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"I want to be unlinked from my siblings. Maddie" my uncle said as he stood behind me.
"Breathing down my neck isn't helping." I said
"Well hurry up" he said
"Look i have to look threw all these books to figure out what spell she did and reverse it and you being you is not helping uncle Klaus" i said.
"Fine then we will pick this up tonight. We are going do a visit to see your Uncle Finn that you so nicely found last night" Klaus said.
"Do i have a choice?" I asked.
"No not really" he said.
"Alright off we go i guess" i said as i got up and grabbed my jacket and headed for the door with my uncle.
It's been a couple days since Rebecca burned all the white oak and that i called my father. My uncle made my dad promise to call me every night and in turn i would stop being depressed. I took the deal talking was better than nothing.
We drove to where we knew Finn was and oddly enough found him walking down the street. We ran and caught up with him.
"Hello Finn" my uncle said.
"Hello Niklaus. I have nothing to say to you" Finn said.
"How about me?" I asked.
"Not to you either" he said.
"Well we aren't here to chat. I will ask you one time. Where is our mother?" Klaus asked.
"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives and when she does I'll sacrifice myself all over again except this time I'll make sure Maddie doesn't mess it up" Finn said.
"Well how fortunate that Maddie for you with a locator spell. I require you assistance" Klaus said.
"I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead" Finn said.
"How about me? Help me then" i said.
"Not helping you either Maddison" he said.
"How rude here i thought you would willingly owe me one being as u snapped my neck" i said.
"You really have to get over than. Niklaus put you in a box for christ sake" Finn said
"I havent forgave him either" i said.
"Well you see that's the thing you won't be able to see me dead because if i die you die so it's a wish unfulfilled" Klaus said.
"Oh bother someone else with your hollow charms Niklaus" Finn said. "And for the love of God take her with you"
"Why? When i can bother my big brother" Klaus said.
"You have another one of those go bother him" Finn said.
"I need you to accompany you back to mystic falls. Maddie is working to undo Esther spell with the help of another witch. You know the spell that has us linked" Klaus said.
"I do not wish to be unlinked." Finn said.
"Again with the wishes." Klaus said stopping Finn from walking any farther.
"Look Uncle Finn can i still call you that? Anyway the rest of the Mikealsons wish to be unlinked so that four to one of i did my math right" i said
"Let me rephrase that. You will come back with me or i will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years" Klaus said.
"What happens to one happens to all. You might not feel the effects of the dagger but you'd lose your precious Rebecca" Finn said.
"Wouldn't be the first time" Klaus said.
He vamped away only to run into Rebecca.
Yes it was a three man trip and rightly so, Klaus and I went after him meeting him and Rebecca in an ally.
"Let's not make this any worst than it has to be darling brother" Rebecca said.
"You're siding with him? Rebecca and Maddie he stored us in boxes." Finn said looking at both of us.
"At least he's not trying to make us extinct. And take away a little girls father forever" Rebecca said.
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Finn asked Klaus
"That's right you have a death wish" i said looking at my Uncle.
"I'm not going to let you take the rest of my family down with you" i said looking over at my aunt and then at my other uncle.
Klaus slammed him into the wall and Finn laid on the ground.
We shoved Finn into the car and back to mystic falls we went.
The two of them threw Finn into the house upon arrival and i walked proudly behind.
"Gather the other witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it" Rebecca said.
I ran to the study and grabbed the book that had the spell.
"I think this ones right" i said.
"Think? Better be" Klaus said.
I nodded and grabbed the knife.
"You can't force me to help you" Finn said.
"Hey buddy remember me? I'll force you to do what ever i want" i said bending down to his level.
"We aren't using force though Maddison. Remember" Klaus said.
I nodded and stood back up as Sage walked down the steps.
"Hello Finn" sage said as Finn turned and looked at her
"Sage!" He said as he jumped up and ran to her.
"What do you know. True love prevails" Rebecca said looking at Klaus who was reading something on his phone.
"It does occasionally have its uses" Klaus said not looking up from his phone.
"Easier than torching him" he said as he wrote something on his phone and then looked up putting the phone back in his pocket.
"I have something to do. What do you need from me for this spell?" Rebecca asked.
"Your blood" i said
"Where are you going?" Klaus asked.
"I have some unfinished business with Damon Salvatore" Rebecca said.
"More sex?" I asked.
"No" she said.
"Ask Sage What he did to me" Rebecca said.
"Y'all had sex again" i said.
"You Stop it." Klaus said looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
Rebecca walked out and Klaus looked over at Sage and Finn who were happy.
Sage and Finn went on a walk and Klaus and i prepares for the spell.
Suddenly there was groaning from the parlor and i followed Klaus to check it out. Rebecca has Damon Salvatore strung up with wild animal traps.
"Well look what you caught. If your trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?" Klaus asked. I stood on the door way and watched.
"I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain thank you very much" Rebecca said.
"Well excuse me. It's not like i have any experience in the matter" Klaus said with a smile.
"You know why don't you just leave me be. Take Maddie and go back to preparing the spell" Rebecca said.
"Hey what did i do?" I asked.
"Your allowing him to be here" she said.
"Come on Uncle Nik" i said.
He smiled and turned away and we went back to the study.
"Well?" Klaus asked as we walked into the study.
"This spell is tricky and it's harder with you breathing down my neck" Bonnie said.
"Come on Bonnie we can do this it's not extremely hard" i said.
"Then sit down and help me" she said.
"Bonnie you've been warned" Klaus said.
"If your looking for away to send help, i will kill anyone who comes to rescue you" my uncle said
"I dont know if i can do the spell" Bonnie said as she got up.
"That's why my niece is going to help you" Klaus said.
"Alright." My uncle said as he dialed a number on his phone.
"Kol! How's the weather up there in mile high city?" Klaus asked Kol.
Kol replies.
"And how's our friend?" Klaus asked.
Kol replies again.
"That's him" Klaus said taking his phone off his ear and walking over to Bonnie with a video.
"There's Jeremy playing fetch with his new puppy. Isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?" Klaus said to Bonnie.
I forces my self to stay cool.
"Thank you Kol, we'll be in touch" Klaus said hanging up the phone.
"So Bonnie How about that spell?" Klaus asked
Suddenly there was a scream.
"What was that?" Bonnie asked.
"I wouldnt let it bother you love." Klaus said from his seat.
"Well it does bother me. You bother me" she spat.
"Hey hey lets just finish this spell please" i said.
"You use people to get what you want. It's not right" Bonnie said.
"Your being emotional Bonnie. I understand that things have been rough for you. You know with your mother leaving. Again. It's very sad. I can help you find her. If you want. I have people who can find people. I could bring her back to you. Or if you choose i can bring back parts of her. But isn't it obvious? That I'm just going to continue to hurt the people that you love until you do the spell. Now, i know that the two of you save studies the spell and i know it requires the blood of my siblings" my uncle said as he opened up a bag with everyone's blood in it.
"Here we are. Elijah, Rebecca, Kol, Finn." Klaus said with a smile.
"You seem my father?" I questioned.
"Ah yes he stopped by last night while you were asleep. He can up and have you a kiss" Klaus said.
I bit my lip and looked down at the ground.
He bit his hand and dropped his blood on the ground.
"So Bonnie where do you want our blood?" Klaus asked.
She brought over a cup and filled it up with Klaus blood.
She added the blood all together in the cup and grabbed my hand and we started chanting the spell.
Bonnie took the cup with her other hand and poured it on the table in front of us and we continued to chant the spell.
The candles burned brighter and the blood separated and we finished the spell.
"It's done" i whispered i let go of Bonnie's hand.
Klaus walked Bonnie to the door.
"Awe leaving so soon?" Rebecca asked.
"Sister. Be nice" Klaus said.
"Thank you Bonnie. See you in physics class" Rebecca said as she walked away
"Oh my god" Bonnie said as she seen Damon.
"Yeah you will have to excuse the mess. Apparently Damon hurt her feelings" Klaus said.
"Bonnie..." Damon said.
"Go on. Help him. save the man that turned you mother into a vampire." Klaus said.
Bonnie looked at Damon and turned to Klaus
"Just get me out of here" she said.
"Very well" he said as he opened the front door.
I looked outside and seen Bonnie crying by her car and i walked outside.
"Bonnie I'm sorry" i said.
"Just go away" she said.
"Please. I'm not like my Uncle" i said.
"You just stood by and let him threaten Jeremy. I thought you cared about him" Bonnie said.
"I do it's just complicated" i said.
"Go back inside please just stay away from me" she said.
"My dad left too" i said.
She looked at me.
"He felt bad about hurting Elena or threatening her rather and he left me here" i said.
"Maddison!" My uncle called.
"I have to go" i said as i ran back inside.

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