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We walked into the grave yard and headed for the place where the witches practiced magic.
"If digging up some creepy old bones means i get Monique back, i dont care about anything else." We heard Sophie day as we walked up.
"I happen to care" my father said.
They both turned around and faced us.
"You're coming we me." He said to Sophie.
As the two of us headed back to the car. Oddly enough she followed us without a fight and we went back to the compound and met Klaus and Rebecca in the study. My father sat at the desk, Klaus lended on the book case and Rebecca and I sat in the couch as Sophie stood above the coffee table looking at the drawing.
"So you have stolen the remains of the very person that Davina's been drawing for months. Would you care to explain this startling coincidence?" My father asked.
"I can't. I didn't even know who Celeste Dubois was until I ..." she started as the house began to shake and we heard Davina screaming.
She jumped and looked at my uncle and dad while my uncle just casually took a sip of his drink.
The shaking then stopped.
"What that Davina?" She asked.
"Charming little habit she's developed." Klaus said.
"And the earthquake I felt today?" Sophie asked.
"Also Davina... we were coming to ask you about that before Hayley told us about your mission to find Celeste" i said.
"She's also taken time vomiting dirt" Rebecca said.
"Oh. We have a huge problem. I thought that we had more time, but we need to complete the harvest now." Sophie said.
"Said the desperate witch conveniently." My uncle said.
"Why? What's wrong with Davina?" I asked.
"That earthquake you just felt was a preview of the disaster movie that is about to hit us." Sophie said.
"So tell us what's wrong? What is causing this? Why are we to believe you?" I asked.
"You've all met Davina, you know her story, for months now, she's been holding all the power of the 3 girls sacrificed in the harvest ritual, a force that was meant to flow through her and back into the earth. One person was never meant to hold all that power. It's tearing her apart, and it will take us down with it." Sophie said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"She will go through the 4 elements" Sophie said.
"Each will be more intense than the last" i said.
"Correct. How did you..." she started.
"I'm a witch Sophie i read the history" i said.
The four of us looked at each other as if we were all trying to figure out what to do. Clearly we had to finish this harvest thing but how could we save Davina from dying, what if she doesn't come back.
"Meeting closed" my uncle said as he got up and left the room.
"I'm going to talk to Davina" i said as i stood up.
"I'll go with her" Rebecca said as she followed me.
"Wait Rebecca" my father called as he stood up.
"What Elijah?" She asked.
"Take this" he said handing her a syringe.
Rebecca and I went to talk to Davina, leaving Sophie and my father alone. Davina was laying in bed.
"We know what's wrong with you" i said as i sat next to her.
"What?" She asked.
"You are going through the cycles of the 4 elements. First the earthquake, next will be wind." I said.
"Each will be more intense than the last, let's just say you will blow the roof off this place." Rebecca said.
"After wind comes water a flood and then last fire which will be the worst of the worst" i said as i took Davina's hand.
"How do we stop it?" Davina asked.
"They want to complete the harvest" Rebecca said.
"No!" Davina cried.
"The witches say you will be resurrected. Maddie will be there to make sure they aren't lying" Rebecca said.
"They're liars!" Davina cried as she looked at me.
"Please Maddie" she cried.
"Davina I'm going to help you. I wont let you die permanently I promise" i said.
"You can't. They will tell you anything you want to hear to get what they want, just like Marcel and just like you Rebecca. They will kill you too Maddie" Davina said.
I looked up at my aunt.
"Davina, you may think that I dont care about you but you are wrong. Maddie and I care about you. We know what's it's like to have your life stripped away from you because of other people's bad decisions. How do you think we became vampires?" Rebecca asked.
Rebecca pulled out the syringe that was meant to put Davina asleep or at least calm her down.
"What... what is that?" Davina said trying to pull her arm away from my aunt.
"Davina the more upset you become the faster you deteriorate." I said as she looked over at me.
"Elijah sent me with some sedative" Rebecca said.
"No, no, no" Davina cried.
"We keep you calm, we keep you alive Davina" Rebecca said.
"Stop, please" Davina said as she tried to pull away from Rebecca.
The wind started and things in the room began to fall as Davina fought Rebecca.
"Davina please" i said.
"Maddie don't let her do this" she cried.
Rebecca put the needle into Davina's skin and gave her the sedative.
The wind stopped as she fell asleep.
I sat with her as Rebecca went and got a IV drip full of the sedative and when she came back she sat it up and then the two of us left passing Marcel in the hall.
I sat in my room looking into a way to save Davina if this all went to hell and Rebecca went else where.
"No way. You aren't touching her!" I heard Marcel yell.
I jumped off my bed and ran out of my room just in time to see Marcel jump over the balcony and punch Klaus in the face.
"Ok. I'll let you have that one." My uncle said as my father held Marcel back.
"Marcel, nobody wishes to see Davina come to harm less than I, but there is no scenario here in which we simply wait this out" my father said.
"What if it were your daughter Elijah? What if Maddie was in Davinas position?" Marcel asked.
"He would make the sacrifice." I said as I walked down the stairs joining them.
They all looked at me.
"They would of course find a back up plan but in the end when it came down to it even if i fought it, they would sacrifice me to protect everyone else and trust the magic." I said.
"Maddie... I... no" my father said.
"Yes, in the long run i wouldnt be mad at them I would thank them" i said as i looked down at my feet.
"Marcel, we have to do this or she will die anyway taking the entire city with her." I said looking up at him.
"Something tells me you don't want that either" i said.
"You guys are just believing Sophie the witch who screwed everyone here over" Marcel said.
"No! I believe nothing until I've researched everything. I've looked for another way and while there is always another way we don't have time. Believe me Marcel i won't let Davina stay dead" i said.
"The harvest was working before it was stopped. If a nonbeliever like Sophie Deveraux can come to have faith that these girls will be resurrected, then I, also, am a believer." My father said.
Marcel pushes past my father and I and went to Klaus.
"I saved Davina from the harvest, and now you want me to just hand her over?" Marcel asked.
"Do you think that I'm happy about this? If the witches complete the harvest, not only do they regain their power. We lose a weapon against them. The earthquake I was willing to chalk up to hideous coincidence, but these winds?" My uncle said.
"If Davina is not sacrificed, then every inch of Earth that shook, everything blowing about now will soon be drenched in water and consumed by fire." I said.
"So what Klaus you care about the city now?" Marcel said.
"We ought to. We built it." My father said.
"And we all saw it burnt to the ground twice. I will not let that happen again. Do i make myself clear?" Klaus asked.
"Yeah. Yeah." Marcel said as he walked away.
"Not a people person are you, Niklaus?" My father said as he stood with his hands crossed over his chest.
"Nonsense. I love people." Klaus said as he walked past my father and I.
We both laughed.
"Just on my way to warn a couple of prominent ones in case the weather gets out of hand." He said as he stopped and looked at us.
"If you fancy yourself as plus diplomatique, perhaps you'd both like to come along." He said.
"No. Soon Sophie Deveraux shall be consecrating Celeste remains, and though her actions are reprehensible, still i should pay my respects." My father said as he glanced at me.
"I too should go with him to pay my own respects seeing as i couldnt the first time" i said.
"Hey. Do you have a minute?" Hayley said as she walked over to us three.
"On my way out" my father said as he walked out the door.
My uncle looked at her as the two of us followed my dad out.
"Which one of us is the people person again?" Klaus asked as we got outside.
"Not in the mood Niklaus. Maddie get in the car" my father said as he opened the passenger door.
I nodded and got in as he shut the door and went to the other side and got in. We drove over to the graveyard meeting Sabine and Sophie there.
My father and I stood back while Sophie did her thing. We watched as Sophie put the back dot on the skull. I looked up at my father and seen the look on his face. He was upset and rightly so. He turned away from them.
"You don't have to be here for this." Sabine said as she walked over to us.
My father turned and looked at her.
"It's going to take some time for Sophie to prepare for her consecration." Sabine said.
"I have time." My father said.
She looked at me.
I nodded.
"I owe her this." My father said.
"Care to elaborate why?" Sabine asked.
"Have you ever experienced something so... profoundly wonderful that when it was taken from you your life felt unbearable?" My father asked.
"Yes, i have felt that, and I've got scars to prove it." Sabine said.
"I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return, you're uniquely vulnerable. They have a power to hurt you it's like nothing else." My father said as the wind blow harder.
Suddenly my fathers phone rang.
"Rebecca?" My father said into the phone.
"He's taken the girl" she said.
"Who has?" He asked.
"Bloody, bloody Marcel!" Rebecca said.
"And you wanted to run off and start a life with this back stabbed." Klaus said in the background.
"Says the man who was shacking up with him not two seconds before all this went down." Rebecca yelled at Klaus.
"Stop!" I yelled.
My father turned and looked at me with his phone still on his ear.
The wind began to get stronger.
"We need to divide and conquer if we want to find her" i said.
"She's right he could have gone anywhere" Rebecca said through the phone.
"Well, Maddie and I are her with Sabine. Perhaps we could try a locator spell?" My father said.
"I'll take to the priest. They might even be at the church. It's the last place we'd think to look for them, right?" Klaus said.
"Ok. Klaus checks the church, I'll check everywhere else." Rebecca said as she hung up the phone.

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