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I hid in the shadows of the ship with my father as we heard foot steps of people from another ship.
"Where in hell is everyone?" One of the guys said.
"Deserted, which makes everything in the hold literally forfeit." Another said.
I giggled and my father put his hand over my mouth and shook his head.
"Take what suits you" another said as the foot steps got closer.
"What do you make of that?" One said.
I saw what they were looking at it was the coffins in which my Uncles Finn and Kol laid.
"Open it up" one guy said.
I watched then open Kols coffin.
"What the hell" the one guy said.
That's when my dad nodded and vamp sped around them and grabbed one. The next guy ran up the steps also getting grabbed. The last one stood there scared.
"Hello" i heard Rebecca say.
That's when i walked out and stood next to her.
She whipped blood off her face and looked at the guy.
"Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey wouldn't you agree Maddie?" Rebecca asked.
"Yeah for sure" i said with a smile.
"Can i eat him brother? Or can Maddie?" Rebecca asked.
"I'd rather neither of you did" my father said making himself known.
The guy turned around and looked at my father.
"No need to be afraid. You'll do exactly as i say." My father said.
"Oh father let me do it please!" I begged.
"Alright" he said.
I walked up to him and stood by my father.
"You will remember nothing." I said as i compelled him.
"I will remember nothing." He repeated.
"We've had a very long journey, wherein which, unfortunately we lost all of our crew. Therefore i will kindly ask you to kindly transport our belongings to the shores." My father said.
"What kind of hell demons are you?" The guys asked
"We are vampires, darling, the original vampires..." Rebecca said as he turned and faced her.
"Rebecca, Elijah, Maddie, our brothers Kol and Finn may they Rest In Peace" Rebecca said.
"Are we saving the best for last?" Klaus asked as he appeared.
"And our half-brother Niklaus" Rebecca said as she rolled her eyes as she turned around.
Up on deck Uncle Klaus held a body of the person he had killed.
"Ignore him he's a beast" i said.
He laughed and dropped the body and it fell down the steps at Rebecca's feet.
"We fled Europe and survived the seas. Would you rather i arrived hungry on the shores of our new homeland?" Klaus asked.
"Niklaus, your manners are, as always, without equal. Sir would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed?" My father asked.
"The French colony of Louisiana off the shores of a town they've named New Orleans" the guy said.
"Thank you so much." My father said as he put his arm around me and we headed up to shore.
"Oh, i do recommend that you find yourself a little assistance for the luggage. My sincere apologies." My father said as he helped me up the steps and then followed me.

The witches let my dad take Hayley who was connected to Sophie, so if we tried anything like tried to kill Sophie then it would also kill Hayley. I'm working on the spell to reverse that. My uncle agreed to the deal with the witches which is the only reason Hayley was aloud to come with us to the house we had a long time ago.
As soon as we got into the house Hayley started uncovering stuff and she coughed due to the dust on the furniture.
"You alright?" My father asked as he walked into the living room where Hayley and I were.
"Just dust" Hayley said as she pulled more sheets off the furniture.
"This place is ancient." She said.
"Yes. It should serve our purposes, don't you think Maddie?" My father asked.
"Yes" i said as i looked around the living room.
"It's a sanctuary from our business in the quarter." My father said as he walked towards Hayley.
"Right now your the most important person in this family. You need a good home." My father said as he looked at her.
He was right, and now maybe everyone will focus on her and my unborn cousin and let me be me.
"And before you get any ideas Maddison, you are still very important to this family and to me" my father said looking at me.
"Just when i thought..." i started
He shook his head.
"Alright" i said looking at the floor.
"I am curious. In all this time, has anyone asked you how you feel?" My father asked Hayley.
"About having a miracle baby with a psychotic one-night stand?" Hayley asked.
"About being a mother." My father said.
She stood there and kind of shook her head.
My father smiled and uncovered furniture.
"I... I was abandoned when i was born, and my adopted parents kicked me out the second i turned into a wolf. So i don't really know how i feel about being a mother because i never really had a good one." Hayley said.
"I will always protect you. We will protect you Maddie and I." My father said as he looked at me.
I nodded.
"You have our word on that" he said.
Hayley looked at both of us and smiled.
"And Noble Elijah and his darling daughter always keep their word." Klaus said as he entered the room.
"Is it done?" My father asked him.
"As a matter of fact, yes. Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Marcel was only to happy to accept my blood, even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man Thierry yet lives, and i remain a welcome guest in the French quarter. My only concern now is this coven of impudent witches." My uncle said.
"I believe them to be honorable. They did release Hayley to Maddie and I, although they haven't been entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don't want him dead. There must be a reason why." My father said as he walked over to my uncle.
"There's a secret weapon that he's using. I want to find out what it is" i said.
"That puts you in danger" my father said.
"I cant be killed like the other witches. I can use magic and Marcel won't touch a hair on my head. We were friends once, i liked him and then he choose Rebecca, she was the better choose anyways she's much pretty than myself but nonetheless we have history." I said.
"No. You will do no such thing until we know what we are up against" my father said.
At this point Hayley had enough and walked away to explore the rest of the house.
"Please dad i know what I'm doing. I'm not a little kid anymore let me help protect Hayley and this baby." I said.
"In addition to the secret weapon that he uses to control the witches, Marcel has assembled a small army of vampires working together we could destroy them from the inside" my father said looking at my uncle ignoring me of course.
"And what of Rebecca? Has she stopped her pouting long enough to join the fun?" My uncle asked.
"She has made her disinterest quite clear." My father said.
"One too many times daggered and shoved in a box, i gather" my uncle started.
I laughed.
"I think we've all met our mark on the daggered and put in a box. I'm tiered of it myself" i said.
My uncle shrugged.
"Or perhaps she doesn't share your unwavering belief that i can be saved." Klaus said as he looked at my father.
"Rebecca May surprise us yet. After all we all swore the same vow, even my thirteen year old daughter made that vow." My father said as he uncovered the piano as my uncle poured a drink.
"I hope she stays far away because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized, one massive vulnerability, one weakness that Marcel could exploit." My uncle said as he walked towards my father.
"And what is that Uncle Klaus?" I asked.
"Elijah" my uncle said as he stabbed him in the heart with a dagger.
"No!" I screamed as i ran towards my uncle.
He laid my dad down and turned to me.
I used my powers to make him scream and he fought through it and grabbed me and broke my neck.

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