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I sat up and gasped for air and looked around and i was in my room. I heard the music still going on and i jumped up and ran for the party to find my dad or Uncle Klaus who ever i could find first. I ran so fast i almost tripped on the stairs and my dress. I found my dad first which was a relief really.
"Dad!" I said out of breath.
"Maddie. What's wrong!" He said turning and looking at me.
"Finn he's covering for Grandma. I went up there to see if i could ease drop on Grandma and Elena's conversation because i dont trust either one. But when i got up there she was using Sage and Uncle Finn was waiting for me knew i would find my way up there and he snapped my neck and put me in my room" i said.
"Okay. Okay. I'll handle Finn after the party right now you need to claim down please. Elena said her intentions were nothing to worry about" He said.
"That's a lie. Why would she use sage so nobody could hear and why was Finn waiting to snap my neck?" I asked.
"I'm not sure dear but i think we should trust Elena" he said.
"Fat chance father I'm not going to believe her or grandma. Something wrong" i said.
"You missed the toast i didnt see you" my father said.
"A toast?" I asked.
"Yeah but i assume you were in your room recuperating" my father said.
"I'm so sorry" i said.
"It's okay it was nothing big" he said.
Finn looked over at us and my father glared at him and he looked away.
"Something isn't right dad i feel it" i said.
"Everything is okay to be okay love" he
Said as he kissed my head and walked away.
I looked for Elena and went to her.
"What did my grandma want and don't lie to me" i said.
"To apologize like i told your dad" she said as she walked away.
I went and looked for my Uncle Kol and Aunt Rebecca.
"There you are. I was looking for you i was waiting outside. Where's Matt?" Kol asked as him and i approached Rebecca.
"About that. I uh i changed my mind. I dont want to ruin mother's night" Rebecca said.
"Well i do" i said.
They both looked at me.
"Finn snapped my neck and put me to bed!" I said.
"Now that i think about it. You weren't there for the toast" Kol said.
"Yeah Thank Finn" i said.
"Hum. And Rebecca don't tell me you like this boy. And what did her do? He give you 5 seconds of his attention?" Kol asked.
"Stop it Kol let her be" i said.
"He's human Maddie" i said.
"Yeah so! One day you will fall in love with a human mark my word" i said.
He laughed and looked back at Rebecca "don't be so predictable Rebecca" he said.
"You don't have to be so rude about it" Rebecca said.
"Just leave him be okay?" Rebecca said as she walked away.
"As you wish sister" he said
"Kol leave him i mean it" i said.
"I will i wont touch a hair on his pretty little head" he said walking away from me.
"You watch Kol you will fall for a human girl one day" i said.
"Doubt that" he said over his shoulder.
I went back to find my dad when suddenly everyone rushed outside i followed behind my father because i found him as the people headed outside.
Damon looked up and Kol was laying on the ground probably with a broken neck.
Everyone left the party after Finn grabbed Kol.
"No violence that's all i asked" my grandma said.
"Really? To late for that! Finn snapped my neck causing me to miss your epic Toast" i said.
"Elijah" my grandma said.
"Maddie apologize to your grandma" Elijah said.
"Not until she apologizes for having my neck snapped!" I said running at her but my father stopped me.
"Rebecca and Kol disgraced this family tonight" my grandma said to my father as we walked into the room.
"It won't happen again Mother. I'll deal with them" my father said.
"Thank you Elijah" she said as she walked up to him and put her hand on his face.
"I wish the others were more like you" she said.
"I don't think as a mother you should say things like that" i said.
They both looked at me.
"What? I'm telling the honest truth" i said shrugging.
"I'll deal with her too Mother" my father said.
I rolled my eyes, i was the least bit afraid of what my father would do to me considering he never actually punished me except with his disapproving looks.
He took her hand off his face and i seen a little bit of guilt in her eyes as he did so. He gently took my hand and the two of us walked out of the room as Finn walked in.
"I'll deal with you tomorrow Finn" my father said as we passed.
I heard Finn shut the door behind him.
"Somethings up dad and i need to find out what it is" i said trying to get away from him as he walked me to my room.
"No you've done enough today. Go to sleep and we will talk in the morning. Promise me you won't leave this room until morning" he said as we sat on my bed.
I looked at him and said nothing.
"Maddie please. I have Kol and Rebecca to worry about i dont want to have to worry about you too. Please give me your word" he said.
"Fine. You have my word." I said as i laid down.
My father kissed my head and went to walk out.
"Dad please stay" i said slowly.
"Until you fall asleep" he said as i laid back down and he sat on my bed. He gently rubbed my back like her did when i was little which helped me fall asleep faster.
Finns POV
"We Alright to speak freely?" I asked.
"Yes. The sage still burns" my mother said as she pulled out a paper.
"Maddie won't be able to spell her way through the sage will she?" I said.
"Elijah will take care of her. We have nothing to worry about at the moment" she said.
"You're not having second thoughts are you?" I asked.
"Of course not. It's just Elijah... he's so moral." She said.
"You're doing the right thing, mother" i said as i stood behind her.
"You understand what this means, don't you? This spell I'm casting tonight will bind you and your siblings together as one" my mother said.
"And Maddie?" I asked.
"No she wasn't there for the toast" my mother said.
I nodded. "I understand. When it is time, i will be ready to die." I said.
"Then we must complete the link." She said as she stood up.
"And what will we do about Maddie?" I asked.
"Let me worry about Maddie later" she said as she took my hand and placed a knife in it and sliced my hand open dripping blood on the paper with all of our names on it everyone but my niece.
I felt bad for the child but what we were doing was for the best and the witches weren't done with my niece yet.
"Phasmatos Inta grum vin callus... amalon callagius accodam... cosom naben dox... callagius amalon... gaeda callagius ceremum... phamoto descendium vinum... phasmoto inta grum callus... cosom naben dox." My Mother said as the blood on the paper covered each of our names making a tree.
"The link is complete. You are one" She said looking at me as the paper caught on fire.
Back to original POV
"I love you dad" i said with our opening my eyes.
I felt him get off my bed.
"I love you too Maddison" he said as the door to my room shut.

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