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"Are you out of your minds?" Sophie asked.
"Slightly" i said.
"It's very simple. We need you to preform a teeny tiny locator spell to help us find our brother." My aunt said.
"Why me? You have a witch" Sophie said.
"It's my blood you will be using but they won't let me preform magic seeing as Klaus promised Marcel i wouldnt use magic." I said.
"Witches who practice magic in this town get caught and they get killed." Sophie said.
"Yes, and I cant be killed that's why i could very well use magic and nothing will happen to me" i said looking at my uncle.
"You're helping with the spell by using your blood i promised Marcel that you wouldn't use magic" Klaus said.
"I dont care about your damn promise to Marcel let me preform the spell and let Sophie off the hook" i said.
"No! She will preform the locator spell" Rebecca said.
I rolled my eyes.
"It seems that you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal..." Klaus said.
"Marcels secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic." I said.
"Girl about yay high, cute as a button, anger issues." Rebecca said as both her and my uncle sat down in chairs opposite of Sophie, i stood between the chairs.
"Davina? Where have you seen her?" Sophie questioned.
"Maddie and I seen her but we have no idea where. The little brat erased both our minds right after she threw me out a window with her bloody mind." Rebecca said.
"And after her and I had a magic stand off and Marcel snapped my neck" i said.
"Let me cut to the chase. Davina has Elijah. You witches, i assume want to get Davina away from Marcel. We don't know where she is. Ergo, we need magic that isn't going to include my niece." Klaus said.
"Davina would sense it. Maddie is much more powerful and could block Davina." Sophie said.
I looked at both my aunt and uncle.
"Unless, of course, another witch... day a traitor to the cause, Katie, for example was to perform much more powerful magic at the same time. That would create a smokescreen concealing your very small spell from Davina." Rebecca said.
"Katie doesn't deserve to die." Sophie said.
"Sophie Deveraux..." Klaus said as he hit the table with his hands.
I jumped and looked at my uncle as he got up from the chair.
"You're in no position to be so principled. You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be. How many times have the vampires been one step ahead, known something they shouldn't? Your sister executed in the public square for practicing magic. Who knew she'd be caught? Did she even attempt to flee?" Klaus asked.
"She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi." Sophie said.
"And who, pray tell, of Marcels valued inner circle manages his business at the docks?" Klaus asked.
"Katie's boyfriend, Thierry" Sophie said.
Klaus nodded.
"So it's settled. You will have Katie do the bigger distraction spell while you do the smaller spell with Maddie's help" Rebecca said.
Sophie nodded and got up and left the house.
After she left Klaus left and Rebecca left dragging me with her to the bar, the bar that Camille worked at.
I sat and drank my coke and listened to Rebecca talk to Camille.
"And so, then i moved back here to be closer to my brothers and my Niece because let's face it... family is important right Camille?" Rebecca said.
"Cami. I have to change this name tag. Drunk guys keep hitting on me in French. You sure you haven't been in here before, either of you? Both of you look so familiar." Cami said.
"You must have seen us out and about. Aren't you dating Marcel Gerard? He's a pal of ours... kind of. I heard he had a crush on the blond bartender at Rousseau's." Rebecca said.
Cami smiled.
"I would hardly call it dating. He's wooing me... sort of. I dont know. He's very charming which probably means i should run for the hills." Cami said.
I looked up from my coke and listened to the two a little more intensely.
"I'm kind of in an on-again/off-again thing myself at the moment." Rebecca said.
"And the guy i liked died right in front of my eyes" i said jumping into the conversation.
Rebecca looked at me sadly and looked back at Cami who had also glanced at me with sadness in her eyes, cami then looked back at my aunt.
"Those are the worst aren't they, the on-again/off-again." Cami said.
Rebecca nodded.
"The ones you cant shake, even though you know better, and you already know better." Cami said.
"I like you, Cami." Rebecca said with a smile as she glanced at me.
"Me too" i said with the same smile.
"Most girls have the unfortunate tendency of being whiny, little twits." Rebecca said.
"Thanks... i think." Cami said.
"Hey, we are supposed to go to this posh charity thing thrown by this philanthropist tonight. He's a bit of a Gatsby, throws a mean party. Any interest?" Rebecca asked.
She shrugged with a smile and then nodded.
"Sure I'll go" she said as she went back to work.
Rebecca and I walked away from the bar and she called Klaus.
"Little sister" Klaus said as he picked up the phone.
"Well, brother, I believe Maddie and I have made certain that Marcel will be properly distracted tonight." Rebecca said.
"Dare i ask?" Klaus asked.
"Lets just say his attention will not be on us. We did our bit. What are you doing to ensure Elijahs safe return?" Rebecca asked.
"Currently I'm preparing insurance against the tender-hearted." Klaus said.
"Meaning?" Rebecca asked.
"We need proper motivation for Katie to cast a powerful spell tonight. I'm creating that motivation. Marcel has ordered a rousting of the witches. I , in turn, have arranged for things to go tragically wrong. Marcel might not be concerned with Thierrys romantic entanglements... but there are other crimes which he'll be less inclined to so easily forgive... killing a vampire for example. That will be unforgivable. If Katie hopes to save her one true love from Marcels punishment, well, a rescue mission like that will require something positively magical, but then... what's worth dying for if not love?" Klaus said.
"You have a thought out plan there brother" Rebecca said.
"How is he so sure it will work?" I asked.
"Well Rebecca tell Maddie i know it will work but we will just have to see." Klaus said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Now Rebecca bring our little niece home we need to prepare for our end of the magic." Klaus said.
Rebecca nodded and hung up the phone.
"Let's go Maddie" she said as she headed out the door.
I followed.
"Why can't i just do the spell myself?" I asked.
"Because Klaus promised you wouldn't go magic" Rebecca said as we walked down the street to her car.
"Yes well Klaus doesn't keep promises to often" i said as i got into her car.
"Also your father would not be happy if you used magic and risked getting Marcels wrath for it." Rebecca said.
"I'm not scared of Marcel. He can't kill me" i said as we drive off.
"No but he can have Klaus put you to sleep where you will join your father in Davinas little layer" Rebecca said.
"We will see" i said as i looked out the window.

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