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"How could your mother do anything?" Elena asked.
"Because she was also a witch" Rebecca said looking at Elena.
"What?" Elena asked.
"The witch of the original family." Rebecca said.
"The original witch" i said
"If your mother was a witch then" Elena started.
"Am i? No. A witch is nature's servant. A vampire is an abomination of nature. You can either be one or the other. Never both" Rebecca said.
"But, why Maddie is also a witch" Elena said
"She's the only one in our family who kept the power of being a witch" Rebecca said.
Elena was quiet.
"My mother did this for us. She did not turn" Rebecca said.
"How did you guys turn?" Elena asked.
"She called upon the sun for life" Rebecca said.
"And the ancient white oak tree" i said
"One of nature's eternal objects for immortality" Rebecca said.
Again Elena was quiet.
"That night my father offered all of us wine laced with blood. And then he drove a sword through our hearts one by one. Lastly ending with Maddie who watched each and everyone of her family members die including her own father" Rebecca said looking at me.
"He killed you!" Elena said.
"And he wasn't delicate about it either" Rebecca said.
Each of us woke up around the same time gasping for air. I being last to be killed was last to wake up but i was only minutes behind everyone.
"Rebecca" Uncle Klaus called
"Blood. What happened?" Rebecca said looking down at herself.
"It will be alright. We will be alright" Klaus said as he grabbed Rebecca and comforted her.
"Maddison!" My father called as i sat up.
"Father" i cried as i hurried to him and hugged him.
"What are you doing?" Klaus said as grandpa walked in with a girl.
"It must be finished what we started" he said to Klaus and all of us really.
"You must drink if you want to live" Grandpa said kneeling the girl next to Klaus and Rebecca.
He drew his sword and slit her wrists.
Flashback over
"We had to drink more blood to complete the ritual" Rebecca said to Elena.
"Drink" my grandpa said.
Uncle Klaus tried to run but grandpa stopped him and pushed he back down.
"Drink!" He demanded.
He made Rebecca drink first and she cried at first but then she was fine. Klaus and Finn And Kol were next then my father. I backed away into a corner.
"Elijah! Grab her" my grandpa yelled.
"No! No father please!" I cried as he walked towards me.
"You have to love or you will die" Klaus said.
"I dont care if i die! I'll be with Henrik he'll keep me safe." I said.
My father grabbed me and carried me to the half dead girl. I was kicking and screaming.
"No father please" i cried.
"I'm sorry Maddie but as you're father i have to protect you and this is the only way. I dont want to see you die" my father said.
"Drink!" My grandpa yelled again and i turned away.
"Father please" my father said taking the girls hand.
"Maddie drink" my father said holding the arm up to me.
I shook my head and Klaus came up behind me and i watched my father nodded and the next thing i knew i was drinking the blood.
Flashback over
"It was euphoric. The feeling of power was indescribable. But the witch Ayana was right about the consequences The spirts turned on us and nature fought back" Rebecca said.
"For every strength there would be a weakness" i said slowly.
"The sun became our enemy" Rebecca said.
"It kept us indoors for weeks" i said.
"And then my mother found a solution" Rebecca said.
"There were other problems" i said.
"Neighbors who had opened there homes to us could now keep us out" Rebecca said.
"Flowers at the base of the white oak burned us" i said looking at Rebecca.
"And prevented compulsion" Rebecca continued.
"And the speed decreed that the tree that gave us life could also take it away" Rebecca said slowly.
"So we burned it to the ground" i said looking at Elena.
"The darkness consequence was something my parents never anticipated... the hunger... blood had made us reborn and it was blood that we craved above all else" Rebecca said.
"We could not control it.." i said.
"And with that.. the predictory species was born" Rebecca said.
"Why did Mikeal start hunting Klaus?" Elena asked.
"When Nik made his first human kill it triggered his werewolf gene. With that, he became my fathers greatest shame" Rebecca said.
"Yeah Elijah told me that part of the story" Elena said.
I looked at Elena at the mention of my fathers name.
"Your mother had an affair with one of the werewolf villagers. Klaus wasn't his son" Elena said.
"She tried to make it right" Rebecca said.
"She put the hybrid curse on Klaus to suppress his werewolf side and then she turned her back on him" i said
"But Mikaels greatest weakness as a human was his pride. As a vampire that was magnified. He went on a rampage and killed half the village." Rebecca said.
"And then he came home and killed her" i said.
"Mikeal killed your mother?" Elena asked.
"He said she broke his heart so he would break hers. He tore it from her chest as Nik watched. Inches away from the sleeping Maddison" Rebecca said.
I looked up slowly.
"Afterwards my father took off in rage. And the rest of the family scattered" Rebecca said.
"Nik stayed to help me bury her. He knew i had to say good-bye to my mother" Rebecca said.
"I know you think she hated you, Niklaus but she did not" Rebecca said starring at the grave.
"She was just afraid. I'm sorry she turned her back on you. I will never do that" Rebecca said as father and i walked over.
"Nor will we" my father said.
"We stick together as one" Rebecca said looking at the three of us.
"Always And forever" she said sticking her hand out.
Klaus took her hand and she stuck out her other hand and my father took it and then i took my fathers hand and uncle Klaus hand.
"Always And forever. Even though he locked you both in coffins for over 90 years" Elena said.
"We're  vampires. Our emotions are heightened . I'm stubborn, Elijah moral, Maddie kindness and moral, and Nik... Nik has no tolerance for those who disappoint him" Rebecca said looking down.
Each of us have done our fair share of disappointing Uncle Klaus that's why we ended up in box's in the first place.
"Over a thousand years as a family, we've all made that mistake at least once" i said.
"I've made it several times. And Elijah too" Rebecca said.
"And Maddie?" Elena asked.
"He usually daggered her to punish Elijah" Rebecca said sadly.
"But you guys still love him" Elena said.
"He's my brother and her uncle and we are immortal" Rebecca said.
"Should we spend an eternity alone instead?" I asked
"You've heard the story. It's time to go" Rebecca said to Elena.
Elena just stood there in the middle of the floor.
"I said leave Elena! I dont know what you're  up to. But we are no longer playing along. So leave me and my niece alone" Rebecca said walking to the door.
"I'm just looking for one good reason why we shouldn't wake up Mikeal" Elena said.
"And I've give you a thousand! But you will anyway. I know you want him to help you kill my brother. I'm not stupid" Rebecca yelled.
"It's no secret that i want Klaus dead. He has a hold over Stefan's life and over mine" Elena said.
"Do what you need. Wake Mikeal at your own peril but make no mistake. If you come after my brother i will rip you apart and i get my temper from my father. No leave" Rebecca said.
Elena did just that left.
Rebecca poured herself a glass of wine and handed me a a glass as well. The door to the house opened and i heard a heartbeat meaning it wasn't Damon or Stefan.
"I thought i told you to leave" Rebecca said with out turning around.
"Twice" i said from my seat.
"How do you know that Mikeal killed your mother?" Elena asked.
"Nik was there he told me" she said.
"He lies to you" Elena said.
"Maddie was there too" Rebecca said.
"Asleep" Elena said.
She was right i was asleep only woke up to grandma on the ground and Klaus standing there next to her heart.
"And how do you know that?" Rebecca said.
"The cave where you carved your families names is covered in symbols. The story of your family, how you're parents arrived, how they made peace, the spell that turned them into vampires, and this... this is the symbol for hybrid." Elena said showing both Rebecca and i pictures of the cave drawings.
"It's the combination of the symbol for werewolf and the symbol for vampire. And this is the one for your mother" Elena said as she put the pictures down.
"Her necklace" Rebecca said.
"And this is the story of her death" Elena said putting another picture down.
"The hybrid killed the original witch. Not Mikeal, Klaus" Elena said.
"No, no he wouldn't" Rebecca said.
"She put the curse on him, made it so that he would be the only one of his kind and then she rejected him. With the werewolf gene comes aggression and violence. When he turned all of that was heightened. He killed her Rebecca and then he made up this lie about your father so that he wouldn't lose you" Elena said.
"These mean nothing! They're just stupid drawings done by stupid people who have no idea who my family was!" Rebecca said as she threw the pictures into the fire.
"Then why are you so upset?" Elena asked.
"Why are you doing this to me? To us? We've done nothing to you!" Rebecca cried.
"Klaus killed your mother! He killed your grandmother! He has a hold on you guys, on me, on everyone! He has for a thousand years! We have to make it stop!" Elena pled.
"Shut up! Just shut up!" Rebecca yelled as she grabbed Elena by the throat.
"Rebecca Stop!" I yelled.
"Don't talk anymore! Nothing!" Rebecca yelled hold Elena by the throat. The veins under her eyes were showing.
"Stop it!"yelled grabbing her arm.
She let her go and started crying and she fell to her knees.
"Look What you've done!" I yelled
"I'm sorry but someone had to tell the truth. You knew the truth didn't you? He made you stay quiet" Elena said.
"No i didnt but i dont feel personally attacked my the death of my grandma but my aunt does because that's her mother, her brother, her father" i said.
"You're lying Maddie" Elena laughed.
"Leave! Or I'll make you leave and trust me you don't want me to do anything" i said.
Elena left and i sat next to Rebecca and hugged her and neither of us talked about anything. She just cried on my shoulder.

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