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"So Niklaus..." my father said still with his arms wrapped around me as well as holding the heart he had ripped out of the hybrids chest.
"Elijah?" Klaus questioned.
My father gently let go and moved me aside and walked towards my uncle.
"What did i miss?" My father asked as he dropped the heart on the ground.
"Um well your daughters back in the land of the living she missed you terribly. And well she goes to school now and she's saved some people. Oh and the darkness is getting difficult to fight off" he said.
"You look surprised to see me" my father said as he whipped his hand off with a Handkerchief.
"I guess it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest. And by the out rage of my daughter  i saved you from it wasn't her either." My father said looking over at me.
"I wanted to dad a million times" i said.
"I know sweetheart" he said with a smile.
"You look like you could do with a drink and we have a lot to discuss. So shall we?" My uncle said.
My father jumped at my uncle and shoved him into the wall.
"Easy! I just finished renovating" my uncle said as he stood up.
Klaus ran at my dad and slammed him to the ground.
"You know you have every right to be mad at me, but i kept my word. I reunited you with our family" my uncle said.
"And what pulled the dagger from my daughters chest?" My father asked.
"Yes and Rebecca's eventually too" Klaus said.
"She's done nothing to you! And you punish that little girl no wonder she almost burned your house down!" My father yelled as he got up and punched my uncle.
And pushed him into the room where the coffins were and he opened one of them up and pulled the dagger out and ran at my dad again.
"Don't make me do this again, Elijah" Klaus said.
"No! Don't you dare!" I yelled as i ran over and pushed him away from my dad.
My dad stood up.
"Come on. Use it. I dare you." My father said.
"Don't! Or I'll burn this house down" i yelled.
Klaus looked at me and then back at my father.
"You will have Kol and Maddie to deal with" my father said looking at my uncle.
It was Kol that my uncle had grabbed the dagger from.
Klaus backed away and looked at us.
"Mikeal is dead" Klaus said.
"What did you say?" My father asked.
"I killed him with his own weapon" my uncle said. "He's gone Elijah, forever"
"Why do our family remain in these coffins?" My father asked.
"Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century." My father said.
"Because if Stefan Salvatore. He's holding the one thing from keeping me from freeing them" Klaus said.
My father just looked at him and i came over to his side.
"There are things you don't know about our past Elijah. Our mothers death, things i never wanted you to know. But I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me." My uncle said as he dipped the dagger into something.
"What are you doing?" My father asked as he put the dagger back into Kol.
"Always And forever" my uncle said turning and looking at my dad.
"I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and i promise you. Our family will be whole again" My uncle said as he closed Kols coffin again.
The next day my father was in a new suit and standing in the living room.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To meet with Damon" he said.
"Can i come? Don't leave me please" i said.
"Yeah sure" he said looking at me.
"I'm not a baby by the way" i said as i turned on my heels.
"I know" he said.
"I'll be right back" i said as i ran up stairs to change.

"I'll be right back" i said as i ran up stairs to change

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I ran down stairs and met my dad at the door and we headed out to meet Damon

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I ran down stairs and met my dad at the door and we headed out to meet Damon.
We stood in the middle of the woods.
"Teas with an old friend" Damon said as he hung up his phone.
"Elijah. My favorite original. Back from the dead. You clean up nice" Damon said.
"You left something... in my jacket pocket" my father said pulling something out of his jacket pocket.
"Oh yeah. Dear Elijah, let's get together and plot the destruction of your brother. Xo, xo" Damon said.
"Damon." My father said.
"Was i right to undagger you?or are we going to have a problem?" Damon asked.
"I'm here. Let's talk." My father said with a smile.
"Well I'll start with an easy question can we trust your daughter?" Damon asked.
"Yes. She's with me" my father said.
"Okay even easier question. Any idea what kind of Klaus killing weapon could be magically sealed inside a mystery coffin?" Damon asked.
My dad shook his head.
"That i know of There's only my brother Finn, my brother Kol and my sister Rebecca shouldn't be another coffin" my father said.
"But he won't wake up the rest of our family until he gets it" i said.
"Good then maybe we can have a little chat" Damon said.
"Like dinner?" I asked.
"Sounds good. Get Stefan and I'll take care of my brother" my father said as we left Damon in the woods.

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