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"What's going on up there?" Bonnie asked as we headed for the square.
"That's Mrs. Lockwoods car" Caroline said as we suddenly stopped.
A man walked in front of the car and towards the crashed car.
"Bonnie I'm going to get out of the car" Caroline said.
"What?" She asked.
"And the two of you are going to drive the hell away from here" Caroline said as she unbuckled
"What? If your fighting Ghost butt i want in!" I said.
"No Maddie you need to help Bonnie end this Your an Original the witch is after you too not just your uncle" Caroline said with a hint of care in her eyes.
I nodded.
"No way! I'm not leaving you!" Bonnie said.
"Bonnie she's right" i said looking at Bonnie.
"Bonnie you have your ghost boyfriend drama and Maddie has a witch after her and her family and as much as i would love to see Klaus go down Maddie's actually innocent." Caroline said.
"No way" Bonnie said.
"Bonnie. Elena has her boyfriend drama and right now the mother of my boyfriend is about to be ghost bait. So go the two of you and send them all back to the other side" Caroline said as she got out of Bonnie's car.
We went past the square.
"Bonnie where are we going?" I asked.
"Back to the creepy house that's were we need to finish this" she said.
"But Jermey and the necklace" i said.
"Will meet us there" she said.
Indeed they did and we went down the steps together the tension between Bonnie and Jeremy were odd.
Bonnie took the necklace from Jeremy and threw it in the fire and then grabbed my hand and the two of us started chanting. Suddenly there was a third voice Bonnie's grandma holding Bonnie's other hand. Sparks started flying from the flames of the fire the necklace was being destroyed. We stopped chanting it was over the necklace was gone.
"You are stronger than all this. I'm so proud of you" Bonnie's grandma said as she disappeared.
I whipped a tear from my eyes. Nobody was ever proud of me and if they were they didn't tell me. My dad was but i havent seen him since we left New Orleans in 1919 and my grandpa killed my grandma and my mom died during childbirth. I wished in all of this i could have seen a single dead family member just one but my uncles and father weren't really dead not to the point where they were on the other side and my grandma was clearly at peace or something and my mom was just a human like the rest of us use to be once upon a time.
Bonnie too had tears falling from her eyes probably for more than one reason.
"Bonnie" Jeremy said.
Jeremy brought both of us back to the real world and in all honesty i forgot he was here.
"Just Go away Jermey" Bonnie said blinking her tears away.
"I owe you an explanation" Jermey said.
"Matt let go of his sister before you let go of Anna. His sister Jeremy! You know what you owe me? The respect of not making me listen to you explain yourself" Bonnie said.
"I am sorry, Bonnie" Jeremy said.
"You need to go" she said. "And take Maddie with you"
"But.." he started.
"Just go. Jermey" she repeated.
He turned and walked out but i didnt follow him i stayed right where i was. The fire sparked and then Bonnie walked up to the fire and i followed behind her and there laid the necklace not destroyed but perfectly fine. She looked at me and i looked at her.
"Somethings wrong. We did everything right" i said.
She didn't say anything to me. I was supposed to have left with Jermey.
"What did you do?" She asked
"Nothing!" I said
"That's your aunts necklace and you saved it somehow" she restored
"I didnt i helped you destroy it" i said looking at her.
She didn't say anything and i left her there alone and went back to the Salvatore house.
"Well, if it's a story about the original family living here then we go straight to the source" I heard Elena day as i walked into the living room.
"Who? Rebecca or Maddison" Damon asked.
"What about me?" I asked making it known i was there.
"Do you know what these are?" Elena asked.
I looked at the drawings and it was from the cave that Klaus and Rebecca and Father and I use to go to.
"Nope never seen them in my life" i lied.
"Why's your name written on the walls?" The teacher asked pointing to a picture of my name under my fathers name in Viking writing.
"Don't know" i said.
"She's lying" Damon sang.
I looked at him then at the other two people. It had been a day and a half since i seen my aunt and i was beginning to think she left me abandoned me and now these guys were asking questions about the old world.
Elena nodded and grabbed her bag and left and i ran after her. She was going to look for my aunt i could tell and if i found my aunt i could call Klaus with her phone hopefully and tell him what i found or what they found rather. It was Becca and Klaus that wrote what was written on the wall the names i mean. Klaus was afraid of grandpa because he was always so hard on him and it was kind of sad sometimes. Father always told me to mind my manners and ignore them and work with grandma and Becca but i was a curious child.
We went to the football field where practice for cheerleading was going on and what do you know there's my aunt. She did flips and showed off like my aunt does to seek attention from people and she flipped all the way to us.
"You" She said to Elena standing up.
"Rebecca!" I said.
"Maddie hey" she said.
"Don't hey me! I thought you abandoned me" i said.
"No no never" she said with an apologetic smile.
"I was hoping we could talk" Elena said.
"About what? Stefan?" Rebecca asked.
"Don't worry I'm off him until he can treat me better" she said.
"In fact you should probably take a page from my book if I'm being honest" Rebecca continued.
"Actually is rather talk about this" Elena said holding up a picture of Rebecca name written on the wall.
She looked horrified as i did when i seen these pictures the first time this morning.
"I'm curious why you and Klaus and even Maddie have been running from Mikael" Elena asked.
"I should get back to the girls. Homecomings right around the corner. Come on Maddie" Rebecca said grabbing my hand as she turned away.
"Well then maybe I'll ask Mikeal when we wake him" Elena said.
Rebecca stopped in her tracks. I felt her fear rise and mine too. We needed Klaus but neither of us we going to admit that because then Klaus wins.
"You're bluffing" Rebecca laughed as she turned around.
"You don't know where he is" i continued.
"No one does" Rebecca said slowly.
"Then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?" Elena asked.
"If you wake Mikeal we are all doomed!" Rebecca said walking towards Elena.
"So then tell me" Elena said.
"Why do you want to know?" Rebecca asked.
"Why don't you want me to wake him?" Elena asked.
"I need to get back to the girls" Rebecca repeated grabbing my hand again and walking away.
"Don't you say a word" she said sitting me down like a child.
"I wont" i said looking up at her.

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