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"You weren't joking about being hungry" Klaus said looking at Stefan.
We we back in the Storage unite where my uncle was keeping my father and other two uncles. I was sitting against my fathers it was the closest i had been to him in a long time.
"It's been a long day" Stefan said.
"Try being related to her. Both of them" Klaus laughed.
"Your being mean" Rebecca cried.
I ignored him. All i wanted was my dad back and then we could leave Uncle Klaus begins forever or so i wished but my father won't do that and honestly I'd miss him.
Stefan laughed too.
"And you why are you being mean? You use to love me" Rebecca said to Stefan.
It was true they use to love each other.
Flashback to 1920
"Uncle Klaus where's Rebecca?" I asked as i took a seat next to my uncle.
"Over there with Stefan. Dancing" Klaus said as he watched closely.
"Do you like him?" I asked.
"He's okay. He makes her happy" Klaus said.
"I wish i could be happy" i said looking down at my hands.
"And you will one day little niece" Klaus said smiling as he lifted my chin.
"Maybe. Do you think you could wake daddy up soon? He's learned his lesson" i said.
"Indeed soon little witch" he said kissing my head.
It was 1919 when my father was daggered after papa Michael found us in New Orleans. Father wanted to take me and run away from Klaus and and Rebecca, Klaus hated the idea and daggered him for suggesting such a thing. I was stuck with out my father morning the death of my friend Marcel with Rebecca.
Flashback over
"It's been 90 years Rebecca give him a minute" Klaus said.
"90 years you took from her" i said standing up. "From both of us. Do you enjoy locking us up Uncle Klaus?" I said looking at my fathers coffin.
He didn't answer and i just sat back down.
"Why are you taking Stefan side?" She asked.
"Because my dear sister i feel pitty for any man who doesn't give you want you want" Klaus said. I looked up at my aunt and uncle.
"Will you stop making me put to be a brat? I am not a brat!" Rebecca cried.
"1000 years of life experience says otherwise. Right Maddie?" Klaus said barely Audible.
"No" i stated. Staying out of the sibling fight. I learned that i was to keep to myself when it came to the Mikealson sibling bickers, even though i was a Mikealson doesn't mean i belong in the fights i was only their loving niece.
Klaus laughed at my statement.
My aunt was a brat sometimes but why take Klaus side? After all he won't let me undagger my dad.
"Your no picnic either" Stefan laughed.
"That i agree with" i said earning a look from my uncle.
"I've only spent one summer with you and i want to blow my head off" Stefan said.
"Fantastic" Rebecca laughed as she looked between me and Stefan with a smile.
"Come niece sit by your aunt Becca. Sitting by Elijah won't bring him up faster" she said patting the table of which she sat.
I slowly got up and joined her on the table across from the boys.
"I gotta go" Stefan said getting up and walking out.
"Where's he going?" Rebecca asked.
"To write a name on the wal. Long story" Klaus said with a smile.
It felt like hours til Stefan came back and he came back just at Klaus left to check on the witch.
"You're back" Rebecca said as her and i turned the corner.
"Finally" i said.
"Nik went to check on the witch" Rebecca said.
"Dreary isn't it? Family cargo" Rebecca said looking at the coffins in which contained our family.
"Why don't you undagger them?" Stefan asked.
"Because he wouldn't hunt us down and kill us" i said.
"He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother" Rebecca said.
"But you still care about him. Both of you.. why?" Stefan asked.
I looked at Rebecca.
"I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting" Rebecca said.
"You know when i met you three, you guys were on the run" Stefan said as the two of them sat on one of the coffins.
"Also exhausting" i said and Rebecca smiled and nodded.
"Who were you running from?" Stefan asked.
I swallowed hard and Rebecca and i looked at each other.
"What do you mean?" Rebecca asked quickly.
"The last night i saw you three. There was a man looking for you. The three of you seemed afraid. Just wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of someone" Stefan said.
"Nobody in this world is truly fearless, Stefan." Rebecca said.
"Not even Niklaus" i said.
"Who was that man?" Stefan asked.
"I cant. We can't. Please" Rebecca said looking at me as if it was a warning to keep my mouth shut.
We were on the run from my grandpa he wanted to kill all of us especially Niklaus.
"If Nik knee we were talking about this, he would.." Rebecca started as she stood up.
"No, no, no I'm sorry" Stefan said joining her.
"Just a forget i asked" Stefan said.
She nodded.
"He told me about the girl you loved" Rebecca said. "The one that died. He also told me you were only with him because he saved you brother"
"It's true" Stefan said.
"I think he secretly admirers that about you. He'd sacrifice anything for family" Rebecca said with a smile.
"Don't tell him i told you that" she whispered.
"Your secret is safe with me" Stefan said with a smile.
Then they kissed and i watched with aw wishing one day i could kiss a boy like her. I looked up to my aunt she was the only girl in the family besides myself.
"Do you think you will ever love anyone like you loved that girl?" Rebecca asked.
"One day maybe" he said.
"I can always tell when your lying Stefan" she said.
"What? I'm not.." he said.
"Don't bother. Your kiss already gave it away" she said as Klaus said in.
"Gloria's gone. Cleared out. When need to find a new witch" Klaus said as he joined us.
"Me! I can help uncle Klaus please" i said.
"Fine little witch you are my new witch. But if things become life threatening then your done" he said looking at Stefan and Rebecca.
"Yes okay" i said with a smile.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Something's wrong. He was asking about Michael" Rebecca said as i snapped out of my happiness.
"He's not with us Nik, i can sense it" Rebecca said looking at Klaus.
"I agree with Aunt Becca" i said.
Klaus looked at Stefan then at Rebecca then at me.
"She's wrong. They both are" Stefan said acting nervous.
"Klaus.." Stefan said looking at my uncle.
My uncle just stared at him before snapping his neck.
We loaded all the coffins in the truck along with Stefan's lifeless body and headed for Mystic Falls our birth place.
The truck stopped and Uncle Klaus kicked Stefan's foot and Stefan jumped up and looked around. Rebecca and i sat behind Klaus. We where in the back of the truck and it was dark.
"Give me a chance to explain myself"Stefan said
"No need. I'm not mad. Just curious, Rebecca and Maddison seem to think your holding on to something. Piece of your old life. The thing is they both have flawless instincts borderline supernatural. So i thought i would check it out. See for myself what you're hiding" Klaus said as he got up and opened the back door of the truck.
"Welcome home Stefan" Klaus said with a smile.

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