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My father and I just returned from a father daughter breakfast, his idea to get me away from all the spell studying i was doing. I was trying to prove myself worthy so my family would use me a their witch instead of all the other witches they try to use, Bonnie in mystic falls and Davina, Genevieve, and Sophie here in New Orleans. As we walked by the study we seen my uncle looking for something throwing books all over the place.
"Can i help you find something?" My father asked as we stood in the doorway with a cup in one hand and papers in another.
Okay part of the breakfast was talk about what to do next with the city.
"Yes. In fact, i believe you both can. I'm looking for a book about yay big." He said as he continued to look on the shelf.
"Describes about every book in this place" i said as i leaned on the doorway.
He turned and glanced at me before continuing his search.
"Filled with our mothers most powerful spells. It appears to have been misplaced." My uncle said.
"How very mysterious." My father said as he walked into the study and sat down at the desk.
"Indeed. At first i feared the witches had succeeded in their efforts to obtain it, but considering their last attempt ended with my relieving a rather large, tattooed gentleman of his hands, i began to wonder if the thief wasn't a bit closer to home." my uncle said as he turned and looked at me.
My father glanced up at my uncle as he wrote in his book. I walked over and sat on the edge of the desk.
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, little niece." My uncle said.
"Well, Niklaus admittedly i did have a theory that your sudden interest in mothers grumpier was in some way related to whatever foolishness you've been conducting with the crescent wolves. Therefore, i took it upon myself to carefully place it in the hands of a family witch where it rightfully so belongs, where naughty, little fingers couldn't pry." My father said.
"And here i thought you, of all people, would understand, i am simply trying to help those wolves, play Samaritan to the abused, champion to the underdog, so to speak."my uncle said as he walked towards us.
"How splendidly noble of you." My father said.
"Have you ever considered that, like you, i am trying to keep Hayley safe, using our mothers magic to empower her people so they are capable of protecting her?" My uncle said.
"Yes, unless, of course, they decide to seek retribution for decades held in exile" my father said as he got up and walked over and shut a drawer.
"Hayley will find herself in the middle of an uprising, one that will provoke further violence" i said as my dad fixed the books ok the dresser.
"You see niklaus, you risk turning New Orleans into a war zone brother. Maddie and I wont let that happen." My father said.
"The drums of war were beating longboard before we returned. I suggest you both use a little less of this" my uncle said pointing to his mouth.
"And a little more of these." He said pointing to his ears as he sat down on the couch of the study.

I smiled to myself because even though he knows I'm in full custody of my grandmothers books he won't find them nobody will because i cloaked them so only i know where they are in plain sight.

My uncles phone rang as we sat in the study.
"Think very carefully before you speak." My uncle said as he got up.
I listened carefully.
"The sound of your voice is likely to make me regret what mercy I've shown thus far." My uncle said.
"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm on your "who's been naughty" list. Thing is Cami needs you. Whatever anger you have towards me, don't make her suffer for it. She's with Kieran." I heard Marcel day through the phone.

"Maddie your coming with me" my father said as he put his jacket on.
"Oh another trip" i said as i grabbed mine and followed my father past my uncle and out of the compound.
"Where are we going?" I asked as we got into the car.
"Bayou" he said.
"Is something wrong?" I asked as we headed down the street.
"I don't think so but we need to check. She's due any time" my dad said.
"Are you scared she's going to die like my mother?" I asked.
"What happened to your mother doesn't happen much anymore but yes it has me a little scared." He said as we parked and walked through the woods.
"Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do." I heard Eve say from inside the cabin.
"I hope so. As fun as it is to image Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone." I heard Hayley say.
"I somehow doubt that." Eve said as my father and I appeared in the doorway.
Hayley looked over at us.
"Pardon the interruption. I wonder if Maddie and I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed upraising." My father said.
Both Eve and Hayley looked confused but nonetheless brought us to the boys.

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