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"Mother" Rebecca said.
"Grandma?" I questioned.
She walked through us and went straight to my Uncle Klaus.
Klaus bowed his head and didn't make eye contact.
"Look at me" she demanded
He slowly looked up at her.
"Do you know why I'm here?" She asked.
"You're here to kill me" my uncle said.
"Niklaus, you are my son. And i am here to forgive you." She said as she stood next to him and looked at us.
"I want us to be a family again" she said.
I looked at my dad and he nodded.
After a long conversation we all agreed to stay, not like i had much of a day in the matter but i go where my dad goes hopefully it stays this way. I laid on my dads lap across the couch while the adults talked. I was fighting a much needed sleep, i was having trouble sleeping at night lately. I shut my eyes as my dad held me like he use to when i was a child.
"Well if this is over i have something i need to do" i heard Rebecca said.
I went to get up and go with her but my father told me to stay and rest he could tell how exhausted i was. My father however did father her leaving me in the care of the only other person he semi trusted at the moment and it wasn't Niklaus.
"Come on love up we go" i heard Kols voice say.
He was helping me up to my room.
"I can walk" i said.
"Yes barely though. You were stumbling. Your father told me to watch and see that you make it to your bed" he said.
I nodded and he helped me up the stairs and to my room. I laid down in my bed.
"Will you all still be here in the morning?" I asked as he went to leave.
"Of course love. We aren't going anywhere" he said as he kissed my head and walked out.
I woke up with the sun beaming in my face and music blaring.
I got up and walked out of my room and followed the music. It was coming from a gathering room were my father stood along with my uncles and my aunt. They were all dressed up and getting ready for something.
"Rebecca, tell me how handsome i am." Kol said looking in the mirror.
"Oh Kol you know i can't be compelled" Rebecca said as she sat on the sofa getting her nails done.
I seen my uncle Finn flash a smile.
"Good morning Maddison" i heard my father say.
"Morning. What are you all doing? Kol? You promised you guys were staying" i said as i walked in completely.
"We are love. Go talk with your father he'll tell you what's going on." He said with a smile.
I walked over to my father and he smiled as he looked at me But was interrupted before he could tell me what was going on.
"You went after Elena!" Klaus said walking into the room and going to Rebecca.
"What is wrong with you?" Klaus asked her.
"Here we go" Rebecca said with a smile as she looked up at Klaus.
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus asked her.
"Again with the dagger threats? Dont you have any other tricks?" Kol asked.
"Oh, go back to staring at yourself" Klaus said turning and glancing at him.
"And who are you my father?" Kol asked.
"No, Kol, but your in my house." Klaus said as he walked towards Kol.
"The perhaps we should go outside" Kol said standing up.
"Enough!" My grandma said as she walked into the room.
"Niklaus, come" she said.
Niklaus followed and Kol smirked. I looked at my dad.
"Go look through the dresses Rebecca brought for you they are in your room" my father said.
"Okay. And then Rebecca will you help me with my make up?" I asked.
"Of course" She said with a smile.
I walked towards where my uncle and grandma went and listened to them.
"Rebecca wasn't even out of her box a day before she tried to ruin my life. What happened to peace, acceptance, family?" i heard my uncle say.
"You put daggers in there hearts. Including your own niece and took her from her father for decades. You want them to go down on their knees and kiss your feet for reuniting them?" My grandma asked.
"So its a crime to want our family to be as we where?" Klaus asked.
"You need to give it time Niklaus. I've had a thousand years on the other side to be angry and to heal. I'm here to make sure this family does the same." she said.
"I just don't understand. I killed you, and still you forgive me" he said.
"It's been my dream for a thousand years that this family could be as one. Forgiveness is not a chore. It's a gift. Now who are you bringing to the ball this evening?" She asked.
"Don't be ridiculous. Your lucky I'm even going." Klaus said.
"Well, i wish you would reconsider. It's going to be a magical evening."she said as she went to turn away.
"Oh and Niklaus bring your niece back to her room seems she's lost in ease dropping. You can come out dear" she said as she walked away.
I stepped out and my uncle looked at me.
"Never a dull moment love." He said with a smile.
"I'm sorry i was curious" i said.
"It's fine love. Where are you supposed to be?" He asked.
"My father sent me to my room to pick out a dress for this evening" i said looking at the ground.
"Then you better get to it love" he said as he walked by giving me a quick kiss on the head.
I turned and headed up the steps to my room and started going through the dresses that my aunt brought me.
"Ready dearling?" I heard a voice say from my bedroom door.
"Where's my dad?" I asked as i looked at my self in the mirror.
Rebecca has my hair and makeup done and i looked like a princess.
"Waiting for you on the stairs last i knew" Kol said as i turned around.
"You look dashing" i said with a smile.
"Thank you love and you look lovely. All grown up" he said taking my hand and kissing it.
"No let's go" he said with a smile.
I nodded and followed him out of my room and to the stairs where my father was indeed waiting.
"You look beautiful. Just like your mother" he said. It was the first time i had ever heard him mention her in that way.
"Thank you" i said with a smile.
He took my hand and we walked down the steps to where the party was gathering.

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