on his arm.
He looked at me and calmed down.
"I know how talented you are with your tongue Genevieve. Might i recommend you use it to provide answers. I would so hate to tear it from your mouth in front of my oh so innocent niece." My uncle said.
"Innocent?" She laughed as she looked at me. She looked back at my uncle.
"As much as i enjoy these repeated accusations of wrongdoings i dont know what your talking about. But if you've both been seeing your dead father, i can try and get you answers but i will need Maddison to do so." Genevieve said
"Like hell i would help you. I'll do it myself" i said.
"Go on your own. Maddie will look for answers on her own and you will do the same. Go" my uncle said to her.
She glanced at me and my father.
"Niklaus, don't you dare..." my father said.
"Go" my uncle said again.
She hurried and walked out of the shop.
"You guys don't trust her and your right not to. Only a fool would, but she certainly wants us to doesn't she?" My uncle asked as he turned to us.
"Let me guess. There's something of benefit for you in all of this, isn't there?" My father asked.
"I need a witch to make those rings for the wolves" my uncle said.
"I'm a witch" i said.
"I dont want to use you to do my dirty work unless necessary" my uncle said.
"Or you don't think I'm capable of doing it" i said.
"No i know you are capable your a powerful witch Maddison that much i know but i dont want you doing my dirty work. Perhaps we can get both answers and cooperation." He said.
"I want to know why she wanted my daughter" my father said.
"She's powerful they need her on their side" my uncle said.
"The ancestors are the ones that want me" i said looking at my father.
He just looked at me before the three of us left the shop.

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