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It was nightfall and i was still with my uncle using his words against him. Drinks=secrets..
We sat in a dark bar and Marcel came in.
"I know that face. Woman trouble." My uncle said as Marcel walked over.
My uncle had a drink in his hand.
"You're a dick. You know that! Why didn't you tell me your sisters back in town?" Marcel asked.
"Um we didn't tell you because, we thought you knew everything that happened in this city." I said with a smirk.
Marcel glared at me.
"I thought it would be more amusing for you to find out for yourself." Klaus said as he took a drink.
"Is there anything else that i need to know?" Marcel asked looking at both of us
"Only that's she's grown considerably more insane in the last century." Klaus said.
"Her and I were in a box for the last 90 years! A couple years after we left New Orleans we were put in a box" i said.
"I'm thinking maybe it was her who killed my guys" Marcel said.
"Doubtful" i said.
"Unless that biker bar is frequented by small-town high-school quarterbacks, i cant imagine she'd be interested" Klaus said looking up at Marcel.
I rolled my eyes, i knew exactly who he was talking about. Matt Donovan.
Suddenly Marcels phone rang and he answered it and Klaus and I listened to the conversation.
"Just got a tip someone saw a werewolf in Bienville park." The guy on the phone said.
"Get a couple night-walkers to run it down. Bring me back it's head." Marcel said as he hung up.
"Hayley" i thought to myself.
"Well i guess that solves the mystery of the murdered riffraff. At least my sisters in the clear." My uncle said.
I punched him in the arm as Marcel turned around and my uncle glared over his shoulder at me.
"About that. I dont have time for Mikaelson family drama. You're my guest. Keep your sister and niece in line." Marcel said as he walked away.
"I have a greater chance of draining the Mississippi with a straw!" My uncle called after him.
I rolled my eyes and called Rebecca and told her to be on the look out for Hayley as she may be in trouble. Which she already knew some how. Not even 10 minutes later i got a text saying she saved Hayley and was going back to the house so my uncle and I met them there. When we arrived there were bodies of Marcels night-walkers.
"This is why i told you to never leave the house. Werewolf's are banned in the quarter." My uncle said as he dragged the last body to the pile and turned and looked at us. I stood next to Hayley and next to Hayley stood Rebecca.
"I had a plan, and your little nighttime stroll put it all in peril." He continued.
Rebecca headed forward to shut up the one guy that lived who was groaning in pain.
"Leave him!" Klaus yelled.
I jumped and Rebecca backed up.
"You've done enough, dont you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a roadmap to my door?" Klaus asked.
"If i hadnt overheard this little bragging about werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed. And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one has seen you do a damn thing! Elijah and Maddie made a deal to protect your child so that he can save you from your selfish, rotten self. You obviously don't give a damn about your child, Elijah, or Maddie because what have you done to honor it?" Rebecca said.
"I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day i arrived Marcel hasn't trusted me. From day one he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain, which as you know little sister, protects them from my mind control. I needed a spy, someone on the inside with me who Marcel would never suspect, so i created a day zero and got there first. Marcel had just lost 6 vampires thanks to your little murder spree, and he needed new recruits, so i made the new one mine before he'd had a drop of vervain. But we all know the real way to a man is through his heart, so... i had a chat with Camille. And this vampire here I'm going to drain him of vervain, comes him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah. So that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight." Klaus said as he dragged the body past us girls and into the house.
We followed him into the house.
"Does anyone have any questions?" Klaus asked as Rebecca shut the door.
None of us said anything.
"No? Good. Because i have a question, Hayley. What were you doing in the bloody French quarter in the first place?" Klaus asked.
She just looked at him but said nothing.
"Answer me!" He yelled.
I again jumped, not entirely sure why i jump seeing as I've dealt with him yelling like this for 1000 years but it still scares me.
"Leave her be" Rebecca said.
"You want to know what i was doing? I was buying poison so i could put your little baby out of its misery." Hayley said.
In a instant Hayley was up against the wall with my uncles hand around her neck.
"Niklaus let her go!" I demanded.
He ignored me.
"Nik. Nik." Rebecca said.
He kept choking her so I used magic to force him off her throwing him slightly backwards.
"Keep your hands off her, she pregnant for Gods sake!" Rebecca yelled as i stood in front of Hayley making she she was okay.
"Your okay now" i said as she rubbed her throat where his hands were.
"All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it..." Rebecca said.
I turned and looked at my aunt and uncle as i stood by Hayley.
"It's okay to care, Uncle Nik." I said.
"It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you, all we've ever wanted." Rebecca said.
My uncle sat down and my aunt sat next to him.
"I gave Elijah to Marcel." My uncle said.
"What?" Rebecca asked.
"What!" I screamed causing the entire house to shake.
"Marcel was nervous. It's bad enough one original returned to town, but three? His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so i gave him a peace offering." Klaus said.
"You bartered our brother, Maddie's father." Rebecca said.
"I have a plan. Gain Marcels trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijahs wish that that baby be born. I am executing the plan the only way i know how. If you guys don't like it, there's the door. See if i care" Klaus said as he got up and walked away.
My aunt and I went out back and sat on the porch and looked at the stars. I heard foot steps and looked over and seen Hayley she joined us.
"I know you guys don't know me very well but thanks. I appreciate what you guys did in there." Hayley said.
"Us girls have got to look out for each other." Rebecca said with a smiles.
"What is it with you guys? You two say you hate him, but the way you deal with him, it's so clear. Even when you hate him, you still love him." Hayley said.
"I guess when you spend 1000 years with someone, deciding to quit them is like losing a part of yourself. But sometimes the hate is just so powerful. Emil wasn't the only boyfriend of mine that Klaus killed. He did it again, and again, and again, every time i found someone to care about. He just kept doing it until finally i stopped falling in love. He said he was protecting me from my mistakes, that no one was ever good enough for his little sister... until one day someone was." Rebecca said.
Rebecca and I were sitting at the table drinking tea when Marcel walked up.
"How was the river?" Rebecca asked
"It's cool, sweet." Marcel said as he stood next to Rebecca.
"I should go" Rebecca said as she stood up.
Marcel grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall and kissed her.
I felt nervous like something bad was going to happen, i looked around as they kissed.
"My brother will kill you!" Rebecca said as she pushed Marcel off of her.
"Then I'll die smiling" Marcel said as he kissed her again.
All the sudden my uncle came down the stairs and pushed me out of the way and pulled Marcel off Rebecca and pushed him into the wall.
"Did i not warn you?" Klaus yelled as he held the jousting stick to his chest.
"Klaus, I beg of you!" Rebecca said as she rushed forward.
I too ran over to them.
"He's not like any other. You saw it in him from the very first day. You saved him, protected him. You raised him. You cannot kill him." Rebecca said as she gently lowered my uncles arm and he dropped the stick.
I stood on the other side of my uncle opposite of Rebecca.
"You are right. I cannot." He said as he turned and stabbed her with the dagger.
Marcel jumped and i screamed and tried to run forward but Marcel grabbed me.
"No! Please!" I cried.
"But you, dear sister, need a lesson in what you can and cannot take from me." Klaus said as Rebecca's skin turned gray.
Flashback over.

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