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My father and i walked down the stairs with Kol following behind us everything was beautiful and there were a lot of people here.
I watched Kol introduce himself to the Mayor who was talking to Damon Salvatore. I'm a watcher always have been since i could remember, i stayed by my fathers side sipping the Champagne the waiter was coming around with. I hadn't seen my grandma since this afternoon when she caught me ease dropping on hers and Klaus conversation and i haven't seen Rebecca since she did my hair and make up. I heard the doors open and i looked over and seen Elena Gilbert strut in and i seen Damon walk over to her as well as Stefan.
"Why doing you go mingle dear? I'm not going anywhere." My father said.
"I know but i haven't many people to mingle with father. They don't like me much here" i said as Elena was escorted by both Salvatore brothers.
I rolled my eyes and looked among the crowd looking for my aunt or maybe just maybe Caroline, she seemed to like me okay enough.
A little while later Caroline did show up in the most stunning blue dress.
"Father I'm going to greet Caroline" i said with a smile.
I hoped deep down that she would one day be my friend and see past the blood i share with my uncle.
I, however, wasn't the only person who noticed her, my uncle Klaus did as well and by the look in his eyes i could tell he was falling in love with her or was already in love with her.
"Okay" he said as he kissed my head and then continued to talk to the people he was talking to.
I walked over to Caroline.
"You look very pretty like always Caroline" i said with a smile.
"Thank you. And you look pretty too Maddie. Did your uncle send you over?" She asked.
"No. I came on my own. I was hoping you would be here That way i had someone to talk to. I like You Caroline your the only person I've ever semi considered a friend" i said.
"You're a sweet person Maddie stuck in a life you don't deserve. I believe you are good better than the rest of your evil family" she said.
"Thanks" i said with a smile.
"Good evening" my uncle said as he made his way over to us.
"I need a drink" Caroline said as she walked away.
"You like her don't you?" I asked as he watched her walk away.
"I think so niece" he said looking at me.
"I can see it in your eyes Uncle. It's a new look on you and i like it. Shows you are capable of love" i said.
He just looked at me and smiled.
I looked over at the drink table and seen my Uncle Finn talking to Elena.
"Uh, if everyone could gather, please" my father announced.
Us Mikealsons made our way to the stair case and stood upon it together as a family me at the side of my father.
"Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know when ever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance." My father said as my grandma came down the stairs.
Rebecca and Finn stood behind me and Kol and Klaus steps above my father. When i looked out i could see Stefan and Damon whispering to each other.
"Tonight's pick is a Century old waltz, so if all of you could please find a partner, please join us in the ballroom" my father said directing people to the ballroom with a smile.
I looked at my father and he nodded and i headed down the steps with him following behind me and my uncles and aunt behind him, however, my grandma whatever she was planning didn't follow and i was beginning to get a bad feeling about her true intentions. We all gathered in the ballroom. I stood on the out skirts of the room watching everyone get a partner even seen Elena and Damon enter which was somewhat unexpected. My Uncle Kol was with some random person of course with his charms and looks and Uncle Finn as well with someone to my surprise and Uncle Klaus was paired up with Caroline and Aunt Rebecca was with Matt Donovan the hot football player who she was supposed to go to homecoming with. My father was with a girl as well and i watched everyone dance around the ballroom. I watched as they switched partners and i wished so much that i too could be out there dancing with them all but i had nobody to dance with...
Suddenly a hand grabbed mine and i looked up and seen none other that my father.
"Thought you could get out of a family tradition?" He asked with a smile.
"I hoped" i said as we danced.
"You don't blend in very well love" he said.
"You didn't have to ditch your partner for me. I was fine" i said.
"Fine? I seen you, you wanted to be out here and what other way to get you out here with a father daughter dance." He said.
I just smiled. I tried not to notice Elena and Stefan slip out but i couldnt help it. I looked around and seen Caroline with Matt and Aunt Rebecca with Damon and Uncle Kol with another girl and Uncle Finn too and Uncle Klaus with another girl as well. Soon the dance was finished and i joined Uncle Kol And Aunt Rebecca at the drinks
"Where's your date?" Kol asked Rebecca
"Flirting with his ex" she said her voice dripping with jealousy.
"You've changed, Becca. You know settling for mortals is the first sign of weakness" Kols said.
"Oh shut up Kol" i said.
"Don't tell me you've done the same little niece" Kol said.
"I havent. But let Becca be happy with who ever she pleases" i said.
"I'm not settling. And she's lying she like Elena Gilberts little brother" she said.
"Who does?" My father asked as he joined the conversation.
"Your daughter has apparently fallen for a mortal brother. Where is he tonight?" Kol asked.
"I chose not to know. Elena was willing to tell me and i chose not to know" i said.
"Oh dear" my uncle said with a laugh as my father walked away.
I rolled my eyes. As much as i love Kol he too is a pain in the ass sometimes.
"I brought him her to kill him" Rebecca said.
"What?" I laughed.
She looked over at me and then slowly back at her glass.
"He's Elena's friend. If he dies she suffers. But I've already be scolded once, so i was hoping you would help your baby sister out." Rebecca said.
"And spit right in the face of mothers rules?" Kol asked as he looked over at Matt.
"I'm in" he said with a smile.
"You two can leave me out of whatever your planning I'm going to find my father" i said as i walked away.
"Father what's wrong" i asked when i walked up to him.
"I dont trust your grandma. And i know you feel it to" he said.
"I dont trust her at all" i said.
"She's requested to talk to Elena alone. That worries me" he said.
"Did she go?" I asked
"Yes but she's promised to tell me everything." My father said.
"And you trust her?" I asked.
"Yes i do" he said.
I laughed and looked at him. "I dont" i said as i walked up the steps towards my grandmas room.
"Sage" i whispered.
"She thought you might come up here" i heard.
I turned around and seen my Uncle Finn.
"Not like i cam hear anything she's using Sage" i said.
"Yes because she doesn't want anyone to know what they are talking about" he said.
"What is she planning Uncle Finn" i asked.
"Doesn't matter. Now go return to the party" he said.
"No" i said looking at him.
"Very well then" he said as he vamped over and snapped my neck and everything went black.

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